Low-Energy Muon (LEM) Experiment  0.5.2
VME readout and Storage of Slow Control data
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VME readout and Storage of Slow Control data


How it works:

  • Periodic (30 sec) reading of slow control data from ODB keys. New MIDAS banks are created which are saved in the MIDAS data file if a run is active. See Storage of Slow Control data in MIDAS file for more details.
  • Periodic (3 sec) readout of VME scaler SIS3820. Scaler rates (normalized to 10kHz clock and to proton current Ip) are calculated by the analyzer module scaler_rate_sum.c. The SIS3820 readout is always active.
  • TDC readout, building of events, if a run is started:
    • definition of events, event settings in /Equipment/Trigger/Settings
    • at the moment there are 3 event types, enable/disable in /Equipment/Trigger/Settings/Events:
      Event0: (BC)-MCP1-(e+), "fast" muons
      Event1: (BC)-TD-MCP2-(e+), "slow" muons with MCP2 mounted instead of sample
      Event2: (BC)-TD-e+, LE-muSR, sample mounted
    • the specification of data gates and of trigger condition can be changed in
    • readout of TDC in frontend_loop():
      • check if ALMOST_FULL_BIT is set (currently set to 1024 events in TDC memory)
        • if not set, return.
        • if set, read TDC memory in vme_A32BLT32_read() VME block transfer, 1024 DWORDS in one transfer
      • sort TDC data in temporary storage, do event evaluation
        • copy TDC data to tdc_data[TDC-Channel][Hit] array
        • set flag (bit pattern) if corresponding detector is present in TDC data
        • pre-pileups for start detectors ("Master detectors") are rejected, post-pileups are accepted and copied for offline analysis to the event buffer (MIDAS bank TDC0)
        • if bit pattern fits to trigger condition, evaluate event:
          • check if time contraints (coincidences,TOF coincidence etc) are fulfilled (in evaluate_fast_muon_event(), evaluate_slow_muon_event())
            • if not, reset tdc_data[][] array, goto new event evaluation
            • if yes, build event: order is according to TDC channel number; post-pileups are added to event so that they can be analyzed offline; the event is copied to a ring buffer. A pointer pwrite points to the address in the ring buffer where the last TDC data were written.
        • if two successive 10kHz clock pulses are found, reset tdc_data[][] array
        • if number of hits in one detector is larger than the limit N_HITS, reset tdc_data[][] array.
    • in poll_event(): the read pointer pread is used to decide if new data are available in the ring buffer. If pread != pwrite jump to read_trigger_event()
    • read_trigger_event(): reads data from ring buffer, mover pointer pread to the last position in ring buffer from where data were read. Data are written to MIDAS bank TDC0 that is sent to the MIDAS system.

Storage of Slow Control data in MIDAS file

vme_fe modified (SVN release 1881) to add slow control MIDAS banks:

vme_fe creates now additional MIDAS banks containing selected slow control parameters. With this new feature, slow control data are written every 60sec to the raw data file, if a run is active. This allows offline easy inspection of slow control parameters during a run, and to get also mean and rms values of temperatures and so on. An additional analyzer module could serve to histogram slow control parameters as well as to calculate online mean and RMS values - this module is not yet implemented.

In order to get the slow control data vme_fe creates the hot-links to the corresponding /Equipment/<NAME>/Variables subkeys.

  • Therefore, it is absolutely mandatory to generate a new experim.h file, if changes are done in the ODB /Equipment key. After creating an updated experim.h file, vme_fe, analyzer and write_summary must be recompiled, and vme_fe and analyzer must be restarted.
    To do this:
    • ssh as user nemu to lem00
    • cd to /home/nemu/midas/experiment/nemu
    • enter
      [nemu@lem00 nemu]$ odbedit
      [local:Nemu:S]/> make
      [local:Nemu:S]/> exit
      [nemu@lem00 nemu]$ make clean
      [nemu@lem00 nemu]$ make
      [nemu@lem00 nemu]$ klog <YourAFS_UserName> //get an AFS tokens
      [nemu@lem00 nemu]$ svn ci experim.h //send modified file to SVN
      [nemu@lem00 nemu]$ unlog //release your AFS tokens
    • stop analyzer and vme_fe
    • restart vme_fe first, then nemu_analyzer; vme_fe can be restarted from the Web page, for nemu_analyzer enter
      [nemu@lem00 nemu]$ nemu_analyzer -e nemu -l -D

