User manual


musrfit is a software tool for analyzing time-differential μSR data. The program suite is free software and licensed under the GNU GPL version 2 or any later version (at your option). It is implemented in C++/ROOT and uses the MINUIT2 libraries developed at CERN for fitting data. Installation instructions for GNU/Linux, MS Windows, and macOS can be found under musrfit setup. Recent changes of the program can be followed on the git, either bitbucket or gitlab.

Available Executables, Configuration Files and their Basic Usage

The philosophy is that users, based on their abilities or preferences, can work on the command line are in a more GUI based setting. Here, the command line based tools will be described. The GUI based parts are described in the musredit.


musrfit is the actual fitting program. It defines the FCN routine passed to MINUIT2 and performs \(\chi^2\) or log-max-likelihood fitting. If called from within a shell it accepts several parameters:

filename of the msr input file defining all the details needed for performing a fit to a specified set of data. This is the only mandatory parameter.
-k, –keep-mn2-output
selects the option for keeping the output of MINUIT2 including the correlation coefficients between different parameters and renaming the files MINUIT2.OUTPUT and MINUIT2.root to <msr_file_without_extension>-mn2.output and <msr_file_without_extension>-mn2.root, respectively, e.g. <msr_file> = 8472.msr will result in 8472-mn2.output, 8472-mn2.root.
-c, –chisq-only
Instead of fitting the model, musrfit calculates \(\chi^2\) or max. log-likelihood, maxLH, only once and sends the result to the standard output if called with this option. This is e.g. useful for the adjustment of the initial values of the fit parameters.
-t, –title-from-data-file
If this option is given musrfit will replace the title in the <msr_file> by the run title in the data file of the first run appearing in a RUN block. In case there is no run title in the data file no substitution is done.
-e, –estimateN0
estimate \(N_0\) for single histogram fits.
-p, –per-run-block-chisq
will write per run block chisq/maxLH into the msr-file.
-n, –no-of-cores-avail
print out how many cores are available (only vaild for OpenMP)
-u, –use-no-of-threads <number>
<number>: number of threads to be used (OpenMP). Needs to be <= max. number of cores. If OpenMP is enable, the maximal number of cores is used, if it is not limited by this option.
-r, –reset

reset startup musrfit_startup.xml, i.e. rewrite a default, and quit. The order of which musrfit_startup.xml is reset is:

  1. if present in the current dir.
  2. if present under $HOME/.musrfit/
  3. if present under $MUSRFITPATH/
  4. if present under $ROOTSYS/
-y, –yaml

write fit results (MINUIT2.OUTPUT) into a yaml-file. Output <msr-file>.yaml.

The motivation for storing parameter information in this (hierarchical) manner is to provide easy access to details that are cumbersome to store/access in tabular formats (e.g., CSV or TSV). This is especially true for the parameter covariance/correlation matrices. The advantage is evident when processing the contents of the .yaml output, which can be easily accomplished using one of the YAML parsers implemented in your favourite programming language (see, e.g., for a list of options). As an example, this can be achieved in Python using the PyYAML.

–dump <type>
is writing a data file with the fit data and the theory; <type> can be ascii (data in columns) or root (data in ROOT histograms).
–timeout <timeout_tag>
overwrites the predefined timeout of 3600 sec. <timeout_tag> \(\leq\) 0 means the timeout facility is not enabled. <timeout_tag> > 0, e.g. nn will set the timeout to nn (sec). If during a fit this timeout is reached, musrfit will terminate. This is used to prevent orphan musrfit processes to jam the system.
displays a small help notice in the shell explaining the basic usage of the program.
prints the version number of musrfit

If called with a msr input file, e.g.

$ musrfit 8472.msr

the fit described in the input file will be executed and the results will be written to a mlog output file, in the example 8472.mlog. When the fitting has terminated the msr file and the mlog file are swapped, so that the resultant parameter values can be found in the msr file and the mlog file contains a copy of the input file. The format of the mlog file is the same as that of the msr file. For a detailed description of the msr file format refer to the corresponding section.

Another example:

$ musrfit -c -e 8472_tf_histo.msr

This will calculate the chisq/maxLH of the run 8472 after estimating the \(N_0\).


musrview is an interactive graphical user interface for the presentation of the analyzed data and the corresponding fits. If called from within a shell it accepts the following parameters:

name of the msr input or output file to be displayed. This is the only mandatory parameter.
displays a small help notice in the shell explaining the basic usage of the program.
prints the version number of musrview.
-f, –fourier
will directly present the Fourier transform of the <msr_file> with Fourier options as defined in the <msr_file>.
-a, –avg
will directly present the averaged data/Fourier of the <msr_file>.
-1, –one_to_one
calculate the theory points only at the data points.
will produce a graphics output file without starting a ROOT session. The filename is based on the name of the <msr_file>, e.g. 8472.msr will result in 8472_0.png. Supported values for <graphic_format_extension> are eps, pdf, gif, jpg, png, svg, xpm, and, root.
will generate an ascii dump of the data and theory as plotted.
–timeout <timeout>
<timeout> given in seconds after which musrview terminates. If <timeout> \(\leq\) 0, no timeout will take place. Default for <timeout> is 0.

If called with a msr file and the --<graphic_format_extension> option, e.g.

$ musrview 8472.msr --jpg

for each PLOT block in the the msr file a file 8472_X.jpg is produced where X counts the PLOT blocks starting from zero.

If called only with a msr file, e.g.

$ musrview 8472.msr

a ROOT canvas is drawn; it contains all experimental data and fits specified in the PLOT block of the msr file. For a description of the various plotting types refer to the corresponding section.

Another example:

$ musrview 8472_tf_histo.msr -f -a

will show the averaged Fourier transform of the data of run 8472.

Within the drawn canvas all standard actions applicable to ROOT canvases might be performed. In the menu bar the Musrfit menu can be found. From there some musrfit-specific actions might be taken:

performs the Fourier transformation of the selected data and shows the result.
shows the difference between the selected data and the fit.
toggle between the current view and the averaged data view. Useful if the averaged Fourier power spectrum of lots of detectors shall be shown.
Export Data
saves the selected data in a simple multi-column ASCII file.

musrview key-shortcuts

Additionally, some functions can be accessed using key-shortcuts:

quits musrview.
shows the difference between the selected data and the fit.
performs the Fourier transformation of the selected data and shows the result.
show the average of the presented data, e.g. the averaged Fourier power spectra of various detectors.
reset the plotting range to the area given in the msr file (“un-zoom”).
toggles between normal and cross-hair cursor.
a plot of a single data set allows to toggle the color of the theory function line.


musrFT is an interactive graphical user interface for the presentation of Fourier transforms of raw μSR histograms. It’s purpose is to get a quick overview for high TF-field data, as found e.g. at the HAL-9500 instrument at PSI. It Fourier transforms the raw histogram data, i.e. \(N(t)\) rather than \(A(t)\), and hence shows the lifetime contribution of the muon decay. This is no problem for large enough fields, but will be a severe problem at very low fields. musrFT is still in its early stage and should be considered a beta-version.

If called from within a shell it accepts the following parameters:

Input Files
msr-file name(s). These msr-files are used for the Fourier transform. It can be a list of msr-files, e.g. musrFT 3110.msr 3111.msr
-df, –data-file <data-file>
This allows to feed only μSR data file(s) to perform the Fourier transform. Since the extended <msr-file> information are missing, they will need to be provided by to options, or musrFT tries to guess, based on musrfit_startup.xml settings.
display a help and exit.
output version information and exit.
-g, –graphic-format <graphic-format-extension>
will produce a graphic-output-file without starting a root session. The name is based either on the <msr-file> or the <data-file>, e.g. 3310.msr -> 3310_0.png. Supported graphic-format-extension: eps, pdf, gif, jpg, png, svg, xpm, and root.
–dump <fln>
rather than starting a root session and showing Fourier graphs of the data, it will output the Fourier data in an ascii file <fln>.
-br, –background-range <start> <end>
background interval used to estimate the background to be subtracted before the Fourier transform. <start>, <end> to be given in bins.
-bg, –background
gives the background explicit for each histogram.
-fo, –fourier-option <fopt>
<fopt> can be ‘real’, ‘imag’, ‘real+imag’, ‘power’, or ‘phase’. If this is not defined (neither on the command line nor in the musrfit_startup.xml) ‘power’ will be used.
-ap, –apodization <val>
<val> can be either ‘none’, ‘weak’, ‘medium’, ‘strong’. Default will be ‘none’.
-fp, –fourier-power <N>
<N> being the Fourier power, i.e. 2^<N> used for zero padding. Default is -1, i.e. no zero padding will be performed.
-u, –units <units>
<units> is used to define the abscissa of the Fourier transform. One may choose between the fields (Gauss) or (Tesla), the frequency (MHz), and the angular-frequency domain (Mc/s). Default will be ‘MHz’.
-ph, –phase <val>
defines the initial phase <val>. This only is of concern for ‘real’, ‘imag’, and ‘real+imag’. Default will be 0.0.
-fr, –fourier-range <start> <end>
Fourier range. <start>, <end> are interpreted in the units given. Default will be -1.0 for both which means, take the full Fourier range.
-tr, –time-range <start> <end>
time domain range to be used for Fourier transform. <start>, <end> are to be given in (μs). If nothing is provided, the full time range found in the data file(s) will be used.
–histo <list>
give the <list> of histograms to be used for the Fourier transform. E.g. musrFT -df lem15_his_01234.root --histo 1 3, will only be needed together with the option --data-file. If multiple data files are given, <list> will apply to all data-files given. If --histo is not given, all histos of a data file will be used. <list> can be anything like: 2 3 6, or 2-17, or 1-6 9, etc.
-a, –average
show the average of all ALL Fourier transformed data.
-ad, –average-per-data-set
show the average of per-data-set Fourier transformed data.
- -t0 <list>
A list of t0’s can be provided. This in conjunction with --data-file and --fourier-option real allows to get the proper initial phase if t0’s are known. If a single t0 for multiple histos is given, it is assume, that this t0 is common to all histos. Example: musrFT -df lem15_his_01234.root -fo real --t0 2750 --histo 1 3.
-pa, –packing <N>
if <N> (an integer), the time domain data will first be packed/rebinned by <N>.
–title <title>
give a global title for the plot.
–create-msr-file <fln>
creates a msr-file based on the command line options provided. This will help on the way to a full fitting model.
-lc, –lifetimecorrection <fudge>
try to eliminate the muon life time decay. Only makes sense for low transverse fields. <fudge> is a tweaking factor (scaling factor for the estimated t0) and should be kept around 1.0.
–timeout <timeout>
<timeout> given in seconds after which musrFT terminates. If <timeout> \(\leq\) 0, no timeout will take place. Default <timeout> is 3600 sec.

Example 1

$ musrFT -df tdc_hifi_2014_00153.mdu --title "MnSi" -tr 0 10 -fr 7.0 7.6 -u Tesla --histo 2-17 -a

will take time range from t=0..10 μs, will show the Fourier transform in units of Tesla from B=7.0..7.6 Tesla of the detectors 2-17. Rather than showing the 16 individual Fourier transforms, the average of all Fourier spectra will be shown. t0’s will be guessed by the maximum of the time domain histogram (assuming a prompt peak!!).

Example 2

$ musrFT -df tdc_hifi_2014_00153.mdu -tr 0 10 -fr 7.0 7.6 -u Tesla --histo 2-17 --title "MnSi average, T=50K, B=7.5T" -a -g pdf

as Example 1 but rather than showing an interactive GUI, the output will be dumped into a pdf-file. The file name will be tdc_hifi_2014_00153.pdf.

Example 3

$ musrFT -df tdc_hifi_2014_00153.mdu -tr 0 10 -fr 7.0 7.6 -u Tesla --histo 2-17 --title "MnSi average, T=50K, B=7.5T" -a --dump MnSi.dat

as Example 1 but rather than showing an interactive GUI, the output will be dumped into the ascii file MnSi.dat.

Within the drawn canvas all standard actions applicable to ROOT canvases might be performed. In the menu bar the MusrFT menu can be found. From there some musrFT-specific actions might be taken

allows to switch between different Fourier transform representations ‘Power’, ‘Real’, …
toggle between the current view and the averaged data view.
Average per Data Set
toggle between the current view and the per data set average view.
Export Data
saves the selected data in a simple multi-column ASCII file.

musrFT key-shortcuts

Additionally, some functions can be accessed using key-shortcuts:

quits musrFT.
toggle between average of the presented data and single Fourier histos, e.g. the averaged Fourier power spectra of various detectors.
toggle between average per data set and single Fourier histos, e.g. the averaged Fourier power spectra of various detectors for the different data sets given.
reset the plotting range to the area given in the msr-file or the form the command line (“unzoom”).
toggles between normal and crosshair cursor.


musrt0 is a user interface allowing to determine t0 and the time windows of data and background needed to be specified in the RUN blocks of the msr file. It can be operated either as an interactive program or in a non-interactive mode. In the non-interactive mode it accepts the following parameters:

name of an msr file.
-g, –getT0FromPromptPeak [<firstGoodBinOffset>]
tries to estimate t0 from the prompt peak (maximum entry) in each histogram and writes the corresponding values to the t0 lines in the RUN blocks of the msr file. If an optional number <firstGoodBinOffset> is given, the lower limit of the data range will be set to t0 + <firstGoodBinOffset>.
–timeout <timeout>
<timeout> given in seconds after which musrview terminates. If <timeout> \(\leq\) 0, no timeout will take place. Default for <timeout> is 0.
displays a small help notice in the shell explaining the basic usage of the program.
prints the version number of musrt0.

The interactive mode of musrt0 is started if the program is called with a sole msr-file argument, e.g.

$ musrt0 8472.msr

Then a ROOT canvas depicting the histogram of the data set mentioned first in the RUN blocks block is drawn in different colors:


The colors of the data points represent the choice of the time windows of data (blue) and background (red), as well as t0 (green line). In order to change these ranges the mouse cross-hair is moved to a channel of choice and one of the following keys is pressed:

close the currently open histogram and opens the next (see also below) .
quit musrt0 without writing into the msr file.
zoom into the region about the t0.
unzoom to the full range.
set t0 bin position.
automatically set t0, i.e. jump to the maximum of the histogram.
set the lower limit of the background range bin.
set the upper limit of the background range bin.
set the lower limit of the data range bin.
set the upper limit of the data range bin.

When all channels have been set correctly for the first histogram, pressing of the key q opens the subsequent histogram listed in a RUN block and the respective channels can be updated there. This procedure is repeated until all histograms given in the RUN blocks are processed.

Using the key Q, musrt0 can be interrupted. No changes to the msr file are applied in this case.

Closing a window by clicking the X button (close icon) is equivalent to pressing Q, i.e. musrt0 is simply terminated.


msr2msr is a small utility for converting existing WKM msr files into musrfit msr files. It accepts the following parameters:

input WKM msr file (mandatory first parameter).
converted output musrfit msr file (mandatory second parameter).
displays a small help notice in the shell explaining the basic usage of the program.

A typical example then looks like:

$ msr2msr 8472-WKM.msr 8472-musrfit.msr

If the input file has already the musrfit msr file structure, the output file will be just a copy of the input file.


For details concerning msr2data see the section msr2data.


any2many is a μSR data file converter. Currently different facilities (PSI, TRIUMF, ISIS, J-PARC) are saving their μSR data files in different formats, or even worse some instruments are using other μSR data formats than others. The aim of any2many is that these files can be converted into each other. Of course only a subset of header information can be converted.

Currently any2many can convert the following μSR data file formats:

input formats
MusrRoot, PSI-BIN (PSI bulk), ROOT (PSI LEM), MUD (TRIUMF), NeXus IDF1 and NeXus IDF2 (ISIS), PSI-MDU (PSI bulk internal only), WKM (outdated ascii file format).
output formats
MusrRoot, PSI-BIN, ROOT, MUD, NeXus1-HDF4, NeXus1-HDF5, NeXus1-XML, NeXus2-HDF4, NeXus2-HDF5, NeXus2-XML, WKM, ASCII

Since the goal was to create a very flexible converter tool, it has ample of options which will listed below, followed by many examples showing how to use it. The options:

-f <filenameList-input>
where <filenameList-input> is a space separated list of file names (not starting with a ‘-‘), e.g. 2010/lem10_his_0111.root 2010/lem10_his_0113.root.
-o <outputFileName>
this option allows to given an output-file-name for the converted file. This option only makes sense if <filenameList-input> is a single input-file-name!
-r <runList-input>
where <runList-input> is a list of run numbers separated by spaces of the form: <run1> <run2> <run3> etc., or a sequence of runs <runStart>-<runEnd>, e.g. 111-123. This option cannot be combined with -f and vice versa.
-t <in-template> <out-template>
where <in-/out-template> are templates to generate real file names from run numbers. The following template tags can be used: [yy] for year, and [rrrr] for the run number. If the run number tag is used, the number of ‘r’ will give the number of digits used with leading zeros, e.g. [rrrrrr] and run 123 will result in 000123. Similarly [yyyy] will result in something like 1999, whereas [yy] into something like 99. For more details best check the examples below.
-c <in-Format> <out-Format>
this is used to tell any2many what is the input-file-format and into which output-file-format the data shall be converted. The possible input-/output-file-formats are listed above.
This option is for MusrRoot input files only! Select the the histo groups to be exported. is a space separated list of the histo group, e.g. -h 0, 20 will try to export the histo 0 (NPP) and 20 (PPC). A histo-group is defined via the RedGreen offset in the MusrRoot file format. It is used e.g. in red/green mode measurements. If this option is omitted in a conversion from MusrRoot to something, the first group will be exported only!
-p <output-path>
where <output-path> is the output path for the converted files. If no <output-path> is given, the current directory will be used, unless the option -s is used.
-y <year>
here a <year> in the form yy or yyyy can be given. If this is the case, any automatic file name generation which needs a year will use this given one.
with this option the output data file will be sent to the stdout. It is intended to be used together with web applications.
-rebin <n>
where <n> is the number of bins to be packed/rebinned.
-z [g|b] <compressed>
where <compressed> is the output file name (without extension) of the compressed data collection, and ‘g’ will result in .tar.gz, and ‘b’ in .tar.bz2 files.
displays a help notice in the shell explaining the basic usage of the program.
shows the current version of any2many.

If the template option -t is absent, the output file name will be generated according to the input data file name (not possible with <runList-input>), and the output data format.

Here now a couple of examples which should help to understand the switches.

$ any2many -f 2010/lem10_his_0123.root -c ROOT ASCII -rebin 25

Will take the LEM ROOT file 2010/lem10_his_0123.root rebin it by 25 and convert it to ASCII. The output file name will be lem10_his_0123.ascii, and the file will be saved in the current directory. The data in lem10_his_0123.ascii are written in columns.

$ any2many -f 2010/lem10_his_0123.root -c ROOT NEXUS2-HDF5 -o 2010/lem10_his_0123_v2.nxs

Will take the LEM ROOT file 2010/lem10_his_0123.root and convert it to NeXus IDF V2. The output file name will be lem10_his_0123_v2.nxs, and will be saved in the current directory.

$ any2many -r 123 137 -c PSI-BIN MUD -t d[yyyy]/deltat_tdc_gps_[rrrr].bin [rrrrrr].msr -y 2001

Will take the run 123 and 137, will generate the input file names: d2001/deltat_tdc_gps_0123.bin and d2001/deltat_tdc_gps_0137.bin, read these files, and convert them to the output files with names 000123.msr` and `000137.msr, respectively.

$ any2many -r 100-117 -c PSI-MDU ASCII -t d[yyyy]/deltat_tdc_alc_[rrrr].mdu [rrr].ascii -y 2011 -s

Will take the runs 100 through 117 and convert the PSI-MDU input files to ASCII output and instead of saving them into a file, they will be spit to the standard output.

$ any2many -r 100-117 -c NEXUS ROOT -t d[yyyy]/psi_gps_[rrrr].NXS psi_[yyyy]_gps_[rrrr].root -z b psi_gps_run_100to117

Will take the runs 100 through 117 and convert the NeXus input files to ROOT output. Afterwards these new files will be collected in a compressed archive psi_gps_run_100to117.tar.bz2.

$ any2many -f 2010/lem10_his_0123.root 2010/lem10_his_0012.root -c ROOT ROOT -rebin 25

Will read the two files 2010/lem10_his_0123.root and 2010/lem10_his_0012.root, rebin them with 25 and export them as LEM ROOT files with adding rebin25 to the name, e.g. 2010/lem10_his_0123_rebin25.root.


dump_header is a little program which tries to read a μSR data file and sends the relevant information (required header info, start of the histos, etc.) to the standard output. Currently the following μSR data file formats are supported: MusrROOT, ROOT (old LEM format), PSI-BIN, PSI-MDU, NeXus (IDF1 and IDF2), MUD, and WKM.

-rn, –runNo <runNo>
run number of the header to be dumped.
-fn, –fileName <fileName>
muSR data file name.
-ff, –fileFormat <fileFormat>
where <fileFormat> is one of the above listed ones.
-y, –year <year>
<year> has to be a 4 digit value, e.g. 2005, if provided it is used to generate the file name for the given <runNo>, otherwise the current year is used. If a file name is given, this option has no effect.
-s, –summary
this option is used for LE-μSR data sets only. It will, additionally to the header information, print the summary file content.
-i –instrument <inst>
where <inst> is the requested instrument name, i.e. lem (default), gps, ltf, dolly, gpd, or hifi.
-h, –help
will show a short help.
-v, –version
will print the current version.


$ dump_header -fn tdc_hifi_2015_00123.mdu -y 2015

will dump the header information for the run 123 of the HAL-9500 instrument of the year 2015.

$ dump_header -rn 123 -ff PSI-MDU --psi-bulk tdc hifi -y 2015

the same as the previous example, except that the file name is constructed via the number and the additionally provided information.

$ dump_header -rn 3456 -s

Will dump the LEM header information of run 3456 including the content of the run summary file.


addRun allows to add the histograms of various runs and save the result in a file. This can be done either by a list of runs (option1), or by a run file (option2).

usage0: addRun [--help | -h] | [--version | -v]
usage1: addRun <options1> -rl <runList>
usage2: addRun <options2> -in <inputFile>

    -t0  <ival>: <ival> is a comma separted list of global t0-bin`s, or
                 <ival> is a comma separted list of '-1', then it is assumed that there is a prompt peak.
                 Under this condition the t0-bin will be determined automatically by
                 the position of the max-value of the corresponing histograms.
                 If t0's are not provided, t0-bin will be taken from the file.
    -f <format>: <format> is the output file format to be used.
                 For supported formats see below.
    -y <year>  : the year at which runs were measured. Format yyyy.
                 If not provided, the current year is used.
    -i <instrument> : <instrument> is one of gps, ltf, flame, gpd, hifi, dolly, lem
    -m <dev>   : <dev> is pta or tdc (only needed for bulk). Default: tdc
    -o <fln>   : output file name.
  -rl <runList> can be:
    (i)   <run0> <run1> <run2> ... <runN> : run numbers, e.g. 123 124
    (ii)  <run0>-<runN> : a range, e.g. 123-125 -> 123 124 125
    (iii) <run0>:<runN>:<step> : a sequence, e.g. 123:127:2 -> 123 125 127
          <step> will give the step width and has to be a positive number!
     a <runList> can also combine (i)-(iii), e.g. 123 128-130 133, etc.

    -f <format>: <format> is file format of the output-file to be used.
    -o <fln>   : output file name.
  -in <inputFile>: the file name of the file containing the necessary run information
               to add runs with various t0's, fgb's, lgb's, different years, etc.
               The structure of the <inputFile> is:
               Lines starting with a '%' and empty lines are ignored.
               A single run needs to provide the following information:
               file <path-name>: needs to be a full path name
               t0 <t0-bin>     : needs to be the t0 bin or
                                 0 to take the t0 bin from the file, or
                                 -1 for automatic determination via prompt peak (see above).
        % file 1. 6 histos present, hence 6 t0-bins
        file /home/test/data/deltat_tdc_gps_4324.bin
        t0  401, 400, 399, 400, 358, 400
        % file 2, take t0-bins from the file
        file /home/test/data/deltat_tdc_gps_4325.bin
        % file 3, deduce to t0-bin's from the prompt peak
        file /home/test/data/deltat_tdc_gps_4325.bin
        t0  -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1

 Supported uSR file formats:
   MusrRoot, PSI-BIN, PSI-MDU, MUD, NeXus


musrfit_startup.xml is a configuration file located at $HOME\.musrfit. In this file the following XML tags are allowed to define settings:

add the new path PATH_TO_DATA where musrfit and musrview will search for data files.
<run_name_template inst=”instrument_name”>template</run_name_template>

instrument_name is the name of the instrument, e.g. gps. template allows to generate the potential path fragment where to search for files. These path fragments are added to all present data_path. This is used e.g. by addRun in order to find runs. To illustrate this here an example:


%yyyy% will be replaced by the provided year (4 digits, e.g. 2020). %yy% will be replaced by the provided year (2 digits, e.g. 18). %rrrr% will be replaced by the run number. Here 4 r are given, hence the run 123 will be replaced to 0123, i.e. leading zero’s will be added. For the given example %rrrrr% would be replaced to 00123 etc.

If the year is 2019 and the run 123, the above template would be expanded to


if enabled \(\chi^2\) for each RUN block will be written to the STATISTIC block of the resulting msr file. Additionally, in case a \(\chi^2\) single-histogram fit is done, also Pearson’s \(\chi^2\) will be added.

set the default parameters for the Fourier transform in musrview. For further details refer to the description of the FOURIER block in the msr file.

specify the units of the frequency or field-domain. Valid units are Gauss, MHz and Mc/s (inside a <fourier_settings> environment).
specify the number of points \(2^n (n < 21)\) to be used for the Fourier transform (inside a <fourier_settings> environment).
set the default apodization method. Valid apodizations are none, weak, medium, and strong (inside a <fourier_settings> environment).
specify which part of the Fourier transform is plotted by default. You can choose between real, imag, real_and_imag, power, and phase (inside a <fourier_settings> environment).
set the initial phase shift PH (in degrees) of the data to be Fourier transformed (inside a <fourier_settings> environment).
change the default value of the phase increment (in degrees) used for the phase optimization to PHINCR (inside a <fourier_settings> environment).

change the default ROOT settings.


specify the order in which musrview should use markers when plotting data (inside a <root_settings> environment).

use the ROOT marker number X (inside a <marker_list> environment).

specify the order in which musrview should use colors when plotting data (inside a <root_settings> environment).

use the RGB coded color (inside a <color_list> environment).

An example would look like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<musrfit xmlns="">
            <!-- Root marker numbers -->
            <!-- Color as RGB coded string -->

Description of the msr File Format

The programs are using an input file to control their action. This input file has the extension .msr (msr file). The msr file is built up from different blocks. Each block starts with a keyword and is, with the exception of the title, terminated by an empty line. Comments start with the character #. The various input blocks are described below.

The Title

The first line of the msr file is the title line. Unlike all the other input blocks, it does not start with a block keyword. It is just a simple text line, in which any information can be placed. The title text will be used in the graphical representation of the data as a headline.


The FITPARAMETER block is used to define the fit parameters in a MINUIT typical style. There are various possible parameter definitions which are listed here:

1. <no> <name> <value> <step>
2. <no> <name> <value> <step> <lower_boundary> <upper_boundary>
3. <no> <name> <value> <step> <pos_error> <lower_boundary> <upper_boundary>

where <no> is the parameter number, <name> is the parameter name [1], <value> is the initial guess of the parameter, <step> the inital step width, <lower/upper_boundary> is the lower/upper boundary for the parameter [2].

In the output file, <value> will be the MINUIT fit value, <step> will contain the error estimate (or the negative error estimate if MINOS was successfully used), <pos_error> will have the value none if MINOS has not been used, otherwise it will show the positive error estimate.

A typical example looks like this:

#       No   Name      Value     Step       Pos_Error    Boundaries
        1   alpha     1          0.02       none         0       1.8
        2   asy       0.1042     0.004713   none         0       0.33
        3   phase     15         1.0        none
        4   freq      0.9        0.0379     none
        5   rate      0.03       0.00579    none

There is also the possibility to constrain the parameters to semi-defined intervals (like par > a or par < b). The syntax is as follows:

#       No   Name      Value     Step       Pos_Error    Boundaries
# Specify only a lower boundary for the parameter
        1   Asy1      0.04501   -0.00208    0.00211      0       none

# Specify only an upper boundary for the parameter
        2   Rate1     0.14245   -0.02501    0.02279      none    10

# Specify lower and upper boundaries for the parameter
        3   Asy2      0.14501   -0.00208    0.00211      0       0.33

# Do not specify boundaries at all
        4   Field2    343.212   -2.27960    2.27885
        5   Rate2     0.42045   -0.02501    0.02279      none    none


[1]A standard string without whitespace.
[2]According to the MINUIT manual this should be avoided whenever possible!

The THEORY Block

The THEORY block is used to define the fit function. There is a set of predefined functions available. It is also possible to use externally defined functions. How to use them will be explained afterwards, here only the predefined functions are described.

name abbr. parameters mathematical expression notes
const c const(1) const  
asymmetry a A(1) \(A\)  
simplExpo se \(\lambda (\mu \mathrm{s}^{-1})\) \(\exp(-\lambda t)\)  
generExpo ge \(\lambda (\mu \mathrm{s}^{-1}) \beta(1)\) \(\exp\left[-(\lambda t)^\beta\right]\)  
simpleGss sg \(\sigma (\mu \mathrm{s}^{-1})\) \(\exp\left[-\frac{1}{2} (\sigma t)^2\right]\)  
statGssKT stg \(\sigma (\mu \mathrm{s}^{-1})\) \(\frac{1}{3} + \frac{2}{3} \left[ 1 - (\sigma t)^2\right] \exp\left[-\frac{1}{2} (\sigma t)^2\right]\)  
statGssKTLF sgktlf \(\nu\) (MHz), \(\sigma (\mu \mathrm{s}^{-1})\)
\(G_{\rm G}^{\rm LF}(t) = 1-\frac{2\sigma^2}{(2\pi\nu)^2} \left[ 1-\exp\left(- \frac{1}{2}\sigma^2t^2\right)\cos(2\pi\nu t)\right]\)
\(+ \frac{2\sigma^4}{(2\pi\nu)^3} \int_0^t \exp\left(- \frac{1}{2}\sigma^2\tau^2\right) \sigma(2\pi\nu\tau) d\tau\)
dynGssKTLF dgktlf \(\nu\) (MHz), \(\sigma (\mu \mathrm{s}^{-1})\), \(\Gamma\) (MHz)
\(\frac{1}{2\pi i} \int_{\gamma+i\infty}^{\gamma-i\infty} \frac{f_{\rm G}(s+\Gamma)}{1-\Gamma f_{\rm G}(s+\Gamma)} \exp(s t) ds\),
where \(f_{\rm G}(s) = \int_0^\infty G_{\rm G}^{\rm LF}(t) \exp(-s t) dt\)
statExpKT sekt \(\lambda (\mu \mathrm{s}^{-1})\) \(\frac{1}{3} + \frac{2}{3} \left[ 1 - \lambda t\right] \exp(-\lambda t)\) [5]
statExpKTLF sektlf \(\nu\) (MHz), \(a (\mu \mathrm{s}^{-1})\)
\(1 - \frac{a}{2\pi\nu} j_1(2\pi\nu t) \exp(-a t)\)
\(- \left(\frac{a}{2\pi\nu}\right)^2 \left[j_0(2\pi\nu t)\exp(-a t)-1\right]\) \(- a \left[1+\left(\frac{a}{2\pi\nu}\right)^2\right] \int_0^t \exp(-a\tau) j_0(2\pi\nu\tau) d\tau = G_{\rm L}^{\rm LF}(t)\)
dynExpKTLF dektlf \(\nu\) (MHz), \(a (\mu \mathrm{s}^{-1})\), \(\Gamma\) (MHz)
\(\frac{1}{2\pi i} \int_{\gamma+i\infty}^{\gamma-i\infty} \frac{f_{\rm L}(s+\Gamma)}{1-\Gamma f_{\rm L}(s+\Gamma)} \exp(s t) ds\),
where \(f_{\rm L}(s) = \int_0^\infty G_{\rm L}^{\rm LF}(t) \exp(-s t) dt\)
combiLGKT lgkt \(\lambda (\mu \mathrm{s}^{-1})\), \(\sigma (\mu \mathrm{s}^{-1})\) \(\frac{1}{3} + \frac{2}{3} (1 - \sigma^2 t^2 -\lambda t) \exp\left(-\frac{\sigma^2 t^2}{2}-\lambda t\right)\)  
strKT skt \(\sigma (\mu \mathrm{s}^{-1}),~\beta(1)\) \(\frac{1}{3} + \frac{2}{3} \left[ 1 - (\sigma t)^\beta\right] \exp\left[-(\sigma t)^\beta / \beta \right]\) [8]
spinGlass spg \(\lambda (\mu \mathrm{s}^{-1})\), \(\gamma (\mu \mathrm{s}^{-1})\), \(q (1)\)
\(\frac{1}{3} \exp\left(-\sqrt{\Omega t}\right) +\)
\(+ \frac{2}{3} \left(1 - \frac{q\lambda^2 t^2}{\sqrt{\Omega t+ q\lambda^2 t^2}}\right) \exp(-\sqrt{\Omega t + q \lambda^2 t^2})\), \(\Omega t = \frac{4 \lambda^2 (1-q) t}{\gamma}\)
rdAnisoHf rahf \(\nu\) (MHz), \(\lambda (\mu \mathrm{s}^{-1})\)
\(\frac{1}{6} (1-\nu t/2) \exp(-\nu t/2) +\)
\(+ \frac{1}{3} (1 - \nu t/4) \exp(-\frac{\nu t + 2.44949 \lambda t}{4})\)
TFieldCos tf \(\varphi (^\circ), \nu\) (MHz) \(\cos\left(2\pi\nu t + \frac{\pi \varphi}{180}\right)\)  
internFld if \(\alpha (1), \varphi (^\circ)\), \(\nu\) (MHz), \(\lambda_{\rm T} (\mu \mathrm{s}^{-1})\),\(\lambda_{\rm L} (\mu \mathrm{s}^{-1})\)
\(\alpha \cos\left(2\pi\nu t + \frac{\pi \varphi}{180}\right) \exp(-\lambda_{\rm T}t) +\)
\(+ (1-\alpha) \exp(-\lambda_{\rm L} t)\)
Bessel b \(\varphi (^\circ), \nu\) (MHz) \(J_0\left(2\pi\nu t + \frac{\pi \varphi}{180}\right)\)  
internbsl ib \(\alpha (1), \varphi (^\circ)\), \(\nu\) (MHz), \(\lambda_{\rm T} (\mu \mathrm{s}^{-1})\),\(\lambda_{\rm L} (\mu \mathrm{s}^{-1})\)
\(\alpha J_0\left(2\pi\nu t + \frac{\pi \varphi}{180}\right) \exp(-\lambda_{\rm T}t) +\)
\(+ (1-\alpha) \exp(-\lambda_{\rm L} t)\)
internFldGK ifgk \(\alpha (1), \nu\) (MHz), \(\sigma (\mu \mathrm{s}^{-1})\), \(\lambda (\mu\mathrm{s}^{-1}), \beta (1)\)
\(\alpha\left[\cos(2\pi\nu t)-\frac{\sigma^2 t}{2\pi\nu}\sin(2\pi\nu t)\right]\exp(-\sigma^2 t^2/2)+\)
\(+ (1-\alpha) \exp(-(\lambda t)^\beta)\)
internFldLL ifll \(\alpha (1), \nu\) (MHz), \(a (\mu \mathrm{s}^{-1})\), \(\lambda (\mu\mathrm{s}^{-1}), \beta (1)\)
\(\alpha\left[\cos(2\pi\nu t)-\frac{a}{2\pi\nu}\sin(2\pi\nu t)\right]\exp(-a t)+\)
\(+ (1-\alpha) \exp(-(\lambda t)^\beta)\)
abragam ab \(\sigma (\mu \mathrm{s}^{-1})\), \(\gamma\) (MHz) \(\exp\left[-\frac{\sigma^2}{\gamma^2} (e^{-\gamma t} - 1 + \gamma t)\right]\)  
skewedGss skg \(\varphi (^\circ), \nu\) (MHz) \(\sigma_{+} (\mu \mathrm{s}^{-1})\), \(\sigma_{-} (\mu \mathrm{s}^{-1})\)
\(\frac{\sigma_{-}}{\sigma_{+}+\sigma_{-}} \exp\left[\frac{\sigma_{-}^2 t^2}{2}\right] \left\{\cos(2\pi\nu t + \frac{\pi\varphi}{180}) + \sin(2\pi\nu t + \frac{\pi\varphi}{180}) \mathrm{Erfi}\left(\frac{\sigma_{-} t}{\sqrt{2}}\right)\right\} +\)
\(+ \frac{\sigma_{+}}{\sigma_{+}+\sigma_{-}} \exp\left[\frac{\sigma_{+}^2 t^2}{2}\right] \left\{\cos(2\pi\nu t + \frac{\pi\varphi}{180}) - \sin(2\pi\nu t + \frac{\pi\varphi}{180}) \mathrm{Erfi}\left(\frac{\sigma_{+} t}{\sqrt{2}}\right)\right\}\)
staticNKZF snkzf \(\Delta_0 (\mu \mathrm{s}^{-1})\), \(R_b = \Delta_{\rm GbG}/\Delta_0 (1)\) \(\frac{1}{3} + \frac{2}{3}\left(\frac{1}{1+R_b^2\Delta_0^2 t^2}\right)^{3/2} \left(1 - \frac{\Delta_0^2 t^2}{1+R_b^2\Delta_0^2 t^2}\right) \exp\left[-\frac{\Delta_0^2 t^2}{2(1+R_b^2\Delta_0^2 t^2)}\right]\) [13]
staticNKTF snktf \(\varphi (^\circ), \nu\) (MHz), \(\Delta_0 (\mu \mathrm{s}^{-1})\), \(R_b = \Delta_{\rm GbG}/\Delta_0 (1)\) \(\sqrt{\frac{1}{1+R_b^2 \Delta_0^2 t^2}} \exp\left[-\frac{\Delta_0^2 t^2}{2(1+R_b^2 \Delta_0^2 t^2)}\right] \cos(2\pi\nu t + \varphi)\) see [13]
dynamicNKZF dnkzf \(\Delta_0 (\mu \mathrm{s}^{-1})\), \(R_b = \Delta_{\rm GbG}/\Delta_0 (1)\), \(\nu_c\) (MHz)
\(\sqrt{\frac{1}{1+4 R_b^2 \Delta_0^2 \Theta(t)}} \exp\left[-\frac{2\Delta_0^2 \Theta(t)}{1+4 R_b^2 \Delta_0^2 \Theta(t)}\right]\),
\(\Theta(t) = \frac{\exp(-\nu_c t) -1 -\nu_c t}{\nu_c^2}\)
see [13]
dynamicNKTF dnktf \(\varphi (^\circ), \nu\) (MHz), \(\Delta_0 (\mu \mathrm{s}^{-1})\), \(R_b = \Delta_{\rm GbG}/\Delta_0 (1)\), \(\nu_c\) (MHz)
\(\sqrt{\frac{1}{1+2 R_b^2 \Delta_0^2 \Theta(t)}} \exp\left[-\frac{\Delta_0^2 \Theta(t)}{1+2 R_b^2 \Delta_0^2 \Theta(t)}\right] \cos(2\pi\nu t + \varphi)\),
\(\Theta(t) = \frac{\exp(-\nu_c t) -1 -\nu_c t}{\nu_c^2}\)
see [13]
muMinusExpTF mmsetf \(N_0 (1), \tau (\mu \mathrm{s}^{-1})\), \(A (1), \lambda (\mu \mathrm{s}^{-1})\), \(\varphi (^\circ), \nu\) (MHz) \(N_0 \exp(-t/\tau) \left[ 1 + A \exp(-\lambda t) \cos(2 \pi \nu t + \varphi) \right]\) [14]
polynom p \(t_0 ([t]), a_0 (1)\), \(a_1 (t), \ldots, a_n (1)\) \(\sum_{k=0}^n a_k (t-t_0)^k\)  


[3]R.S. Hayano et al., Phys. Rev. B 20, 850 (1979). – not DKS ready.
[4]R.S. Hayano et al., Phys. Rev. B 20, 850 (1979)., P. Dalmas de Réotier and A. Yaouanc, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 4, 4533 (1992)., A. Keren, Phys. Rev. B 50, 10039 (1994). – not DKS ready.
[5]Y.J. Uemura et al., Phys. Rev. B 31, 546 (1985). – not DKS ready.
[6]Y.J. Uemura et al., Phys. Rev. B 31, 546 (1985). – not DKS ready.
[7]R.S. Hayano et al., Phys. Rev. B 20, 850 (1979)., P. Dalmas de Réotier and A. Yaouanc, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 4, 4533 (1992). – not DKS ready.
[8]M.R. Crook and R. Cywinski, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 9 1149 (1997).
[9]R.E. Turner and D.R. Harshman, Phys. Rev. B 34, 4467 (1986).
[10]E.I. Kornilov and V.Yu. Pomjakushin, Physics Letters A 153, 364, (1991). In the original work, \(\alpha=2/3,\, \lambda=0,\, \beta=1\). If you find values strongly deviating from these values you should question your analysis approach.
[11]M.I. Larkin et al., Physica B: Condensed Matter 289-290, 153 (2000). In the original work, \(\alpha=2/3,\, \lambda=0,\, \beta=1\). If you find values strongly deviating from these values you should question your analysis approach.
[12]see memonot DKS ready.
[13]D.R. Noakes and G.M. Kalvius, Phys. Rev. B 56, 2352 (1997); A. Yaouanc and P. Dalmas de Réotier “Muon Spin Rotation, Relaxation, and Resonance” Oxford Scientific Publication; simplifying the original formulae by eliminating \(\Delta_{\rm eff}\) via the identity \(\Delta_{\rm eff}^2 = (1+R_b^2)\Delta_0\).
[14]This function is explicit for \(\mu^-\)! Do not try to use it for \(\mu^+\)!


There are two situations where the theory function needs an additional switch/map allowing a compact and flexible handling of the fit.

  1. Typically your spectrometer has a couple of detectors. Hence, in a TF experiment all these detectors will have at least a different initial phase. Maps allow exactly to deal with this difficulty.
  2. In case different runs are fitted simultaneously, it is very often necessary that for a given theory function, some parameters are run-dependent. An example could be a temperature scan, where the parameters (asymmetry, depolarization rates, etc.) will depend on the temperature.

In order to handle such situations, a mapping of parameters in the THEORY block is possible. That means, instead of a parameter number, the mapping of the parameter is given. The definition of the mapping block is part of the RUN block and will be described there. For example

asymmetry 2
simplExpo 3
TFieldCos map1 5

means that the phase parameter of TFieldCos will be mapped to RUN block, and hence every detector will have its individual phase.


Yet another useful feature is the possibility to define functions in the FUNCTIONS block. Within the THEORY block these functions can be addressed as funX, where ‘X’ is the function number, e.g. fun2. Whereas the theory is operating on the parameters and the time, functions currently can only operate on the parameters.

User Functions

In the case complicated and not predefined functions are needed to fit data, musrfit offers the possibility to implement external functions and introduce them to musrfit through the ROOT dictionary mechanism. The detailed rules these user-defined functions have to obey will be discussed in the according section. Here only the syntax for the msr file is provided. To call a user function in the THEORY block the keyword userFcn is used. It is followed by the name of the shared library which holds the C++ class where the function is implemented and the name of the class. Finally, all parameters are given in the order needed by the class. Of course it is also possible to use mapped parameters or functions instead of specifying the parameters directly.

A THEORY block including a user function may then look like

asymmetry 1
userFcn TMyFunction 2 3 4 map1 fun1


Here some auxiliary functions can be defined. These functions can currently only operate on the defined parameters, and some meta information from the data files. They can be used in the THEORY block and for three specific cases in the RUN block (norm, alpha, and beta). Supported is the use of basic arithmetic:

The standard use of parentheses

The following functions are built-in and can be used in a function definition: cos(), sin(), tan(), acos(), asin(), atan(), cosh(), sinh(), tanh(), acosh(), asinh(), atanh(), exp(), log(), ln(), sqrt(), pow(base, exponent).

Furthermore, some constants are predefined and might also be used:

  • gamma_mu = \(\gamma_\mu/(2\pi) = 0.0135538817~\mathrm{MHz/G}\)
  • pi = \(\pi = 3.14159265358979323846\)

The fit parameters are accessed either directly through parX, where ‘X’ is the number of the parameter in the FITPARAMETER block, e.g. par5 or through a mapping with mapY, where ‘Y’ specifies the mapping number in the RUN block as explained below.

The available meta information form the data files are:

Meta Information Symbol Units Comments
Field B or b (G)  
Energy En or en (keV) mainly LEM
Temperature Tx (K) x=0,1,.. e.g. t0

The defined functions are denoted as funX, where ‘X’ is the function number, i.e. fun1, fun2, etc. and have to be placed separately on one line each. Afterwards they can be used in the THEORY block.

It follows an example to illustrate the usage of functions in the THEORY block. The total asymmetry of a signal consisting of two parts should be a fit parameter. The fraction of each of the parts will then be expressed as a function of the total asymmetry.

#       No   Name      Value     Step       Pos_Error    Boundaries
        1   alpha     1          0.02       none         0       1.8
        2   phase     15         1.0        none
        3   asy       0.2542     0.004713   none         0       0.33
        4   rate1     15         1.0        none         0       none
        5   frac1     0.33       0.0379     none         0       1
        6   rate2     0.13       0.00579    none         0       10

asymmetry   fun1
simplExpo      4                   (rate)
asymmetry   fun2
simplExpo      6                   (rate)

fun1 = par3 * par5
fun2 = par3 * ( 1.0 - par5 )

The GLOBAL Block

The GLOBAL block is used to collect data which otherwise need to be specified in every single run entry of the RUN block. Therefore, this block is only present to potentially shorten the msr file and to ease the handling for the user. The logic will by like that:

  1. check if the property is found in the RUN block.
  2. if not present in the RUN block, check whether it is present in the GLOBAL block.
  3. if still not found, try the data file.
  4. if still not found, either try to estimate it, or fire an error message.

This means that an entry present in the RUN block will overwrite a setting from the GLOBAL block.

Currently the supported GLOBAL block entries are:

  • fittype
  • data
  • t0
  • addt0
  • fit
  • rrf_freq for fittype 1, 3
  • rrf_packing for fittype 1, 3
  • rrf_phase for fittype 1, 3
  • packing for fittype 0, 2, 4, 5

For a detailed discussion of these entries see the section RUN block.

The single histo RRF fit and asymmetry RRF fit related entries (fittype 1 and 3 only) have the following syntax:


Defines the RRF frequency. The exact syntax is rrf_freq <value> <unit> where <value> is the value, and <unit> can be MHz, Mc, and T. An example:

rrf_freq 7.2 T

for fittype 1 and fittype 3 rather than giving packing, rrf_packing <pack> has to be provided, e.g.

rrf_packing 150

an optional additional RRF phase can be provided (if not provided, the RRF phase will be 0.0). Syntax: rrf_phase <phase>, where the value <phase> is given in degree. Example:

rrf_phase 45

An example snippet with, and without GLOBAL section.

With GLOBAL block:

fittype         0         (single histogram fit)
fit             0.0005  10
packing         5

RUN data/tdc_hifi_2014_00153 PIE3 PSI PSI-MDU   (name beamline institute data-file-format)
map             5    6    7    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
norm            8      9
forward         2
data            20120   409500
t0              20108.0
RUN data/tdc_hifi_2014_00153 PIE3 PSI PSI-MDU   (name beamline institute data-file-format)
map            10   11   12    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
norm            13      14
forward         3
data            20111   409500
t0              20088.0
RUN data/tdc_hifi_2014_00153 PIE3 PSI PSI-MDU   (name beamline institute data-file-format)

Without GLOBAL block:

RUN data/tdc_hifi_2014_00153 PIE3 PSI PSI-MDU   (name beamline institute data-file-format)
fittype         0         (single histogram fit)
map             5    6    7    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
norm            8      9
forward         2
data            20120   409500
t0              20108.0
fit             0.0005  10
packing         5
RUN data/tdc_hifi_2014_00153 PIE3 PSI PSI-MDU   (name beamline institute data-file-format)
fittype         0         (single histogram fit)
map            10   11   12    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
norm            13      14
forward         3
data            20111   409500
t0              20088.0
fit             0.0005  10
packing         5
RUN data/tdc_hifi_2014_00153 PIE3 PSI PSI-MDU   (name beamline institute data-file-format)
fittype         0         (single histogram fit)
... and many more detectors here ...

The RUN Block

The RUN block is used to collect the data needed for a particular run to be fitted. This includes the run name, fit type, data format, etc. The RUN block is slightly differently organized than the other blocks. The information is collected via labels followed by the information. Each run to be fitted has its own RUN block. A RUN block starts with a run-file line which has the structure

RUN <run_file_name> <beamline> <facility> <file_format>


RUN-block tag comment
<run_file_name> sub path and file name without extension
<beamline> name of the beamline where the data were taken, e.g. MUE4. Used to generate a default path.
<facility> name of the facility where the data were recorded, e.g. PSI. Used to generate a default path.

The tokens following the RUN statement are used to identify the run, the potential location where the run might be found, and the file format in which the run data has been saved. In order to understand the meaning of all the above tokens, a short digression is needed.

Where is musrfit looking for data files? There is a specific order how this is done:

  1. Check if the file is found in the current directory
  2. Check if the path (or multiple paths) was (were) given in the XML startup file.
  3. Check if there is a system variable MUSRFULLDATAPATH. This system variable can contain multiple search paths separated by colons, e.g.
$ export MUSRFULLDATAPATH=/mnt/data/nemu/wkm/:/mnt/data/nemu/his/:/afs/
  1. Construct the search path from the RUN-block information in the following way: Based on the RUN line in the RUN block, default paths will be generated, e.g. for

    RUN 2007/lem07_his_2018 MUE4 PSI ROOT-NPP

    the generated search path will look like


    where musrFullDataPathToken is extracted from the MUSRFULLDATAPATH token by token, for the above example this might lead to the path


Here are some valid examples for the first line of a RUN block:

RUN 2007/lem07_his_2018 MUE4 PSI ROOT-NPP
RUN 2007/lem07_2018_rb1_npp MUE4 PSI WKM
RUN d2007/deltat_pta_gps_2650 PIM3 PSI PSI-BIN
RUN d2010/tdc/deltat_tdc_gpd_8472 MUE1 PSI PSI-BIN
RUN beautiful-data MUE4 PSI DB

After this short digression back to the RUN-block description.

In order to describe the operations needed for fitting and plotting, quite some information are needed. These information are following the RUN statement and are listed below. Depending on the fit type these information vary and hence it is indicated for which fit/plot type the information is applicable

ADDRUN <run_file_name> <beamline> <facility> <file_format> (optional)

If an ADDRUN is just following after a RUN statement, these runs will be added. More than one ADDRUN statements are possible, i.e. adding up as many runs as wished. It is also possible to add runs with different file formats. If the t0’s are given in the data files, the ADDRUN statement is all what is needed, otherwise just add the t0’s with the addt0 statement.

For a Single Histogram Fit or a MuMinus Fit it will be

addt0 t0AddRun1
addt0 t0AddRun2

For an Asymmetry Fit this reads

addt0 t0AddRun1Forward t0AddRun1Backward
addt0 t0AddRun2Forward t0AddRun2Backward

How will the background and data ranges be handled in this situation? First, the ADDRUN’s will be shifted in time such that all the t0’s have the same channel/bin number. Subsequently, the runs will be added. The background/data range is applied to this summed up new histogram.

ADDRUN is not available for the fit type Non-muSR Fit.

fittype (required if not already defined in the GLOBAL block)

This tag is used to indicate which type of fit is wished. The supported fit types are:

Single Histogram Fit
Single Histogram RRF Fit (only for online analysis)
Asymmetry Fit
Asymmetry RRF Fit (only for online analysis)
MuMinus Fit. This is a single histogram fit especially for negative muon μSR
beta-NMR Asymmetry Fit
Non-μSR Fit

The description of these fit types can be found in the corresponding section. Example:

fittype 0
alpha, beta (fit type 2, 3, 5)

These parameters are used to correct the asymmetry for different detector efficiencies, solid angles and initial asymmetries. They are defined as \(\alpha = N_{0,b}/N_{0,f}\) and \(\beta = A_{0,b}/A_{0,f}\). If the parameters are not specified in the RUN block, for each one the value of 1 is assumed (for fittype 5, alpha is estimated from the ratio of \(\sum_i \left( N_{\mathrm{bp}}(i)+N_{\mathrm{bm}}(i) \right)\) and \(\sum_i \left( N_{\mathrm{fp}}(i)+N_{\mathrm{fm}}(i) \right)\)). Both, alpha as well as beta can be expressed through a function. Example for alpha with fit parameter number 1:

alpha 1

Example for an alpha defined via function number 1:

alpha fun1
norm (fit type 0)

Number of the fit parameter that represents the normalization constant \(N_0\) of the histogram; the value of this parameter is given either per nanosecond or per bin (see below). It is possible to substitute the parameter number by a function, for instance to relate \(N_0\)‘s of different histograms through an \(\alpha\) parameter. Example for a norm defined by fit parameter number 12:

norm 12

Example for a norm defined via function number 3:

norm fun3 (fit type 0)
Parameter number specifying the constant background in a histogram. Its value is given either per nanosecond or per bin (see below). If this keyword is present, any information on a background line are ignored.
lifetime (fit type 0)
Fit parameter representing the lifetime of the muon. If it is not specified the value \(\tau_\mu=2.197019~ \mu\mathrm{s}\) is used in the calculations.
lifetimecorrection (fit type 0) obsolete
Does not accept any arguments. If present, the output in musrview is corrected for the exponential decay of the muon. This item is obsolete in the RUN block and will be transferred to the PLOT block, which allows switching between histogram view and asymmetry view much quicker.
On this line the mapping of run-dependent parameters is done. Parameter numbers given here may be accessed through map1, map2, etc. in the THEORY and FUNCTIONS blocks (see also maps). The first ten maps are always present and have the value 0 if not used; however, the total number of maps is not restricted!
forward (fit type 0, 1, 4)

Number of the histogram in the data file to be processed. If histograms shall be grouped, all the numbers which shall be grouped. Examples:

forward 3       # no grouping, take histogram number 3
forward 1 2     # group histogram number 1 and 2
forward 1-10 12 # group histograms with numbers from 1 to 10 and additionally histogram 12
forward, backward (fit types 2, 3)

Numbers of the histograms in the data file that should be taken to calculate the asymmetry. If histograms shall be grouped, all the numbers which shall be grouped. Examples:

# build forward/backward asymmetry with histogram 1 and 3
forward  1
backward 3
# build forward/backward asymmetry with groupings 1+2+3 and 7+8+9
forward   1 2 3
backward  7 8 9
# build forward/backward asymmetry with groupings 1+2+3 and 7+8+9 (alternative notation)
forward   1-3
backward  7-9
forward, backward (fit type 5)

Numbers of the histograms in the data file that should be taken to calculate the asymmetry. Two forward and backward histograms should be given indicationg positive and negative helicities. The asymmetry from opposite helicities will be subtracted. Examples:

# build forward/backward asymmetry with histogram 1 and 3 then subtract asymmetry built with histograms 2 and 4
forward  1 2
backward 3 4
backgr.fix (fit types 0, 1, 2, 3, 5)
A fixed constant background in counts per nanosecond or per bin (see below) may be given at this point. The background is specified for all histograms in the order \(B_f B_b [B_r B_l]\). If this keyword is present, any information on a background line is ignored.
background (fit type 0, 1)

The numbers of the first and the last channel of an interval from which the constant background should be calculated are specified here. In case histograms are being grouped, the specified channels are interpreted with respect to the first histogram. Example:

background  100  18000
background (fit types 2, 3, 5)

The numbers of the first and the last channel of an interval from which the constant background should be calculated are specified here. For all the histograms this is done together in the following order: \(k_{f,\rm first} k_{f,\rm last} k_{b,\rm first} k_{b, \rm last} [k_{r,\rm first} k_{r,\rm last} k_{l,\rm first} k_{l,\rm last}]\). In case histograms are being grouped, the specified channels are interpreted with respect to the first histograms. Example:

background  61  184   57  145
data (fit type 0, 1, 4)

The numbers of the first and the last channel of an interval from which the data is taken are specified here. In case histograms are being grouped, the specified channels are interpreted with respect to the first histogram. Typically these channels are referred to as first good bin / last good bin (fgb/lgb). Example:

data  165   7965
data (fit type 2, 3, 5)

