23 #ifndef _PLEMAUTORUN_H_ 24 #define _PLEMAUTORUN_H_ 30 #include <QElapsedTimer> 34 #include <QXmlStreamReader> 39 #include "PExperiment.h" 44 #define SAMPLE_CRYO_INPUT 30 45 #define SAMPLE_CRYO_OUTPUT 20 46 #define SAMPLE_OVEN_OMEGA_INPUT 10 47 #define SAMPLE_OVEN_OMEGA_OUTPUT 4 48 #define SAMPLE_TEMP_HISTO_MAX 10 50 #define NO_ENERGY_LOSS_PARAM 4 80 char start_time[NAME_LENGTH];
82 char stop_time[NAME_LENGTH];
128 bool parse(QIODevice *device);
141 void setAttribute(
const QString key,
const QXmlStreamAttributes& qAttr);
173 bool parse(QIODevice *device);
201 bool parse(QIODevice *device);
262 void HandleParseError(
int noOfErrors,
int idx,
int errorNo,
int line, QString errorMsg);
266 void ErrorMsg(
int noOfErrors,
int idx,
int errorNo,
int line, QString errorMsg);
570 void SetFlowAndNeedleValve(QString flowParam,
float &rampSpeed,
float newDemandTemp,
float deltaT,
float flowScale);
571 void SetFlow(QString flowParam);
607 bool LoadHvSettings(PAutoRunCmdVector::Iterator currentIter, QString fln,
int lineNo,
bool simulated=
617 bool SetBPV(
int valve,
int cmd);
623 void WarmUp(PAutoRunCmdVector::Iterator iter);
624 void GotoLine(PAutoRunCmdVector::Iterator &iter,
int max);
632 void UpdateWebPage(PAutoRunCmdVector::Iterator currentIter,
int tag,
int lineNo = 0, QString errMsg =
636 void Wait(
int timeout);
646 #endif // _PLEMAUTORUN_H_ QString fDanfysikOutputPath
ODB path to the danfysik output variables.
QVector< QString > fHvChName
void WaitUntilSampleLSReady()
QString * GetXMLAutoRunFln()
QString fModDatePath
ODB path to the moderator growing date.
float fPrefNeedleValveAbsStep
absolute change in SampleTempConsiderNeedleValve
PKey * fTofMaxKey
pointer to the ODB key: TOF max
ELemAutoRunKeyWords fKey
key tag for the parsing process
void SampleTempConsiderFlow()
void SetOdbData(AutoRunCmd *arc)
QString fSetupBparEnabledPath
ODB path to the Bpar enabled flag.
void NetworkConnectionLost()
slot executed if the network connection is lost
PKey * fAlarmsKey
pointer to the ODB key: alarms
QString fDanfysikFeName
name of the danfysik scfe in the ODB
PKey * fFOMOutputKey
pointer to the ODB key: FOM output values
QString fWEWInputPath
ODB path to the WEW input variable.
int online_mode
specifies the expected acquisition mode
void RunStart(AutoRunCmd *arc)
void SetFieldWEWL(AutoRunCmd *arc)
int fAutoRunState
autorun run state as defined under /AutoRun/Run State
void UpdateWebPage(PAutoRunCmdVector::Iterator currentIter, int tag, int lineNo=0, QString errMsg="")
float demand_T
setpoint to be reached
float fDFlowDp1
DFDP_0 + DFDP_1 * exp( DFDP_EXP * Temp )
QVector< float > * GetCurrentLimits()
void SetSampleHV(AutoRunCmd *arc)
DWORD stop_time_binary
binary format of the stop time
bool fWarmUpVent
warmup with vent flag, false=no vent, true=vent
void SetGotoLine(const int line)
bool fNeedleValveInUse
Tag for use of electric needle valve.
QString GetUserAutoRunSeqFln()
ELemHvSettingsKeyWords fKey
key tag for the parsing process
bool fSetupBparEnabled
true if the Bpar magnet is in use. This is fed with the Danfysik power supply.
QString fHVDetectorDemandPath
ODB path to the HV Detectors demand variables.
void ChangeSampleChamberHV(bool down)
bool fSampleFeRunning
flag indicating if the sample_scfe is running (LakeShore, BH)
float fBHFlowOffset
variable needed to calculate the flow if non is explicitly given (see SetTemp())
float fHeatCapCof1
heat Capacity of cryo =
QString fSampleNamePath
ODB path to the sample name.
void SetRA_HV(AutoRunCmd *arc)
PKey * fTflInputKey
pointer to the ODB key: tfl input values
PKey * fSetupWewEnabledKey
pointer to the ODB key: WEW enabled flag
QString fSampleOvenOmegaFeName
name of the oven omega scfe in the ODB
float GetEnergyLoss(float mod_hv)
void HandleOdbTitleTags(QString &title)
PKey * fClientsKey
pointer to the ODB key: running clients
bool fTflFeRunning
flag indicating if the tfl_scfe is running
PKey * fSetupSampleEnabledKey
pointer to the ODB key: Sample enabled flag
float fPrefNeedleValveCof_4_0
NV setting = _1_0 * _1_1 * T for 15<T.
QString GetAutoRunSequence()
void SetTemp(AutoRunCmd *arc)
void SetSampleLSZoneSettings()
QVector< float > * GetHvDemands()
PKey * fModNameKey
pointer to the ODB key: moderator info
void SetFieldWEWH(AutoRunCmd *arc)
QString fTflInputPath
ODB path to the tfl input variables.
float fFlowMaxRelFlowDiffToConsider
maximum rel flow error to consider
float fBHMinFlow
min. allowed flow for the bronkhorst flow meter
bool parse(QIODevice *device)
bool fSetupWewEnabled
true if the WEW magnet is in use. This is fed with the WEWL/H power supplies.
PLemAutoRunXMLParser(const QString fln, PLemAutoRun *lar)
bool fSetupSampleEnabled
true if the sample frontend is enabled (normal operation), otherwise MCP2 setup.
QString fLemvacOutputPath
ODB path to the lemvac output variables.
PAutoRunCmdVector::Iterator fAutoRunCurrentIter
current autorun cmd
PKey * fDanfysikInputKey
pointer to the ODB key: danfysik input variables
bool fHVFeRunning
flag indicating if the hv_fug_scfe is running
bool fAnalyzerRunning
flag indicating if the analyzer is running
void SetFlowAndNeedleValve(QString flowParam, float &rampSpeed, float newDemandTemp, float deltaT, float flowScale)
QString fSpinRotAnglePath
ODB path to the spin rotation angle.
QString fMagFieldPath
ODB path to the magnetic field value.
QString fLemSetupPath
ODB path to the LEM setup info.
PKey * fDanfysikOutputKey
pointer to the ODB key: danfysik output variables
bool parse(QIODevice *device)
float fPrefNeedleValveCof_3_1
bool fRunCheckEvents
if true check number of events, otherwise check time
float fBHFlowPHeat0
see SampleTempAdjustFlow()
double datetime
time as obtained from the LS340 or the system
float fDanfysikMaxCurrent
maximal allowed current for the danfysik power supply
int fCurrentAutoRunCmd
number of the current autorun cmd
QString fFieldPwrSupply
name of the power supply to generate the magnetic field (WEWL, WEWH, danfysik)
void SetFOM(AutoRunCmd *arc)
bool fDumpInUse
flag telling if a raw data dump is going on
QString fXMLAutoRunValidateFln
path-file name of the generated XML-autorun sequence for validation
void CheckMidasAlarms(PAutoRunCmdVector::Iterator iter)
void SetTfl(AutoRunCmd *arc)
bool parse(QIODevice *device)
SampleTempInfo fSampleTempHisto[SAMPLE_TEMP_HISTO_MAX]
array holding the sample temperature history
QString fFOMOutputPath
ODB path to the FOM output variables.
void StatusMsg(const QString statusMsg)
float fAbsMaxTempDiff
absolute temperature deviation allowed in stability test
float fHeaterMin
min. acceptable heater value
float flow
helium flow (read back)
float fWEWHMaxCurrent
maximal allowed current for the WEWH power supply
QString fLemvacFeName
name of the lemvac_scfe in the ODB
float fHVDemandSampleChamber[5]
demand HV of the sample chamber
QString fAutoRunSequence
autorun sequence file name as found under /AutoRun/Auto Run Sequence
void GetDemandHVSampleChamber()
void SetFieldDanfysik(AutoRunCmd *arc)
void SetOmegaSetpoint(float setpoint)
int requested_transition
see MIDAS manual 1.9.5 or later
void ErrorMsg(int noOfErrors, int idx, int errorNo, int line, QString errorMsg)
QString fSampleOvenOmegaInputPath
ODB path to the sample oven omega: input variables.
void SetLEMSetup(AutoRunCmd *arc)
QString fAlarmsPath
ODB path to the alarms.
float fBHFlowTemp
variable needed to calculate the flow if non is explicitly given (see SetTemp())
QString fMagParamBparPath
ODB path to the Bpar parameters (A -> G)
PKey * fSampleSensorTypeKey
pointer to the ODB key: sample cryo LakeShore sensor type assignement
QString fAutoRunPath
path to the autorun sequence directory
QString fXMLAutoRunHTML
path-file name of the HTML autorun status page
QString fBeamlineDemandPath
ODB path to the beamline demand variables.
float fDSetRatio
ratio at which the PID-D has to be switched back (for temperature increase)
int fGotoLine
address to jump to within a running autorun. Defined under /AutoRun/GotoLine
float fPrefNeedleValveCof_1_1
QString fRunInfoPath
ODB path to the run info.
PKey * fSpinRotMagOutputKey
pointer to the ODB key: danfysik spin rotator output variables
int state
1 = stopped, 2 = paused, 3 = running
void DegaussDanfysik(AutoRunCmd *arc)
QString fAlarmTdHvTripPath
ODB path to the TD HV trip alarm/warning.
void FeedLiveDataAutoRun()
QString fNextAutoRunSequence
next autorun sequence file name as found under /AutoRun/Next
QString fSampleFeName
name of the tfl_scfe in the ODB
float fDFlowDp0
calculates d(flow)/dP from d(flow)/dP =
double fSampleHistoTime
time stamp of the current reading in seconds since 1-1-2000
PLemAutoRun * fLar
pointer to the calling class
PKey * fHVDetectorMeasuredKey
pointer to the ODB key: HV Detector measured values
PKey * fSampleChannelKey
pointer to the ODB key: sample cryo LakeShore channel assignement
bool fEnableAll
flag telling if all watched clients and equipments will be enabled/disabled by default.
float SetDemandTempRamping(QString rampParam)
void SetAutoRunSeq(PAutoRunCmdVector *arcv)
QFile fDumpFile
file for dumping raw_voltage
bool ShowComments()
float fFlowTimeoutReduction
timeout between gradual flow reduction while cooling
float fFieldTimeout
time in which the field ramping must be accomplished (in (sec))
void UpdateRunState(const int state)
PKey * fSpinRotAngleKey
pointer to the ODB key: spin rotation angle
float fMaxTempIncrease
maximal temperature increase without shuting down the HV
float fBHMaxFlow
max. allowed flow for the bronkhorst flow meter
int CheckFieldCmd(QString &errMsg)
PLemAutoRun(QString &host, QString &exp)
QVector< AutoRunCmd > PAutoRunCmdVector
SampleTempInfo fSampleTempTrend
1st derivative of the quadratic model of the temperature control parameters
QString fHVMeasuredPath
ODB path to the FUG HV measured variables.
int fHvTripFlag
flag: set if the TD HV trip alarm fired
QString fTofMaxPath
ODB path to the TOF max.
bool CheckForTransportHvCmd()
bool fFrontendRunning
flag indicating if the frontend is running
float fFOMCurrentAccuracy
current accuracy needed before going on (in (mA))
PKey * fLemvacInputKey
pointer to the ODB key: lemvac input values
QString fModNamePath
ODB path to the moderator info.
float fHeatCapCof2
HC_1 * T + HC_2 * T² + HC_3 * T³
bool fWEWFeRunning
flag indicating if the wew_scfe is running
float fSampleOvenOmegaInput[SAMPLE_OVEN_OMEGA_INPUT]
QString fSampleCtrlChPath
ODB path to the sample cryo LakeShore control channel.
void SetBPV(AutoRunCmd *arc)
bool fWarmUpWished
warmup command present
bool fRAPulsingEnabled
flag: if true, the RA pulsing is enabled and hence WEW can take any field values. ...
POdbTagVector * fOdbTagVector
pointer to the ODB tag list
PKey * fEnergyLossParamKey
pointer to the ODB key: energy loss parameters
QString fTriggerEventsPath
ODB path to the trigger events.
float fRunTimeout
time in sec after which the run shall be stopped.
int transition_in_progress
tag indicating that a transition is in progress, i.e. state is not well defined
void GotoLine(PAutoRunCmdVector::Iterator &iter, int max)
PKey * fSampleOvenOmegaOutputKey
pointer to the ODB key: sample oven omega output values
float fPrefNeedleValveCof_4_1
float fFlowSetAbsolute
absolute flow deviation allowed in stability test
float fFlowSetRatio
relative flow deviation allowed in stability test
QString fSampleOvenOmegaOutputPath
ODB path to the sample oven omega: output variables.
float fMaxTempTrend
max. acceptable temperature trend
QString fMagParamWewPath
ODB path to the WEW parameters (A -> G)
bool fDanfysikFeRunning
flag indicating if the danfysik_scfe is running
QString fClientsPath
ODB path to the running clients.
