Functions | |
INT | db_open_database (char *database_name, INT database_size, HNDLE *hDB, char *client_name) |
INT | db_close_database (HNDLE hDB) |
INT | db_lock_database (HNDLE hDB) |
INT | db_unlock_database (HNDLE hDB) |
INT | db_protect_database (HNDLE hDB) |
INT | db_create_key (HNDLE hDB, HNDLE hKey, char *key_name, DWORD type) |
INT | db_create_link (HNDLE hDB, HNDLE hKey, char *link_name, char *destination) |
INT | db_delete_key1 (HNDLE hDB, HNDLE hKey, INT level, BOOL follow_links) |
INT | db_delete_key (HNDLE hDB, HNDLE hKey, BOOL follow_links) |
INT | db_find_key (HNDLE hDB, HNDLE hKey, char *key_name, HNDLE *subhKey) |
INT | db_set_value (HNDLE hDB, HNDLE hKeyRoot, char *key_name, void *data, INT data_size, INT num_values, DWORD type) |
INT | db_get_value (HNDLE hDB, HNDLE hKeyRoot, char *key_name, void *data, INT *buf_size, DWORD type, BOOL create) |
INT | db_enum_key (HNDLE hDB, HNDLE hKey, INT index, HNDLE *subkey_handle) |
INT | db_get_key (HNDLE hDB, HNDLE hKey, KEY *key) |
INT | db_get_key_time (HNDLE hDB, HNDLE hKey, DWORD *delta) |
INT | db_get_key_info (HNDLE hDB, HNDLE hKey, char *name, INT name_size, INT *type, INT *num_values, INT *item_size) |
INT | db_get_data (HNDLE hDB, HNDLE hKey, void *data, INT *buf_size, DWORD type) |
INT | db_get_data_index (HNDLE hDB, HNDLE hKey, void *data, INT *buf_size, INT index, DWORD type) |
INT | db_set_data (HNDLE hDB, HNDLE hKey, void *data, INT buf_size, INT num_values, DWORD type) |
INT | db_set_data_index (HNDLE hDB, HNDLE hKey, void *data, INT data_size, INT index, DWORD type) |
INT | db_load (HNDLE hDB, HNDLE hKeyRoot, char *filename, BOOL bRemote) |
INT | db_copy (HNDLE hDB, HNDLE hKey, char *buffer, INT *buffer_size, char *path) |
INT | db_paste (HNDLE hDB, HNDLE hKeyRoot, char *buffer) |
INT | db_paste_xml (HNDLE hDB, HNDLE hKeyRoot, char *buffer) |
INT | db_copy_xml (HNDLE hDB, HNDLE hKey, char *buffer, INT *buffer_size) |
INT | db_save (HNDLE hDB, HNDLE hKey, char *filename, BOOL bRemote) |
INT | db_save_xml (HNDLE hDB, HNDLE hKey, char *filename) |
INT | db_save_struct (HNDLE hDB, HNDLE hKey, char *file_name, char *struct_name, BOOL append) |
INT | db_sprintf (char *string, void *data, INT data_size, INT index, DWORD type) |
INT | db_get_record_size (HNDLE hDB, HNDLE hKey, INT align, INT *buf_size) |
INT | db_get_record (HNDLE hDB, HNDLE hKey, void *data, INT *buf_size, INT align) |
INT | db_set_record (HNDLE hDB, HNDLE hKey, void *data, INT buf_size, INT align) |
INT | db_create_record (HNDLE hDB, HNDLE hKey, char *orig_key_name, char *init_str) |
INT | db_check_record (HNDLE hDB, HNDLE hKey, char *keyname, char *rec_str, BOOL correct) |
INT | db_open_record (HNDLE hDB, HNDLE hKey, void *ptr, INT rec_size, WORD access_mode, void(*dispatcher)(INT, INT, void *), void *info) |
INT | db_close_record (HNDLE hDB, HNDLE hKey) |
INT | db_close_all_records () |
INT | db_update_record (INT hDB, INT hKey, int socket) |
INT | db_send_changed_records () |
This function ensures that a certain ODB subtree matches a given C structure, by comparing the init_str with the current ODB structure. If the record does not exist at all, it is created with the default values in init_str. If it does exist but does not match the variables in init_str, the function returns an error if correct=FALSE or calls db_create_record() if correct=TRUE.