The new MIDAS bank names (limited to 4 characters) in new Nemu Equipment "SlowControl" are:

  • DBEA beamline demand values
  • MBEA beamline measured values
  • MVAC lemvac input values
  • MMOD modCryo input values
  • MSAM sampleCryo input values
  • M900 SCS900 input values
  • MHVT HV transport (FUG) measured values
  • MHVD HV Detectors meaured values

Functions in vme_fe.c, how vme_fe works in more detail

The standard MIDAS mfe (midas frontend) functions are:

INT begin_of_run(INT run_number, char *error);
INT end_of_run(INT run_number, char *error);
INT pause_run(INT run_number, char *error);
INT resume_run(INT run_number, char *error);
INT frontend_loop(); // manages read out of TDC and event checking
// calls evaluate_slow/fast_muon_event() if detector pattern
// defined by the event definition has been found
// normally unused in MIDAS
INT poll_event(INT source, INT count, BOOL test);
// checks, if a new event is available in ring buffer;
// ring buffer gets filled by the evaluate_slow/fast_muon_event()
// functions
INT read_trigger_event(char *pevent, INT off);
// if poll_event detects a new event in ring buffer
// read this event and writes it to MIDAS bank TDC0 which
// is automatically sent to the MIDAS system
// one MIDAS event consists of:
// 1st 4 byte: 0x7F0yzzzz
// 7F indicates new event
// y indicates Event type
// zzzz indicates how many detector channel follow
// 2nd 4 byte: lowest TDC channel 1.hit,
// time in bit 0-23, channel in bit 24-30
// next 4 byte: lowest TDC channel 2. hit, or
// next TDC channel, 1. hit
// and so on...
INT read_scaler_event(char *pevent, INT off);
// reads SIS3820 scaler module every 3 sec.

LEM extended functions:

INT read_slowcontrol_event(char *pevent, INT off);
// copy selected slow control data every 30 sec to MIDAS Banks, see below
INT do_channel(INT ch, INT time);
// calculate run time in TDC LSB, sort TDC data in temporary array
// tdc_data[channel][hit]
INT do_master_channel(INT ch, INT event_type);
// additional handling of "Master" detector (M-counter, LEM trigger detector)
U_LONG pileup_end(INT pileupWindow);
// 64-bit time when pileup window closes (run time in TDC LSB units)
// 2^64 = 1.844*10^19 * 0.2 nsec = 3.689*10^9 sec = 116.9 y for 200ps LSB
// with 32 bit only 0.86 sec can be measured with 200ps LSB
// checks event definition; if event is found data are written to ring buffer
BOOL check_tof_and_pileup(INT timing, INT tofWindow, INT firstCh, INT lastCh,
INT masterChannel, INT masterIndex, INT *channel, INT *ind);
// called in evaluate_event() function: check if Time-of-Flight (TOF) is
// present; check if Stop signal of TOF had no pre-pileup
BOOL check_positron(INT decWindow, INT coincWindow, INT firstCh, INT lastCh,
INT masterChannel, INT masterIndex, INT *channel, INT *ind);
// if coincWindow>0: check if a e+ coincidence of 2 or more e+ counters
// exists in the time range decWindow
// if coincWindow<0: check if an e+ is present in decWindow in one of the counters firstCh - lastCh
To program SIS3820 scaler and V1190 TDC in frontend_init() or begin_of_run():
void scaler_mode(u_int32_t module_address);
int init_sis3820(u_int32_t module_address);
int init_v1190(u_int32_t module_address);

The following shows an dump of vme_fe output for Ev1: trigger was TD-e+, MCP2 mounted.

  • 10kHz clock is on channel 1
  • TD (trigger detector, LEM start detector) is on channel 4
  • e+ Left (coincidence of two detectors): channel 16,17
  • e+ Top (coincidence of two detectors): channel 18,19
  • e+ Right (coincidence of two detectors): channel 20,21
  • e+ Bottom (coincidence of two detectors): channel 22,23
  • MCP2 channels (for beam spot measurement): channels 26-31
TDC buffer (add 550 as offset) (add 550 as offset)
index ch t_TDC TDC hex run time (TDC LSB) dt to last Start dt to last reset pre-pileup Ev.flag
raw data = 0 4 109587 0x0021ac13, vmeTime = 5.50000e+02, difftime = 0, ev.time = 550, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 1 4 327584 0x0024ffa0, vmeTime = 2.18547e+05, difftime = 0, ev.time = 218547, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 2 1 396116 0x000e0b54, vmeTime = 2.87079e+05, difftime = 68532, ev.time = 287079, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 3 4 218318 0x002354ce, vmeTime = 6.33569e+05, difftime = 0, ev.time = 633569, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 4 1 383840 0x000ddb60, vmeTime = 7.99091e+05, difftime = 165522, ev.time = 799091, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 5 4 271732 0x00242574, vmeTime = 1.21127e+06, difftime = 0, ev.time = 1211271, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 6 4 368120 0x00259df8, vmeTime = 1.30766e+06, difftime = 0, ev.time = 1307659, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 7 1 371565 0x000dab6d, vmeTime = 1.31110e+06, difftime = 3445, ev.time = 1311104, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 8 23 404011 0x00be2a2b, vmeTime = 1.34355e+06, difftime = 35891, ev.time = 1343550, pu-flag = 0, 0x0003
raw data = 9 4 194670 0x0022f86e, vmeTime = 1.65850e+06, difftime = 350838, ev.time = 1658497, pu-flag = 0, 0x0003
evaluate_slow_muon_event, M2clean = 0, TDclean = 6
raw data = 9 4 194670 0x0022f86e, vmeTime = 1.65850e+06, difftime = 550, ev.time = 550, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 10 20 243493 0x00a3b725, vmeTime = 1.70732e+06, difftime = 49373, ev.time = 49373, pu-flag = 0, 0x0003
raw data = 11 4 356575 0x002570df, vmeTime = 1.82040e+06, difftime = 162455, ev.time = 162455, pu-flag = 0, 0x0003
evaluate_slow_muon_event, M2clean = 0, TDclean = 7
raw data = 11 4 356575 0x002570df, vmeTime = 1.82040e+06, difftime = 550, ev.time = 550, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 12 1 359289 0x000d7b79, vmeTime = 1.82312e+06, difftime = 3264, ev.time = 3264, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 13 1 347013 0x000d4b85, vmeTime = 2.33513e+06, difftime = 515276, ev.time = 515276, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 14 4 89717 0x00215e75, vmeTime = 2.60212e+06, difftime = 0, ev.time = 267542, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 15 4 252015 0x0023d86f, vmeTime = 2.76442e+06, difftime = 0, ev.time = 429840, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 16 1 334737 0x000d1b91, vmeTime = 2.84714e+06, difftime = 82722, ev.time = 512562, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 17 4 475407 0x0027410f, vmeTime = 2.98781e+06, difftime = 0, ev.time = 653232, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 18 4 6265 0x00201879, vmeTime = 3.04296e+06, difftime = 55146, ev.time = 708378, pu-flag = 1, 0x0001
raw data = 19 4 217414 0x00235146, vmeTime = 3.25410e+06, difftime = 0, ev.time = 919527, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 20 4 219102 0x002357de, vmeTime = 3.25579e+06, difftime = 1688, ev.time = 921215, pu-flag = 1, 0x0001
raw data = 21 4 226769 0x002375d1, vmeTime = 3.26346e+06, difftime = 9355, ev.time = 928882, pu-flag = 1, 0x0001
raw data = 22 28 230845 0x00e385bd, vmeTime = 3.26754e+06, difftime = 13431, ev.time = 932958, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 23 29 230907 0x00eb85fb, vmeTime = 3.26760e+06, difftime = 13493, ev.time = 933020, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 24 30 230874 0x00f385da, vmeTime = 3.26756e+06, difftime = 13460, ev.time = 932987, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 25 31 230852 0x00fb85c4, vmeTime = 3.26754e+06, difftime = 13438, ev.time = 932965, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 26 1 322460 0x000ceb9c, vmeTime = 3.35915e+06, difftime = 105046, ev.time = 1024573, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 27 1 310184 0x000cbba8, vmeTime = 3.87116e+06, difftime = 617058, ev.time = 1536585, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 28 4 362899 0x00258993, vmeTime = 3.92388e+06, difftime = 0, ev.time = 53265, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 29 4 366464 0x00259780, vmeTime = 3.92744e+06, difftime = 3565, ev.time = 56830, pu-flag = 1, 0x0001
raw data = 30 4 115240 0x0021c228, vmeTime = 4.20051e+06, difftime = 0, ev.time = 329894, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 31 1 297909 0x000c8bb5, vmeTime = 4.38318e+06, difftime = 182669, ev.time = 512563, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 32 4 334722 0x00251b82, vmeTime = 4.41999e+06, difftime = 0, ev.time = 549376, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 54 4 434554 0x0026a17a, vmeTime = 7.14126e+06, difftime = 3502, ev.time = 3502, pu-flag = 1, 0x0001
raw data = 55 27 454010 0x00deed7a, vmeTime = 7.16072e+06, difftime = 22958, ev.time = 22958, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 56 26 454023 0x00d6ed87, vmeTime = 7.16073e+06, difftime = 22971, ev.time = 22971, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 57 28 454082 0x00e6edc2, vmeTime = 7.16079e+06, difftime = 23030, ev.time = 23030, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 58 29 454144 0x00eeee00, vmeTime = 7.16085e+06, difftime = 23092, ev.time = 23092, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 59 30 454106 0x00f6edda, vmeTime = 7.16081e+06, difftime = 23054, ev.time = 23054, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 60 31 454105 0x00feedd9, vmeTime = 7.16081e+06, difftime = 23053, ev.time = 23053, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 61 26 110163 0x00d1ae53, vmeTime = 7.34116e+06, difftime = 203399, ev.time = 203399, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 62 27 110150 0x00d9ae46, vmeTime = 7.34114e+06, difftime = 203386, ev.time = 203386, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 63 28 110258 0x00e1aeb2, vmeTime = 7.34125e+06, difftime = 203494, ev.time = 203494, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 64 29 110247 0x00e9aea7, vmeTime = 7.34124e+06, difftime = 203483, ev.time = 203483, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 65 30 110248 0x00f1aea8, vmeTime = 7.34124e+06, difftime = 203484, ev.time = 203484, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 66 31 110242 0x00f9aea2, vmeTime = 7.34124e+06, difftime = 203478, ev.time = 203478, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 67 22 114360 0x00b1beb8, vmeTime = 7.34536e+06, difftime = 207596, ev.time = 207596, pu-flag = 0, 0x0003
evaluate_slow_muon_event, M2clean = 0, TDclean = 25
raw data = 67 22 114360 0x00b1beb8, vmeTime = 7.34536e+06, difftime = 550, ev.time = 550, pu-flag = 0, 0x0002
raw data = 68 23 114371 0x00b9bec3, vmeTime = 7.34537e+06, difftime = 561, ev.time = 561, pu-flag = 0, 0x0002
raw data = 69 4 168440 0x002291f8, vmeTime = 7.39944e+06, difftime = 0, ev.time = 54630, pu-flag = 0, 0x0003
raw data = 70 1 224252 0x000b6bfc, vmeTime = 7.45525e+06, difftime = 55812, ev.time = 110442, pu-flag = 0, 0x0003
raw data = 71 4 313643 0x0024c92b, vmeTime = 7.54464e+06, difftime = 145203, ev.time = 199833, pu-flag = 0, 0x0003
evaluate_slow_muon_event, M2clean = 0, TDclean = 27
raw data = 71 4 313643 0x0024c92b, vmeTime = 7.54464e+06, difftime = 550, ev.time = 550, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 72 4 356082 0x00256ef2, vmeTime = 7.58708e+06, difftime = 42989, ev.time = 42989, pu-flag = 1, 0x0001
raw data = 73 4 357157 0x00257325, vmeTime = 7.58815e+06, difftime = 44064, ev.time = 44064, pu-flag = 1, 0x0001