QString fSampleSensorTypePath
ODB path to the sample cryo LakeShore sensor type assignement.
PKey * fSpinRotEnabledKey
pointer to the ODB key: spin rotation enabled flag
void SetTitle(AutoRunCmd *arc)
void SampleTempSetNeedleValve(float value)
PKey * fHVDetectorDemandKey
pointer to the ODB key: HV Detector demand values
void Degauss(AutoRunCmd *arc)
float SampleTempPrefHeaterOutput(float heaterRange)
PKey * fBeamlineDemandKey
pointer to the ODB key: Beamline demand values
PKey * fTofMinKey
pointer to the ODB key: TOF min
double fSampleHistoLastTime
time stamp of the previous reading in seconds since 1-1-2000
float fHVTimeout
time in which the HV ramping must be accomplished (in (sec))
bool fSampleTempUnstable
flag: true if the temperature is out of bound
PKey * fTflOutputKey
pointer to the ODB key: tfl output values
PKey * fHVDemandKey
pointer to the ODB key: FUG HV demand values
float fTimeoutFlowSet
timeout before the flow can be changed next time (see SetTemp())
QString fSpinRotEnabledPath
ODB path to the spin rotation enabled flag.
void SetOdbTagVec(POdbTagVector *otv)
QString fAnalyzerName
name of the analyzer in the ODB
PKey * fMagParamWewKey
pointer to the ODB key: WEW magnet parameters (A -> G)
void SetIgnoreClients(AutoRunCmd *arc)
QString fDumpFileName
file name of the raw voltage dump. It will be RawVoltageOutput-<cryo>-<datatime>.dat, e.g. RawVoltageOutput-Konti4-220316-1235.dat
float fRelMaxTempDiff
relative temperature deviation allowed in stability test
float fBHFlowDHeat
see SampleTempAdjustFlow()
PKey * fMagFieldKey
pointer to the ODB key: magnetic field value
PKey * fSampleOvenOmegaInputKey
pointer to the ODB key: sample oven omega input values
float fBHFlowTempOffset
variable needed to calculate the flow if non is explicitly given (see SetTemp())
QString fDanfysikInputPath
ODB path to the danfysik input variables.
QString fHVCurrentPath
ODB path to the FUG HV measured current variables.
void SetFlow(QString flowParam)
QString fTofMinPath
ODB path to the TOF min.
QVector< QString > * GetHvChNames()
float measured_T
measured temperature of the sample
bool CheckOdbType(INT type, AutoRunCmd *arc)
bool fLemvacFeRunning
flag indicating if the lemvac_scfe is running
float fFlowFactor
constant used in SampleTempConsiderFlow()
void SetLSSetpoint(float setpoint, float rampSpeed)
QVector< float > fHvDemand
QString fXMLSchemaFln
path-file name of the XML-schema for the parsing process
QString fEnergyLossParamPath
ODB path to the energy loss parameters.
SampleTempInfo fSampleTempAverage
average temperature control parameters
float heater
sample heater
QString * GetXMLAutoRunValidateFln()
void SetModInfo(AutoRunCmd *arc)
QString fExpName
experiment name
void SetTempOvenOmega(AutoRunCmd *arc)
int fDumpCounter
counter of raw voltage dumps
PKey * fSampleCryoKey
pointer to the ODB key: sample cryo name
PKey * fSampleRawVoltageKey
pointer to the ODB key: sample cryo raw voltage
float fPrefNeedleValveCof_2_1
float fMagParamBpar[2]
calibration array for the Bpar
void FeedLiveDataErrors(int noOfErrors, int idx, int, int line, QString errorMsg)
int fSampleBhOdbOffsetInput
ODB offset of the bronkhorst within the ODB (input variables)
QString fXMLAutoRunFln
path-file name of the generated XML-autorun sequence
int fSampleHistoNoEntries
number of entries in the history
void UpdateStatusMsg(const QString statusMsg)
void SetTof(AutoRunCmd *arc)
void SetIgnoreAlarms(AutoRunCmd *arc)
void SetOdbDataArray(AutoRunCmd *arc)
void RunStop(AutoRunCmd *arc)
int fSampleHistoPos
index of the start of the ring buffer
void SetHvOff(AutoRunCmd *arc)
PLemSampleCryoXMLParser(const QString fln, PLemAutoRun *lar)
void WarmUp(PAutoRunCmdVector::Iterator iter)
PKey * fLemSetupKey
pointer to the ODB key: LEM setup info
int fSampleBhOdbOffsetOutput
ODB offset of the bronkhorst within the ODB (output variables.
