LakeShore 340 device driver (DD). It is handling the communication between the LS340 and midas.
LS340_in is the part, which handles the communication LS340->MIDAS
RS232: 19200 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity bit, no hardware protocol, no software protocol, termination: \ r\n (CR LF)
Device Driver info structure entries are organized as:
|___ ls340_odb_names
| |
| |__ ls_name
| |__ names_in
| |__ names_out
|___ ls340_settings
|__ intern
| |__ ets_in_use
| |__ reconnect_timeout
| |__ odb_offset
| |__ odb_ouput
| |__ remote
| |__ no_of_senors
|__ loop1
| |__ ctrl_ch
| |__ setpoint_limit
| |__ max_current_tag
| |__ max_heater_range
| |__ heater_resitance
|__ sensor
| |__ datetime
| |__ type
| |__ channel
| |__ name
| |__ raw_value
|__ zone
|__ zone1
|__ zone2
|__ zone3
|__ zone4
|__ zone5
|__ zone6
|__ zone7
|__ zone8
|__ zone9
|__ zone10
- ls340_odb_names: stores the Input/Output Names which are default to the equipment e.g. 'Remote (1/0)'
- ls_name: global label for this equipment (e.g. Moderator)
- names_in: array with required default input names
- names_out: array with required default output names
ls340_settings: keeps configuration settings, etc.
- intern: private variables
- ets_in_use: flag showing if the ets rs232 terminal server is used (1=yes/0=no)
- reconnection_timeout: timeout in (sec) after which a reconnection attempt is made
- odb_offset: odb offset for the 'set point' within the output variables. Needed by the forced update routine.
- odb_output: odb output variable path. Needed by the forced update routine.
- remote: stores if the LS340 is computer controlled of not
- no_of_sensors: # used sensors. Max. possible are 10, A and B are internal to the LS340 C1-C4 and D1-D4 are coming from the LS3468 input card The C/D blocks can only handle one type of sensor each at the time i.e. if C1 is a PT100, C2-C4 only can be PT100 as well.
- loop1: keeps control loop1 related stuff
- ctrl_ch: which channel is used for the controll loop1
- setpoint_limit: maximal allowed setpoint
- max_current_tag: limits the max. current for the heater, 1->0.25A, 2->0.5A, 3->1.0A, 4->2.0A
- max_heater_range: upper limit for the heater range, i.e. the the demand heater range must be between >= 0 and <= max_heater_range (see LakeShore340 manual, 6-9, 9-27)
- heater_resitance: resistance of the loop1 heater. It is only used to compare with the readback value of the LS340. If these value differ more than 2 Ohm, an error message is sent out.
- sensor: info related to the sensors
- datetime: current date and time, see LakeShore340 manual, p.9-30
- type: 1-12, see LakeShore340 manual, p.9-33
- curve: calibration curve, see LakeShore340 manual, p.9-33
- channel: A, B, C1-C4, D1-D4
- name: name for each channel
- raw_value: raw input values, see LakeShore340 manual, p.9-42
- zone: zone1 to zone10 are the zone setting strings see LakeShore340 manual, p.9-42 the zone strings have the syntax: loop, zone, top_temp, P, I, D, man_out, range