Definition at line 7441 of file odb.c. Referenced by al_trigger_alarm(), cm_connect_experiment1(), and register_equipment(). |
Release local memory for open records. This routines is called by db_close_all_databases() and cm_disconnect_experiment()
Definition at line 7921 of file odb.c. Referenced by cm_disconnect_experiment(). |
Close a database
Close a record previously opend with db_open_record.
Copy an ODB subtree in ASCII format to a buffer This function converts the binary ODB contents to an ASCII. The function db_paste() can be used to convert the ASCII representation back to binary ODB contents. The functions db_load() and db_save() internally use db_copy() and db_paste(). This function converts the binary ODB contents to an ASCII representation of the form:
Definition at line 4998 of file odb.c. Referenced by db_create_record(), and db_save(). |
Copy an ODB subtree in XML format to a buffer
Create a new key in a database
Definition at line 1453 of file odb.c. Referenced by db_create_record(), db_get_value(), db_paste(), db_paste_node(), db_set_value(), and register_equipment(). |
Create a link to a key or set the destination of and existing link.
Create a record. If a part of the record exists alreay, merge it with the init_str (use values from the init_str only when they are not in the existing record). This functions creates a ODB sub-tree according to an ASCII representation of that tree. See db_copy() for a description. It can be used to create a sub-tree which exactly matches a C structure. The sub-tree can then later mapped to the C structure ("hot-link") via the function db_open_record(). If a sub-tree exists already which exactly matches the ASCII representation, it is not modified. If part of the tree exists, it is merged with the ASCII representation where the ODB values have priority, only values not present in the ODB are created with the default values of the ASCII representation. It is therefore recommended that before creating an ODB hot-link the function db_create_record() is called to insure that the ODB tree and the C structure contain exactly the same values in the same order. Following example creates a record under /Equipment/Trigger/Settings, opens a hot-link between that record and a local C structure trigger_settings and registers a callback function trigger_update() which gets called each time the record is changed. struct { INT level1; INT level2; } trigger_settings; char *trigger_settings_str = "[Settings]\n\ level1 = INT : 0\n\ level2 = INT : 0"; void trigger_update(INT hDB, INT hkey, void *info) { printf("New levels: %d %d\n", trigger_settings.level1, trigger_settings.level2); } main() { HNDLE hDB, hkey; char[128] info; ... cm_get_experiment_database(&hDB, NULL); db_create_record(hDB, 0, "/Equipment/Trigger", trigger_settings_str); db_find_key(hDB, 0,"/Equipment/Trigger/Settings", &hkey); db_open_record(hDB, hkey, &trigger_settings, sizeof(trigger_settings), MODE_READ, trigger_update, info); ... }
Definition at line 7271 of file odb.c. Referenced by al_trigger_alarm(), analyzer_init(), cm_set_client_info(), db_check_record(), register_equipment(), and tr_start(). |
Delete a subtree in a database starting from a key (including this key). ... status = db_find_link(hDB, 0, str, &hkey); if (status != DB_SUCCESS) { cm_msg(MINFO,"my_delete"," "Cannot find key %s", str); return; } status = db_delete_key(hDB, hkey, FALSE); if (status != DB_SUCCESS) { cm_msg(MERROR,"my_delete"," "Cannot delete key %s", str); return; } ...
Definition at line 1892 of file odb.c. Referenced by cm_deregister_transition(), cm_set_client_info(), and db_create_record(). |
Delete a subtree, using level information (only called internally by db_delete_key()) For internal use only.
