Low-Energy Muon (LEM) Experiment  0.5.2
QL564P_TA_SETTINGS Struct Reference

#include <experim.h>

Data Fields

float update_threshold [3]
float input_offset [3]
float output_offset [4]
float input_factor [3]
float output_factor [4]
struct {
   struct {
      BOOL   enabled
      struct {
         struct {
            INT32   detailed_messages
            INT32   ets_in_use
            INT32   scw_in_use
            char   input [3][32]
         }   ql564p
         struct {
            char   proc_name [32]
            INT32   pid
            char   log_name [64]
            char   dd_name [32]
            UINT32   last_updated
            UINT32   timeout
         }   scw
      }   dd
      struct {
         char   host [256]
         INT32   port
         INT32   debug
      }   bd
   }   ql564_in
   struct {
      BOOL   enabled
      struct {
         char   output [4][32]
      }   dd
   }   ql564_out
char names_input [3][32]
char names_output [4][32]

Detailed Description

Definition at line 12742 of file experim.h.

Field Documentation

struct { ... } QL564P_TA_SETTINGS::bd
struct { ... } QL564P_TA_SETTINGS::dd
struct { ... } QL564P_TA_SETTINGS::dd
char QL564P_TA_SETTINGS::dd_name[32]

Definition at line 12762 of file experim.h.


Definition at line 12770 of file experim.h.

INT32 QL564P_TA_SETTINGS::detailed_messages

Definition at line 12753 of file experim.h.

struct { ... } QL564P_TA_SETTINGS::devices

Definition at line 12750 of file experim.h.

INT32 QL564P_TA_SETTINGS::ets_in_use

Definition at line 12754 of file experim.h.

char QL564P_TA_SETTINGS::host[256]

Definition at line 12768 of file experim.h.

char QL564P_TA_SETTINGS::input[3][32]

Definition at line 12756 of file experim.h.

float QL564P_TA_SETTINGS::input_factor[3]

Definition at line 12746 of file experim.h.

float QL564P_TA_SETTINGS::input_offset[3]

Definition at line 12744 of file experim.h.

UINT32 QL564P_TA_SETTINGS::last_updated

Definition at line 12763 of file experim.h.

char QL564P_TA_SETTINGS::log_name[64]

Definition at line 12761 of file experim.h.

char QL564P_TA_SETTINGS::names_input[3][32]

Definition at line 12780 of file experim.h.

char QL564P_TA_SETTINGS::names_output[4][32]

Definition at line 12781 of file experim.h.

char QL564P_TA_SETTINGS::output[4][32]

Definition at line 12776 of file experim.h.

float QL564P_TA_SETTINGS::output_factor[4]

Definition at line 12747 of file experim.h.

float QL564P_TA_SETTINGS::output_offset[4]

Definition at line 12745 of file experim.h.


Definition at line 12760 of file experim.h.


Definition at line 12769 of file experim.h.

char QL564P_TA_SETTINGS::proc_name[32]

Definition at line 12759 of file experim.h.

struct { ... } QL564P_TA_SETTINGS::ql564_in
struct { ... } QL564P_TA_SETTINGS::ql564_out
struct { ... } QL564P_TA_SETTINGS::ql564p
struct { ... } QL564P_TA_SETTINGS::scw
INT32 QL564P_TA_SETTINGS::scw_in_use

Definition at line 12755 of file experim.h.

UINT32 QL564P_TA_SETTINGS::timeout

Definition at line 12764 of file experim.h.

float QL564P_TA_SETTINGS::update_threshold[3]

Definition at line 12743 of file experim.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: