38 #include <TRootCanvas.h> 49 #endif // __MAKECLING__ 51 #define PMUSRT0_FORWARD 0 52 #define PMUSRT0_BACKWARD 1 54 #define PMUSRT0_GET_T0 0 55 #define PMUSRT0_GET_DATA_AND_BKG_RANGE 1 56 #define PMUSRT0_GET_T0_DATA_AND_BKG_RANGE 2 85 virtual Int_t
GetAddT0Bin(UInt_t addRunIdx, UInt_t idx);
96 virtual void SetT0Bin(UInt_t val, UInt_t idx);
97 virtual void SetAddT0Bin(UInt_t val, UInt_t addRunIdx, UInt_t idx);
121 class PMusrT0 :
public TObject,
public TQObject
130 virtual void HandleCmdKey(Int_t event, Int_t x, Int_t y, TObject *selected);
134 #ifndef __MAKECLING__ 136 #endif // __MAKECLING__ 143 #ifndef __MAKECLING__ 145 #endif // __MAKECLING__ 197 #endif // _PMUSRT0_H_
void SetDataLastChannel()
std::unique_ptr< TCanvas > fMainCanvas
main canvas for the graphical user interface
Int_t fPx
x-position of the cursor
std::unique_ptr< TLine > fT0Line
line showing the position of t0
Int_t fTimeout
timeout after which the Done signal should be emited. If timeout <= 0, no timeout is taking place ...
virtual void HandleCmdKey(Int_t event, Int_t x, Int_t y, TObject *selected)
virtual void InitDataAndBkg()
std::vector< PRawRunData * > fRawRunData
holds the raw data of the needed runs, idx=0 the run, idx>0 the addruns
Int_t fRunNo
msr-file run number
virtual Bool_t IsSingleHisto()
Int_t fPy
y-position of the cursor
virtual Int_t GetCmdTag()
virtual Int_t GetDetectorTag()
Bool_t fDataAndBkgEnabled
enable/disable data and background range handling (necessary in connection with grouping and addrun) ...
void SetBkgFirstChannel()
std::unique_ptr< TTimer > fTimeoutTimer
timeout timer in order to terminate if no action is taking place for too long
void SetEstimatedT0Channel()
std::unique_ptr< TH1F > fData
ranged raw data histogram (first good bin, last good bin)
virtual UInt_t GetHistoNoSize()
virtual void SetT0Bin(UInt_t val, UInt_t idx)
PIntVector fHistoNo
msr-file histo numbers, i.e. idx + Red/Green offset
Bool_t fT0Enabled
enable/disable t0 handling (necessary in connection with grouping and addrun)
virtual UInt_t GetAddT0BinSize(UInt_t idx)
virtual UInt_t GetT0BinSize()
std::vector< Int_t > PIntVector
virtual void SetTimeout(Int_t timeout)
Int_t fAddRunIdx
msr-file addrun index
Bool_t fValid
true if raw data set are available, otherwise false
PMsrHandler * fMsrHandler
msr-file handler
virtual Int_t GetAddT0Bin(UInt_t addRunIdx, UInt_t idx)
virtual void SetDetectorTag(const UInt_t detectorTag)
virtual void SetT0BinData(UInt_t val)
Bool_t fShowT0DataChannel
Int_t fHistoNoIdx
msr-file histo number index
std::unique_ptr< TH1F > fHisto
full raw data histogram
PMusrT0Data fMusrT0Data
raw muSR run data sets.
virtual void SetMsrHandler(PMsrHandler *msrHandler)
virtual void SetRunNo(const UInt_t runNo)
virtual Int_t GetT0BinData()
virtual UInt_t GetRawRunDataSize()
PIntVector fT0
holding the t0's of the run
virtual void SetCmdTag(const UInt_t cmdTag)
virtual Int_t GetAddRunIdx()
virtual void SetAddT0Bin(UInt_t val, UInt_t addRunIdx, UInt_t idx)
std::unique_ptr< TLine > fFirstDataLine
line showing the start of the data (first good data bin)
virtual void SetSingleHisto(const Bool_t flag)
void SetDataFirstChannel()
std::unique_ptr< TLine > fT0DataLine
line showing the position of t0 found in the data file
Bool_t fSingleHisto
true if single histo fit, false for asymmetry fit
Int_t fT0Estimated
estimated t0 value (in bins)
Int_t fDetectorTag
detector tag. forward=0,backward=1
Int_t fT0Data
holding the t0 found in the current data set
virtual void SetHistoNoIdx(const UInt_t histoNoIdx)
Int_t fStatus
0=quit locally, i.e. only a single musrt0 raw data canvas will terminate but not the application...
void ShowDataFileT0Channel()
Int_t fDataRange[2]
data range (first good bin, last good bin)
std::unique_ptr< TLine > fLastDataLine
line showing the end of the data (last good data bin)
virtual void SetRawRunData(const std::vector< PRawRunData *> rawRunData)
void HideDataFileT0Channel()
virtual PRawRunData * GetRawRunData(Int_t idx)
virtual void Done(Int_t status=0)
std::unique_ptr< TLine > fFirstBkgLine
line showing the start of the background
std::vector< PIntVector > fAddT0
holding the t0's of the addruns
virtual UInt_t GetAddT0Entries()
virtual Int_t GetStatus()
virtual Int_t GetHistoNo(UInt_t idx)
virtual void SetHistoNo(const PIntVector histoNo)
std::unique_ptr< TLine > fLastBkgLine
line showing the end of the background
Int_t fCmdTag
command tag. 0=get t0, 1=get data-/bkg-range, 2=get t0, and data-/bkg-range
std::unique_ptr< TLatex > fToDoInfo
clear text user instruction string
virtual void SetAddRunIdx(const UInt_t addRunIdx)
virtual Int_t GetHistoNoIdx()
std::unique_ptr< TH1F > fBkg
histogram starting from 'bkg start' up to 'bkg end'
virtual Int_t GetT0Bin(UInt_t idx)
Int_t fBkgRange[2]
background range (first bkg bin, last bkg bin)