Definition at line 1722 of file odb.c. Referenced by cm_delete_client_info(), and db_delete_key(). |
Enumerate subkeys from a key, follow links. hkey must correspond to a valid ODB directory. The index is usually incremented in a loop until the last key is reached. Information about the sub-keys can be obtained with db_get_key(). If a returned key is of type TID_KEY, it contains itself sub-keys. To scan a whole ODB sub-tree, the function db_scan_tree() can be used. INT i; HNDLE hkey, hsubkey; KEY key; db_find_key(hdb, 0, "/Runinfo", &hkey); for (i=0 ; ; i++) { db_enum_key(hdb, hkey, i, &hsubkey); if (!hSubkey) break; // end of list reached // print key name db_get_key(hdb, hkey, &key); printf("%s\n",; }
Definition at line 3156 of file odb.c. Referenced by cm_connect_client(), cm_exist(), cm_set_client_info(), cm_shutdown(), cm_transition(), db_save_xml_key(), load_fragment(), logger_root(), and update_odb(). |
Returns key handle for a key with a specific name. Keys can be accessed by their name including the directory or by a handle. A key handle is an internal offset to the shared memory where the ODB lives and allows a much faster access to a key than via its name. The function db_find_key() must be used to convert a key name to a handle. Most other database functions use this key handle in various operations. HNDLE hkey, hsubkey; // use full name, start from root db_find_key(hDB, 0, "/Runinfo/Run number", &hkey); // start from subdirectory db_find_key(hDB, 0, "/Runinfo", &hkey); db_find_key(hdb, hkey, "Run number", &hsubkey);
Definition at line 1925 of file odb.c. Referenced by al_trigger_alarm(), analyzer_init(), cm_connect_client(), cm_deregister_transition(), cm_exist(), cm_get_client_info(), cm_msg_log(), cm_msg_log1(), cm_msg_retrieve(), cm_register_deferred_transition(), cm_register_transition(), cm_set_client_info(), cm_shutdown(), cm_transition(), db_check_record(), db_create_link(), db_create_record(), db_delete_key1(), db_enum_key(), db_get_value(), db_paste(), db_paste_xml(), db_set_value(), load_fragment(), logger_root(), register_equipment(), tr_start(), and update_odb(). |
Get key data from a handle The function returns single values or whole arrays which are contained in an ODB key. Since the data buffer is of type void, no type checking can be performed by the compiler. Therefore the type has to be explicitly supplied, which is checked against the type stored in the ODB. HNLDE hkey; INT run_number, size; // get key handle for run number db_find_key(hDB, 0, "/Runinfo/Run number", &hkey); // return run number size = sizeof(run_number); db_get_data(hDB, hkey, &run_number, &size,TID_INT);
Definition at line 3925 of file odb.c. Referenced by cm_connect_client(), cm_get_client_info(), cm_set_client_info(), db_copy(), db_get_record(), db_save_xml_key(), and tr_start(). |
returns a single value of keys containing arrays of values. The function returns a single value of keys containing arrays of values.
Definition at line 4151 of file odb.c. Referenced by cm_transition(). |
Get key structure from a handle. KEY structure has following format: typedef struct { DWORD type; // TID_xxx type INT num_values; // number of values char name[NAME_LENGTH]; // name of variable INT data; // Address of variable (offset) INT total_size; // Total size of data block INT item_size; // Size of single data item WORD access_mode; // Access mode WORD notify_count; // Notify counter INT next_key; // Address of next key INT parent_keylist; // keylist to which this key belongs INT last_written; // Time of last write action } KEY; KEY key; HNDLE hkey; db_find_key(hDB, 0, "/Runinfo/Run number", &hkey); db_get_key(hDB, hkey, &key); printf("The run number is of type %s\n", rpc_tid_name(key.type));
Definition at line 3488 of file odb.c. Referenced by cm_check_client(), cm_register_transition(), cm_shutdown(), cm_transition(), db_check_record(), db_copy(), db_get_record(), db_get_record_size(), db_open_record(), db_paste(), db_save_struct(), db_save_xml_key(), db_set_record(), load_fragment(), tr_start(), and update_odb(). |
Get key info (separate values instead of structure)
Get time when key was last modified
Copy a set of keys to local memory. An ODB sub-tree can be mapped to a C structure automatically via a hot-link using the function db_open_record() or manually with this function. Problems might occur if the ODB sub-tree contains values which don't match the C structure. Although the structure size is checked against the sub-tree size, no checking can be done if the type and order of the values in the structure are the same than those in the ODB sub-tree. Therefore it is recommended to use the function db_create_record() before db_get_record() is used which ensures that both are equivalent. struct { INT level1; INT level2; } trigger_settings; char *trigger_settings_str = "[Settings]\n\ level1 = INT : 0\n\ level2 = INT : 0"; main() { HNDLE hDB, hkey; INT size; ... cm_get_experiment_database(&hDB, NULL); db_create_record(hDB, 0, "/Equipment/Trigger", trigger_settings_str); db_find_key(hDB, 0, "/Equipment/Trigger/Settings", &hkey); size = sizeof(trigger_settings); db_get_record(hDB, hkey, &trigger_settings, &size, 0); ... }
Definition at line 6775 of file odb.c. Referenced by al_trigger_alarm(), cm_transition(), db_open_record(), db_update_record(), register_equipment(), and tr_start(). |
Calculates the size of a record.