raw data = 74 4 490572 0x00277c4c, vmeTime = 7.72157e+06, difftime = 0, ev.time = 177479, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 75 4 162838 0x00227c16, vmeTime = 7.91812e+06, difftime = 0, ev.time = 374033, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 76 27 178175 0x00dab7ff, vmeTime = 7.93346e+06, difftime = 15337, ev.time = 389370, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 77 26 178189 0x00d2b80d, vmeTime = 7.93347e+06, difftime = 15351, ev.time = 389384, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 78 28 178223 0x00e2b82f, vmeTime = 7.93351e+06, difftime = 15385, ev.time = 389418, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 79 29 178333 0x00eab89d, vmeTime = 7.93362e+06, difftime = 15495, ev.time = 389528, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 80 30 178264 0x00f2b858, vmeTime = 7.93355e+06, difftime = 15426, ev.time = 389459, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 81 31 178277 0x00fab865, vmeTime = 7.93356e+06, difftime = 15439, ev.time = 389472, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 82 1 211976 0x000b3c08, vmeTime = 7.96726e+06, difftime = 49138, ev.time = 423171, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 83 4 216249 0x00234cb9, vmeTime = 7.97153e+06, difftime = 53411, ev.time = 427444, pu-flag = 1, 0x0001
raw data = 84 4 216846 0x00234f0e, vmeTime = 7.97213e+06, difftime = 54008, ev.time = 428041, pu-flag = 1, 0x0001
raw data = 85 22 348294 0x00b55086, vmeTime = 8.10358e+06, difftime = 185456, ev.time = 559489, pu-flag = 0, 0x0003
raw data = 172 4 336725 0x00252355, vmeTime = 1.70049e+07, difftime = 0, ev.time = 846005, pu-flag = 0, 0x0003
raw data = 173 1 515294 0x000fdcde, vmeTime = 1.71835e+07, difftime = 178569, ev.time = 1024574, pu-flag = 0, 0x0003
evaluate_slow_muon_event, M2clean = 0, TDclean = 54
raw data = 173 1 515294 0x000fdcde, vmeTime = 1.71835e+07, difftime = 550, ev.time = 550, pu-flag = 0, 0x0000
raw data = 174 4 313810 0x0024c9d2, vmeTime = 1.75063e+07, difftime = 0, ev.time = 323354, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 175 4 314842 0x0024cdda, vmeTime = 1.75073e+07, difftime = 1032, ev.time = 324386, pu-flag = 1, 0x0001
raw data = 176 4 316273 0x0024d371, vmeTime = 1.75087e+07, difftime = 2463, ev.time = 325817, pu-flag = 1, 0x0001
raw data = 177 1 503018 0x000facea, vmeTime = 1.76955e+07, difftime = 189208, ev.time = 512562, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 178 1 490742 0x000f7cf6, vmeTime = 1.82075e+07, difftime = 701220, ev.time = 1024574, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 179 4 491579 0x0027803b, vmeTime = 1.82083e+07, difftime = 0, ev.time = 1387, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 180 4 492505 0x002783d9, vmeTime = 1.82093e+07, difftime = 926, ev.time = 2313, pu-flag = 1, 0x0001
raw data = 181 4 227352 0x00237818, vmeTime = 1.84684e+07, difftime = 0, ev.time = 261448, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 182 4 251999 0x0023d85f, vmeTime = 1.84930e+07, difftime = 24647, ev.time = 286095, pu-flag = 1, 0x0001
raw data = 183 1 478466 0x000f4d02, vmeTime = 1.87195e+07, difftime = 251114, ev.time = 512562, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 184 4 303188 0x0024a054, vmeTime = 1.90685e+07, difftime = 0, ev.time = 861572, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 185 26 304609 0x00d4a5e1, vmeTime = 1.90699e+07, difftime = 1421, ev.time = 862993, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 186 27 304597 0x00dca5d5, vmeTime = 1.90699e+07, difftime = 1409, ev.time = 862981, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 187 28 304645 0x00e4a605, vmeTime = 1.90700e+07, difftime = 1457, ev.time = 863029, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 188 29 304750 0x00eca66e, vmeTime = 1.90701e+07, difftime = 1562, ev.time = 863134, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 189 30 304724 0x00f4a654, vmeTime = 1.90701e+07, difftime = 1536, ev.time = 863108, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 190 31 304660 0x00fca614, vmeTime = 1.90700e+07, difftime = 1472, ev.time = 863044, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 191 18 317856 0x0094d9a0, vmeTime = 1.90832e+07, difftime = 14668, ev.time = 876240, pu-flag = 0, 0x0003
raw data = 192 19 317867 0x009cd9ab, vmeTime = 1.90832e+07, difftime = 14679, ev.time = 876251, pu-flag = 0, 0x0003