void CheckForOdbSetDataCmds()
QString fSampleChannelPath
ODB path to the sample cryo LakeShore channel assignement.
float NeedleValve(float Tset)
void SetSpinRot(AutoRunCmd *arc)
bool fSampleTempRegulation
flag: if true temperature regulation algorithm is active, otherwise not
PKey * fSetupBparEnabledKey
pointer to the ODB key: Bpar enabled flag
int fSampleCtrlCh
index of channel A or B
friend void TdHvTripFlagChanged(HNDLE, HNDLE, void *)
float fPrefNeedleValveRelStep
relative change in SampleTempConsiderNeedleValve
void SetLSHeaterRangeAndPIDs(AutoRunCmd *arc)
QMap< QString, bool > fEnabled
map holding the enable/disable info of all the clients and equipments
bool fSampleOvenOmegaFeRunning
flag indicating if the omega_scfe is running
void SetTransportHV(AutoRunCmd *arc)
bool fRunStopped
flag telling if a run is stopped
DWORD start_time_binary
binary format of the start time
void DegaussWEW(AutoRunCmd *arc)
QDateTime fWarmUpDateTime
when the warmup shall take place
void SetFlowTweak(float flow)
ELemSampleCryoKeyWords fKey
key tag for the parsing process
PKey * fTriggerEventsKey
pointer to the ODB key: trigger event
PKey * fSampleInputKey
pointer to the ODB key: sample cryo input values
float pressure
helium pressure at cryo outlet
float fMagParamWew[2]
calibration array for the WEW
PKey * fModDateKey
pointer to the ODB key: moderator growing date
QString fTflOutputPath
ODB path to the tfl output variables.
QString fHVDemandPath
ODB path to the FUG HV demand variables.
QXmlStreamReader fXml
xml stream reader object
SampleTempInfo fSampleTempSecond
2nd derivative of the quadratic model of the temperature control parameters
bool LoadHvSettings(PAutoRunCmdVector::Iterator currentIter, QString fln, int lineNo, bool simulated=false)
void HandleParseError(int noOfErrors, int idx, int errorNo, int line, QString errorMsg)
QString fSetupWewEnabledPath
ODB path to the WEW enabled flag.
PKey * fWEWInputKey
pointer to the ODB key: WEW input values
PKey * fAlarmTdHvTripKey
pointer to the ODB key: TD HV trip trigger flag
bool fIgnoreClients
flag: if true checking of clients will not performed: only for testing!!
void ReceivedShutdownCmd()
slot executed if a shutdown command has been received
PLemHvSettingsFileParser(const QString fln)
float EmpiricalFlow(float Tset, float rampSpeed)
QString fSampleInputPath
ODB path to the sample cryo (LakeShore, bronkhorst) input variables.
int GetRunState()
void SetLSMode(AutoRunCmd *arc)
PKey * fSampleNameKey
pointer to the ODB key: Sample Name
QElapsedTimer fRunStarted
time stamp, when a run started
QString fSampleOutputPath
ODB path to the sample cryo (LakeShore, bronkhorst) output variables.
PKey * fSampleOutputKey
pointer to the ODB key: sample cryo output values
PKey * fHVMeasuredKey
pointer to the ODB key: FUG HV measured values
QVector< float > fCurrentLimit
QVector< OdbTag > POdbTagVector
QString fWEWOutputPath
ODB path to the WEW output variable.
PKey * fSampleNoConnectionKey
pointer to the ODB key: sample cryo no connection
QString fFOMInputPath
ODB path to the FOM input variables.
QString fHVDetectorMeasuredPath
ODB path to the HV Detectors measured variables.
int GetGotoLine()
QString * GetXMLSchemaFln()
float fSampleOutput[SAMPLE_CRYO_OUTPUT]
float fSampleOvenOmegaOutput[SAMPLE_OVEN_OMEGA_OUTPUT]
float fFlowLowestFlowToConsider
lowest demand flow to consider
float fSampleInput[SAMPLE_CRYO_INPUT]
QXmlStreamReader fXml
xml stream reader object
double LakeShoreTime(char *str)
float fWEWCriticalCurrentRA
critical current for the WEW. For larger currents, the RA HV's should be switched off due to the Penn...
