TP, 25-Oct-2001

Run 2001, Mu/m fractions in solid gases

Measure energy dependence of m+ fractions in 1000 nm thick layers of s-Ne, s-Ar, s-Kr (s-Xe) s-N2 deposited on a Ag/Al sample holder plate. The measurement of Mu in s-Xe and s-N2 is difficult due to the large relaxation rates of 13 ms-1 and 7 ms-1 , respectively, mainly caused by the nuclear moments of Xe and N. In Run12 these relaxation rates were measured at T = 30 K (s-Xe) and T = 13.5 K (s-N2). For s-Ar, it was measured to 0.5 ms-1 at 10 K.

Measure this time s-Ne and s-Kr for the first time (s-Kr of Run12 was a "quick" shot only). Test B-field dependence at different implantation energies, annealing of layers, different growing conditions. See folder "Mu/m+ in thin solid gas layers" for more information. Papers on bulk measurements are attached there.

Run 12 results:

Run 2001 measurements:

s-Ne: 1000 nm ( 1000s @ 0.7 x 10-5 mbar (B1 penning gauge, GK closed, 100CF open)), 5 K
s-Ar: 1000 nm ( 1000s @ 3 x 10-5 mbar (B1 penning gauge, GK closed, 100CF open)), 10 K
s-N2 : 1000 nm ( 500s @ 3 x 10-5 mbar (B1 penning gauge, GK closed, 100CF open)), 13.5 K
s-Kr: 1000 nm ( 1000s?? @ 3 x 10-5 mbar (B1 penning gauge, GK closed, 100CF open)) 20 K
s-Xe: 1000 nm ( 2200s @ 3 x 10-5 mbar (B1 penning gauge, GK closed, 100CF open)) 30 K

Mu in s-Ne: Muonium Formation and Diffusion in Solid Neon, Storchak et al, Hyp. Int. 85 (1994), 109. 75% Mu, 25% m+ , l = 0.1 - 0.2 ms-1 , natural UHP Ne
Mu in s-Kr: Muonium localization in solid krypton, Storchak et al, Phys. Rev. B 53 (1996), 662. >70% Mu ??, ??% m+ , l < 1 ms-1 at 20 K, natural Kr, ~40% loss of Mu asymmetry at 20 K