Definition at line 6689 of file odb.c. Referenced by db_get_record(), db_open_record(), and db_set_record(). |
Get value of a single key. The function returns single values or whole arrays which are contained in an ODB key. Since the data buffer is of type void, no type checking can be performed by the compiler. Therefore the type has to be explicitly supplied, which is checked against the type stored in the ODB. key_name can contain the full path of a key (like: "/Equipment/Trigger/Settings/Level1") while hkey is zero which refers to the root, or hkey can refer to a sub-directory (like: /Equipment/Trigger) and key_name is interpreted relative to that directory like "Settings/Level1". INT level1, size; size = sizeof(level1); db_get_value(hDB, 0, "/Equipment/Trigger/Settings/Level1", &level1, &size, TID_INT, 0);
Definition at line 2997 of file odb.c. Referenced by al_trigger_alarm(), ana_end_of_run(), cm_check_client(), cm_connect_experiment1(), cm_exist(), cm_msg_log(), cm_msg_log1(), cm_msg_retrieve(), cm_register_deferred_transition(), cm_set_client_info(), cm_shutdown(), cm_transition(), el_submit(), load_fragment(), logger_root(), register_equipment(), scheduler(), and tr_start(). |
Load a branch of a database from an .ODB file. This function is used by the ODBEdit command load. For a description of the ASCII format, see db_copy(). Data can be loaded relative to the root of the ODB (hkey equal zero) or relative to a certain key.
Lock a database for exclusive access via system mutex calls.
Definition at line 1313 of file odb.c. Referenced by cm_check_client(), cm_cleanup(), cm_delete_client_info(), cm_get_watchdog_info(), cm_set_client_info(), cm_set_watchdog_params(), db_close_database(), db_create_key(), db_create_record(), db_delete_key1(), db_enum_key(), db_find_key(), db_get_data(), db_get_data_index(), db_get_key(), db_get_key_info(), db_get_key_time(), db_get_record(), db_get_record_size(), db_get_value(), db_open_database(), db_set_data(), db_set_data_index(), db_set_record(), and db_set_value(). |
Open an online database
Definition at line 720 of file odb.c. Referenced by cm_connect_experiment1(). |
Open a record. Create a local copy and maintain an automatic update. This function opens a hot-link between an ODB sub-tree and a local structure. The sub-tree is copied to the structure automatically every time it is modified by someone else. Additionally, a callback function can be declared which is called after the structure has been updated. The callback function receives the database handle and the key handle as parameters. Problems might occur if the ODB sub-tree contains values which don't match the C structure. Although the structure size is checked against the sub-tree size, no checking can be done if the type and order of the values in the structure are the same than those in the ODB sub-tree. Therefore it is recommended to use the function db_create_record() before db_open_record() is used which ensures that both are equivalent. The access mode might either be MODE_READ or MODE_WRITE. In read mode, the ODB sub-tree is automatically copied to the local structure when modified by other clients. In write mode, the local structure is copied to the ODB sub-tree if it has been modified locally. This update has to be manually scheduled by calling db_send_changed_records() periodically in the main loop. The system keeps a copy of the local structure to determine if its contents has been changed. If MODE_ALLOC is or'ed with the access mode, the memory for the structure is allocated internally. The structure pointer must contain a pointer to a pointer to the structure. The internal memory is released when db_close_record() is called.