PKey * fRunCommentKey
pointer to the ODB key: run comment
float fWEWLMaxCurrent
maximal allowed current for the WEWL power supply
float fEnergyLossParam[NO_ENERGY_LOSS_PARAM]
energy loss parameters
int fSampleCryoInUse
-1 = no cryo in use, 0 = Konti-Cryo in use, 1 = LowTemp-Cryo, 2 = Oven in use
QString fAutoRunStatusMsg
autorun status message as defined under /AutoRun/Status
void CheckTempStabilityOvenOmega()
bool fDebug
flag: if true additional messages will be sent to the stdin
bool fShowComments
flag indicating if comments shall be suppressed. Defined under /AutoRun/Shows Comments ...
int fNoOfAutoRunCmds
number of autorun cmd's
bool fLargeFlow
signaling extra large flow during cool down
void SampleTempAdjustFlow()
void SampleTempConsiderNeedleValve()
void DegaussSpinRot(AutoRunCmd *arc)
QString fHVFeName
name of the hv_fug_scfe in the ODB
PAutoRunCmdVector * fAutoRunCmdVector
pointer to the autorun cmd list
float fHVAccuracy
HV accuracy needed before going on (in (kV))
void InitEnabled()
QString fSpinRotMagInputPath
ODB path to the danfysik spin rotator magnet power supply input variables.
QString fLemvacInputPath
ODB path to the lemvac input variables.
void TdHvTripFlagChanged(HNDLE, HNDLE, void *)
PKey * fHVCurrentKey
pointer to the ODB key: FUG HV measured current values
PLemAutoRun * fLar
pointer to the calling class
QVector< int > * GetChNo()
float fPrefNeedleValveCof_3_0
NV setting = _1_0 * _1_1 * T for 10<T<15.
PKey * fWEWOutputKey
pointer to the ODB key: WEW output values
PKey * fMagParamBparKey
pointer to the ODB key: Bpar magnet parameters (A -> G)
PKey * fLemvacOutputKey
pointer to the ODB key: lemvac output values
float fFieldAccuracy
field accuracy needed before going on (in (A))
float fPrefNeedleValveCof_2_0
NV setting = _1_0 * _1_1 * T for 8<T<10.
float fBHFlowPHeat1
see SampleTempAdjustFlow()
void SetDump(AutoRunCmd *arc)
QString fSpinRotMagOutputPath
ODB path to the danfysik spin rotator magnet power supply output variables.
PKey * fFOMInputKey
pointer to the ODB key: FOM input values
void SetField(AutoRunCmd *arc)
QString fWEWFeName
name of the WEW scfe in the ODB
QString fFrontendName
name of the frontend in the ODB
bool isValid(QString &errMsg)
PExperiment * fExp
pointer to the midas experiment
void SetWait(AutoRunCmd *arc)
bool fFugHvCheck
flag: if true demand==measured checks for the FUG HV devices will be performed, otherwise not...
float fLemVacValveInitialState[2]
states of BPVX, BPVY before set temperature
void CheckTempStability()
bool fIgnoreAlarms
flag: if true checking for any alarms will not performed: only for testing!!
QString fHostName
host name on which the experiment is running
RunInfo fRunInfo
run info structure (mirror of the ODB /Runinfo)
SampleTempInfo fSampleTempRmsqd
RMS of the quadratic model of the temperature control parameters.
float fPrefNeedleValveCof_1_0
NV setting = _1_0 * _1_1 * T for T<8.
float fHeaterMax
max. acceptable heater value
PKey * fRunInfoKey
pointer to the ODB key: run info
void setAttribute(const QString key, const QXmlStreamAttributes &qAttr)
QString fEnableOnOffModePath
ODB path to the enable On/Off mode, e.g. red/green, pulsing RA.
int fRunNoEventsNeeded
number of events needed to complete a run
QString fSetupSampleEnabledPath
ODB path to the sample enabled flag.
QXmlStreamReader fXml
xml stream reader object
QString fSampleRawVoltagePath
ODB path to the LakeShore Raw Voltage.
QString fSampleCryoPath
ODB path to the sample cryo name used.
QString fRunCommentPath
ODB path to the run comment.
void SetEnabled(const QString key, bool val)
float fSampleTempAccuracy
temperature tolerance
PKey * fSpinRotMagInputKey
pointer to the ODB key: danfysik spin rotator input variables
PKey * fSampleCtrlChKey
pointer to the ODB key: sample cryo LakeShore control channel