Low-Energy Muon (LEM) Experiment
With the lem00 server running since Jan-2007 as LEM DAQ backend, a 80 GB disk (system and /home partition) and a 500 GB data disk, each mirrored by a RAID system, are available.
create local user nemu, home directory is /home/nemu.
create directory for installation of Root. Follow instructions in LEM Elog /Computing/9 to install root.
Usually, for LEM PC, this will be /apps/cern/root.
follow the instructions in LEM Elog /VME_DAQ/7 to install Midas and the sis1100 Kernel driver.
The Midas frontends and analyzer source codes are then located in /home/nemu/midas/experiment/nemu.
Create the file /etc/exptab and enter the line
nemu /data/nemu nemu
to define Midas experiment nemu with its default data directory being /data/nemu, local user nemu.
Goto /home/nemu/midas/experiment/nemu and enter
make install
to compile, link and install the Midas experiment. Binaries are copied to /home/nemu/bin.
To make lem00:/home/nemu and lem00:/data/nemu remotely accessible by nfs: as root execute the script setup_nfs.
To create the necessary mount points on a remote PC execute the same script as root on the remote PC. The mount points /mnt/home/nemu and /mnt/data/nemu are created in /etc/fstab.
Following backup procedures are running on lem00:
Monthly backup of Midas history files of previous month to PSI archive on the first day of a month at 03:05 am. The bash script scripts/nemu_historyToArchive is doing the job. It is set up as a cronjob in the root account on lem00.
Elog, online analysis, runlog, summ, odb, histogram files are copied every 12h to the nemu account on pc5596 (WLGA/U119) through the nfs mount. The bash script scripts/nemu_toNemu is doing the job, set up as a cronjob in the nemu account on pc5596.