Definition at line 7750 of file odb.c. Referenced by analyzer_init(), cm_register_deferred_transition(), and register_equipment(). |
Copy an ODB subtree in ASCII format from a buffer
Definition at line 5253 of file odb.c. Referenced by db_create_record(), and db_load(). |
Definition at line 5531 of file odb.c. Referenced by db_paste_xml(). |
Paste an ODB subtree in XML format from a buffer
Definition at line 5666 of file odb.c. Referenced by db_load(). |
Protect a database for read/write access outside of the db_xxx functions
Save a branch of a database to an .ODB file This function is used by the ODBEdit command save. For a description of the ASCII format, see db_copy(). Data of the whole ODB can be saved (hkey equal zero) or only a sub-tree.
Save a branch of a database to a C structure .H file
Save a branch of a database to an .xml file This function is used by the ODBEdit command save to write the contents of the ODB into a XML file. Data of the whole ODB can be saved (hkey equal zero) or only a sub-tree.
Definition at line 5981 of file odb.c. Referenced by db_copy_xml(), and db_save_xml(). |
Send all records to the ODB which were changed locally since the last call to this function. This function is valid if used in conjunction with db_open_record() under the condition the record is open as MODE_WRITE access code.
//-------- BOF dbchange.c typedef struct { INT my_number; float my_rate; } MY_STATISTICS; MY_STATISTICS myrec; #define MY_STATISTICS(_name) char *_name[] = {\ "My Number = INT : 0",\ "My Rate = FLOAT : 0",\ "",\ NULL } HNDLE hDB, hKey; // Main int main(unsigned int argc,char **argv) { char host_name[HOST_NAME_LENGTH]; char expt_name[HOST_NAME_LENGTH]; INT lastnumber, status, msg; BOOL debug=FALSE; char i, ch; DWORD update_time, mainlast_time; MY_STATISTICS (my_stat); // set default host_name[0] = 0; expt_name[0] = 0; // get default cm_get_environment(host_name, sizeof(host_name), expt_name, sizeof(expt_name)); // get parameters for (i=1 ; i<argc ; i++) { if (argv[i][0] == '-' && argv[i][1] == 'd') debug = TRUE; else if (argv[i][0] == '-') { if (i+1 >= argc || argv[i+1][0] == '-') goto usage; if (strncmp(argv[i],"-e",2) == 0) strcpy(expt_name, argv[++i]); else if (strncmp(argv[i],"-h",2)==0) strcpy(host_name, argv[++i]); } else { usage: printf("usage: dbchange [-h <Hostname>] [-e <Experiment>]\n"); return 0; } } // connect to experiment status = cm_connect_experiment(host_name, expt_name, "dbchange", 0); if (status != CM_SUCCESS) return 1; // Connect to DB cm_get_experiment_database(&hDB, &hKey); // Create a default structure in ODB db_create_record(hDB, 0, "My statistics", strcomb(my_stat)); // Retrieve key for that strucutre in ODB if (db_find_key(hDB, 0, "My statistics", &hKey) != DB_SUCCESS) { cm_msg(MERROR, "mychange", "cannot find My statistics"); goto error; } // Hot link this structure in Write mode status = db_open_record(hDB, hKey, &myrec , sizeof(MY_STATISTICS), MODE_WRITE, NULL, NULL); if (status != DB_SUCCESS) { cm_msg(MERROR, "mychange", "cannot open My statistics record"); goto error; } // initialize ss_getchar() ss_getchar(0); // Main loop do { // Update local structure if ((ss_millitime() - update_time) > 100) { myrec.my_number += 1; if (myrec.my_number - lastnumber) { myrec.my_rate = 1000.f * (float) (myrec.my_number - lastnumber) / (float) (ss_millitime() - update_time); } update_time = ss_millitime(); lastnumber = myrec.my_number; } // Publish local structure to ODB (db_send_changed_record) if ((ss_millitime() - mainlast_time) > 5000) { db_send_changed_records(); // <------- Call mainlast_time = ss_millitime(); } // Check for keyboard interaction ch = 0; while (ss_kbhit()) { ch = ss_getchar(0); if (ch == -1) ch = getchar(); if ((char) ch == '!') break; } msg = cm_yield(20); } while (msg != RPC_SHUTDOWN && msg != SS_ABORT && ch != '!'); error: cm_disconnect_experiment(); return 1; } //-------- EOF dbchange.c
Definition at line 8164 of file odb.c. Referenced by scan_fragment(), scheduler(), and tr_stop(). |
Set key data from a handle. Adjust number of values if previous data has different size. HNLDE hkey; INT run_number; // get key handle for run number db_find_key(hDB, 0, "/Runinfo/Run number", &hkey); // set run number db_set_data(hDB, hkey, &run_number, sizeof(run_number),TID_INT);
Definition at line 4278 of file odb.c. Referenced by db_paste(), db_paste_node(), db_set_record(), and update_odb(). |
Set key data for a key which contains an array of values. This function sets individual values of a key containing an array. If the index is larger than the array size, the array is extended and the intermediate values are set to zero.
