Welcome to the musrfit documentation!¶
- How to Cite
? - Tutorial for
- User manual
- Documentation of user libs (user functions)
- Setting up
on Different Platforms - Setting up
: High Speed Fitting with GPU’s musredit
: the GUI Based Interface tomusrfit
- mupp - μSR Parameter Plotter
- msr2data - A Program for Automatically Processing Multiple
msr Files - any2many - a Universal μSR-file-format converter
- Short description and references to the supported file-formats
- ASCII file format for non-μSR
- DB file format for non-μSR
- DAT: CSV like file format for non-μSR
- MDU file format (psi) for μSR
- MUD file format (triumf) for μSR
- MusrRoot file format (PSI) for μSR
- NeXus file format (isis) for μSR
- PSI-BIN file format (psi) for μSR
- ROOT file format (psi/lem before 2012) for μSR
- WKM file format for μSR
- MusrRoot - an Extensible Open File Format for μSR
- Some Basics Concerning ROOT Files
- MusrRoot an Extensible Open File Format for μSR
- TMusrRunHeader Concept
- RunInfo (Required)
- DetectorInfo (Required)
- SampleEnvironmentInfo (Required)
- MagneticFieldEnvironmentInfo (Required)
- BeamlineInfo (Required)
- Exhaustive MusrRoot Tree Including Everything Required
- TMusrRunPhysicalQuantity - Possible Representations
- Acknowledgements
- Bugtracking