Do not restart vme_fe, nemu_analyzer and mlogger, if a run is active!!!
Use the Programs button on the Midas status web page on http://lem00/.
If the shut down of a Midas client fails, you may try it once more. If this still does not work you have to kill the client manually, followed by an ODB cleanup:
[nemu@lem00]$ killall -9 <client_name>
[nemu@lem00]$ odbedit -e nemu -c "cleanup"
use the Programs button on http://lem00 to restart the client
Shutdown or Recovery of Midas
Stop run, if run active before shutting down Midas!!!
If stop run does not work from Web browser, try
[nemu@lem00]$ odbedit -e nemu -c "stop"
If this fails, bad luck. Shutdown Midas with
[nemu@lem00]$ nemu_mcleanup
if shutdown was succesful without ODB corruption the system can be re-started as described above
you have the choice to enable/disable TD, MCP2, BC or e+.
you have the choice to set TD or MCP2 as "master" detector, i.e. times are measured with respect to the "master"
you may change the data window (66560 TDC channels correspont to 13musec) and the TD-MCP2 TOF window (TOF_M2_Window). TOF_M2_Pileup_Window is not yet implemented in the vme frontend
don't change master_delay and positron_delay unless you know what you do
/mnt/home/nemu and /mnt/data/nemu will be automatically mounted.
They point to
lem00:/home/nemu and lem00:/data/nemu.
This makes data on lem00 available on pc12438, pc12439.
enter any2many for file conversion, if necessary (musrfit does not need file conversion)
run musrfit as usual, input files on /mnt/home/nemu/analysis/YYYY
use roody to inspect the online root histograms directly