Definition at line 4502 of file odb.c. Referenced by cm_register_transition(), and db_paste_node(). |
Copy a set of keys from local memory to the database. An ODB sub-tree can be mapped to a C structure automatically via a hot-link using the function db_open_record() or manually with this function. Problems might occur if the ODB sub-tree contains values which don't match the C structure. Although the structure size is checked against the sub-tree size, no checking can be done if the type and order of the values in the structure are the same than those in the ODB sub-tree. Therefore it is recommended to use the function db_create_record() before using this function. ... memset(&lazyst,0,size); if (db_find_key(hDB, pLch->hKey, "Statistics",&hKeyst) == DB_SUCCESS) status = db_set_record(hDB, hKeyst, &lazyst, size, 0); else cm_msg(MERROR,"task","record %s/statistics not found", pLch->name) ...
Definition at line 6879 of file odb.c. Referenced by al_trigger_alarm(), db_open_record(), db_send_changed_records(), register_equipment(), and update_odb(). |
Set value of a single key. The function sets a single value or a whole array to a ODB key. Since the data buffer is of type void, no type checking can be performed by the compiler. Therefore the type has to be explicitly supplied, which is checked against the type stored in the ODB. key_name can contain the full path of a key (like: "/Equipment/Trigger/Settings/Level1") while hkey is zero which refers to the root, or hkey can refer to a sub-directory (like /Equipment/Trigger) and key_name is interpreted relative to that directory like "Settings/Level1". INT level1; db_set_value(hDB, 0, "/Equipment/Trigger/Settings/Level1", &level1, sizeof(level1), 1, TID_INT);
Definition at line 2864 of file odb.c. Referenced by al_trigger_alarm(), cm_connect_experiment1(), cm_delete_client_info(), cm_register_deferred_transition(), cm_register_transition(), cm_set_client_info(), cm_set_transition_sequence(), cm_set_watchdog_params(), cm_transition(), db_create_link(), db_get_value(), register_equipment(), tr_start(), and update_odb(). |
Convert a database value to a string according to its type. This function is a convenient way to convert a binary ODB value into a string depending on its type if is not known at compile time. If it is known, the normal sprintf() function can be used. ... for (j=0 ; j<key.num_values ; j++) { db_sprintf(pbuf, pdata, key.item_size, j, key.type); strcat(pbuf, "\n"); } ...
Definition at line 6311 of file odb.c. Referenced by db_copy(), and db_save_xml_key(). |
Unlock a database via system mutex calls.
Definition at line 1367 of file odb.c. Referenced by cm_check_client(), cm_cleanup(), cm_delete_client_info(), cm_get_watchdog_info(), cm_set_client_info(), cm_set_watchdog_params(), db_close_database(), db_create_key(), db_create_record(), db_delete_key1(), db_enum_key(), db_find_key(), db_get_data(), db_get_data_index(), db_get_key(), db_get_key_info(), db_get_key_time(), db_get_record(), db_get_record_size(), db_get_value(), db_open_database(), db_set_data(), db_set_data_index(), db_set_record(), and db_set_value(). |
If called locally, update a record (hDB/hKey) and copy its new contents to the local copy of it. If called from a server, send a network notification to the client.
Definition at line 1425 of file odb.c. Referenced by bm_open_buffer(), cm_connect_client(), cm_connect_experiment1(), cm_exist(), cm_get_watchdog_info(), cm_list_experiments(), cm_set_client_info(), cm_shutdown(), db_check_record(), db_create_key(), db_find_key(), db_open_database(), db_paste(), db_paste_node(), logger_root(), and register_equipment(). |
Definition at line 1413 of file odb.c. Referenced by db_create_key(), and db_find_key(). |