raw data = 193 1 466190 0x000f1d0e, vmeTime = 1.92315e+07, difftime = 163002, ev.time = 1024574, pu-flag = 0, 0x0003
evaluate_slow_muon_event, M2clean = 0, TDclean = 58
tdc data = 00, 131081, channel 127, hex = 0x7f020009
tdc data = 01, 861572, channel 4, hex = 0x040d2584
tdc data = 02, 878240, channel 18, hex = 0x120d66a0
tdc data = 03, 878251, channel 19, hex = 0x130d66ab
tdc data = 04, 862993, channel 26, hex = 0x1a0d2b11
tdc data = 05, 862981, channel 27, hex = 0x1b0d2b05
tdc data = 06, 863029, channel 28, hex = 0x1c0d2b35
tdc data = 07, 863134, channel 29, hex = 0x1d0d2b9e
tdc data = 08, 863108, channel 30, hex = 0x1e0d2b84
tdc data = 09, 863044, channel 31, hex = 0x1f0d2b44
raw data = 193 1 466190 0x000f1d0e, vmeTime = 1.92315e+07, difftime = 550, ev.time = 550, pu-flag = 0, 0x0000
raw data = 194 1 453914 0x000eed1a, vmeTime = 1.97435e+07, difftime = 512562, ev.time = 512562, pu-flag = 0, 0x0000
raw data = 243 4 152840 0x00225508, vmeTime = 2.20639e+07, difftime = 241426, ev.time = 1240237, pu-flag = 0, 0x0003
evaluate_slow_muon_event, M2clean = 0, TDclean = 66
raw data = 243 4 152840 0x00225508, vmeTime = 2.20639e+07, difftime = 550, ev.time = 550, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 244 4 222245 0x00236425, vmeTime = 2.21333e+07, difftime = 0, ev.time = 69955, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 245 4 362229 0x002586f5, vmeTime = 2.22733e+07, difftime = 0, ev.time = 209939, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 246 4 363362 0x00258b62, vmeTime = 2.22744e+07, difftime = 1133, ev.time = 211072, pu-flag = 1, 0x0001
raw data = 247 1 392533 0x000dfd55, vmeTime = 2.23036e+07, difftime = 30304, ev.time = 240243, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 248 4 425163 0x00267ccb, vmeTime = 2.23362e+07, difftime = 62934, ev.time = 272873, pu-flag = 1, 0x0001
raw data = 249 4 443922 0x0026c612, vmeTime = 2.23550e+07, difftime = 81693, ev.time = 291632, pu-flag = 1, 0x0001
raw data = 250 4 86128 0x00215070, vmeTime = 2.25215e+07, difftime = 0, ev.time = 458126, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 251 1 380257 0x000dcd61, vmeTime = 2.28156e+07, difftime = 294129, ev.time = 752255, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 252 4 387341 0x0025e90d, vmeTime = 2.28227e+07, difftime = 0, ev.time = 759339, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 253 4 272531 0x00242893, vmeTime = 2.32322e+07, difftime = 0, ev.time = 1168817, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 254 4 282734 0x0024506e, vmeTime = 2.32424e+07, difftime = 10203, ev.time = 1179020, pu-flag = 1, 0x0001
raw data = 255 18 292229 0x00947585, vmeTime = 2.32519e+07, difftime = 19698, ev.time = 1188515, pu-flag = 0, 0x0003
raw data = 256 19 292242 0x009c7592, vmeTime = 2.32519e+07, difftime = 19711, ev.time = 1188528, pu-flag = 0, 0x0003
raw data = 257 18 294126 0x00947cee, vmeTime = 2.32538e+07, difftime = 21595, ev.time = 1190412, pu-flag = 0, 0x0003
raw data = 258 19 294098 0x009c7cd2, vmeTime = 2.32537e+07, difftime = 21567, ev.time = 1190384, pu-flag = 0, 0x0003
raw data = 259 1 367981 0x000d9d6d, vmeTime = 2.33276e+07, difftime = 95450, ev.time = 1264267, pu-flag = 0, 0x0003
evaluate_slow_muon_event, M2clean = 0, TDclean = 71
tdc data = 00, 131078, channel 127, hex = 0x7f020006
tdc data = 01, 1168817, channel 4, hex = 0x0411d5b1
tdc data = 02, 1179020, channel 4, hex = 0x0411fd8c
tdc data = 03, 1190515, channel 18, hex = 0x12122a73
tdc data = 04, 1192412, channel 18, hex = 0x121231dc
tdc data = 05, 1190528, channel 19, hex = 0x13122a80
tdc data = 06, 1192384, channel 19, hex = 0x131231c0
raw data = 259 1 367981 0x000d9d6d, vmeTime = 2.33276e+07, difftime = 550, ev.time = 550, pu-flag = 0, 0x0000
raw data = 260 4 424087 0x00267897, vmeTime = 2.33837e+07, difftime = 0, ev.time = 56656, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 261 4 228718 0x00237d6e, vmeTime = 2.37126e+07, difftime = 0, ev.time = 385575, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
raw data = 262 1 355705 0x000d6d79, vmeTime = 2.38396e+07, difftime = 126987, ev.time = 512562, pu-flag = 0, 0x0001
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