The numbers of the first and the last channel of an interval from which the data is taken are specified here. Typically these channels are referred to as first good bin / last good bin (fgb/lgb). For all the histograms this is done together in the following order: \(k_{f,\rm first} k_{f,\rm last} k_{b,\rm first} k_{b, \rm last} [k_{r,\rm first} k_{r,\rm last} k_{l,\rm first} k_{l,\rm last}]\). In case histograms are being grouped, the specified channels are interpreted with respect to the first histograms. Example:

data  207   7994    167   8009
t0 (fit type 0, 1, 4)

The number of the time-zero channel of the histogram. Example:

t0 3419        # t0 channel = 3419
t0 3419 3434   # t0 channels for groupings: forward f1 f2. 3419 t0 for f1, 3434 t0 for f2.
t0 (fit type 2, 3, 5)

The numbers of time-zero channels of the histograms in the order \(t_{0,f} t_{0,b}\). For fit type 5, the time-zero is the channel of the start of beam pulse. Example:

t0 3419 3418           # t0 channels: forward (3419), backward (3418)
t0 3419 3418 3417 3416 # t0 channels (assuming forward f1 f2, backward b1 b2): forward (3419, f1), backward (3418, b1); forward (3417, f2), backward (3416, b2)
addt0 (fit type 0, 1, 4)
The number of the time-zero channel of the histogram. If grouping of histograms is present (see forward) the same syntax as for t0 applies. If one addt0 is given, the total number of addt0’s needs to be equal to the total number of ADDRUN’s!
addt0 (fit type 2, 3, 5)
The numbers of time-zero channels of the histograms in the order \(t_{0,f} t_{0,b} [t_{0,r} t_{0,l}]\). If grouping of histograms is present (see forward) the same syntax as for t0 applies. If one addt0 is given, the total number of addt0’s needs to be equal to the total number of ADDRUN’s!
xy-data (fit type 8)
Specification of the data from an ASCII or DB file which should be used as x and y data (in this order). For a simple ASCII file the column numbers are used, in the case of a DB file one can either specify the variable numbers or the name of the variables as given in the DB header.

The range of data that should be considered when the fitting is done. For the μSR fit types 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 the starting and end times are given in micro-seconds. For the non-μSR fit type 8 the starting and end points of the fitting range are given in the units of the x data.

In case the fit range specified here is larger than the data range (in any direction), the data range will be used as fit range.

An example for a μSR fit:

fit 0.1 8.5

Which means that the fitting window will span from 0.1 to 8.5 micro-seconds.

Another possibility for the μSR fits is to give the fit range in bins, rather than time. The syntax is then:

fit fgb+<n0> lgb-<n1>,

where fgb and lgb are label tags which refer to the ‘first good bin’ and the ‘last good bin’ defined either in the data tag of the run block, data file, are estimated based on T0. <n0> and <n1> are offsets (given in bins) allowing to change the fit window compared to the data window. An example:

fit fgb+150 lgb-1332
Number of data channels to be binned together. For the non-μSR fit type 8 the binning is supposed to be 1. For the single histogram RRF fit (fittype 1) and asymmetry RRF fit (fittype 3) this parameter is meaningless.


The COMMANDS block is used to specify the commands which are passed from musrfit to MINUIT2. The supported commands after the COMMANDS keyword are listed in the two tables below (Minuit2 Command Overview and DKS Command Overview) and further described in musrfit Command Block Details.

Minuit2 Command Overview

Cmd brief description Reference
STRATEGY 0 (low), 1 (default), and 2 (high) [15]
MIGRAD This is the best minimizer for nearly all functions. [15]
SIMPLEX This genuine multidimensional minimization routine is usually much slower than MIGRAD. [15]
MINIMIZE This is equivalent to MIGRAD, except that if MIGRAD fails, it reverts to SIMPLEX and then calls MIGRAD again. [15]
MINOS Calculate parameter errors taking into account both parameter correlations and non-linearities. [15]
HESSE Calculates an error matrix. [15]
SAVE Writes the MINUIT2.OUTPUT and MINUIT2.root files which contained detailed information about the fit, like the COVARIANCE MATRIX, CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS, etc.  
SET BATCH Obsolate. Only present for backward compatibilty.  
END RETURN Obsolete. Only present for backward compatibility.  
MAX_LIKELIHOOD If present, use max. log likelihood rather than the default \(\chi^2\). see musrfit Command Block Details
PRINT_LEVEL Prints more or less messages to the stdout. Allowed values: 0-3 [15]
SCAN A command line based option, which allows to scan \(\chi^2\) by vary a single parameter. SCAN needs to be followed by the command MNPLOT. [15]
CONTOURS A command line based option. It allows to plot the contour of parX vs parY. CONTOURS needs to be followed by the command MNPLOT. [15]
MNPLOT Helper command for the commands SCAN and CONTOURS.  
FIX Allows to fix parameters on the command level. It can help to guide a complicated fit (e.g. muonium \(\mu^+\). see musrfit Command Block Details
RELEASE Allows to release parameters on the command level which have been fixed before. It can help to guide a complicated fit (e.g. muonium \(\mu^+\). see musrfit Command Block Details
RESTORE Releases all fixed parameters. see musrfit Command Block Details
FIT_RANGE Allows to change the fit range on the command level. This might be helpful in conjunction with multiple signals in the spectrum. see musrfit Command Block Details
SCALE_N0_BKG For histogram fits only. If set true (default), it will scale \(N_0\) to 1/ns, Otherwise \(N_0\) is given in counts. see musrfit Command Block Details
SECTOR Allows to output \(\chi^2\) or maxLH values for a sub-range of the fitted time range. Used for statistical analysis only. see musrfit Command Block Details

Minuit2 Command Notes

[15](1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) see MINUIT2 users guide

DKS Command Overview

DKS Extension brief description Reference
OpenMP Invoke OpenMP if allowed by the OS. Currently macOS does not support OpenMP out of the box. All Linux flavours do so. [16]
CUDA For properly setup Nvidia graphic cards (e.g. Tesla K40c). Allows to off-load the minimization to the GPU. Speedups of up to 50 are possible! [17]
OpenCL-CPU Invoke OpenCL on the CPU if the OS supports it. This might be useful for macOS. [18]
OpenCL-GPU Invoke OpenCL on the GPU if the OS supports it. This might be useful for macOS and for systems having a powerful AMD graphics card in place. [18]

DKS Command Notes

[16]Standard musrfit as well as DKS support OpenMP. It allows to use all your threads of your CPU(s) during the minimization.
[17]This is only supported for the DKS version of musrfit. For details about CUDA see NVIDIA.
[18](1, 2) This is only supported for the DKS version of musrfit. For details about OpenCL see the Khronos Group.

musrfit Command Block Details

A standard COMMANDS block then looks like this:


Additional to the commands listed above also the command MAX_LIKELIHOOD is valid. This keyword can be placed anywhere in the block and switches from the default \(\chi^2\) minimization to the log likelihood maximization which can be advantageous if one is dealing with low-statistics data.

Furthermore, it is possible to call the MINUIT2 methods SCAN and CONTOURS together with MNPLOT. Exemplary invocations are as follows:




Sometimes it is necessary to guide MINUIT2 to the global optimum. For this purpose it is useful to have the commands FIX <list_of_param_to_be_fixed>, RELEASE <list_of_param_to_be_fixed>, and RESTORE at hand. <list_of_param_to_be_fixed> is a list of the parameters to be fixed/released. It is a space- or comma-separated list of either parameter numbers and/or parameter names. RESTORE releases all the fixed parameters. A typical example could look like:

FIX Freq1, Freq2

It is important to understand that before MINOS is called, all the fixed parameters need to be released and another minimizer command (MINIMIZE, MIGRAD, or SIMPLEX) needs to be in place, otherwise musrfit will assume that the still fixed parameters have to be handled as constant parameters, i.e. setting the <step> value of the parameter to zero.

For even more complex fitting the additional command FIT_RANGE [RESET | tstart tend | ts1 te1 ts2 te2 … tsn ten ] is provided. It allows to change the fit range during different iterations. The command FIT_RANGE tstart tend changes the current fit range for all the runs present in the msr file. FIT_RANGE RESET will restore to the original fit ranges as provided in the RUN block. If for each run of the msr file an individual fit range should be used, the third option applies. Here n has to correspond to the number of runs in the RUN block.

As for the run block, there is a 2nd flavor how the FIT_RANGE can be changed, namely giving the fit range in bins, i.e. FIT_RANGE [ RESET | fgb+<n0> lgb-<n1> | fgb+<n00> lgb-<n01> fgb+<n10> lgb-<n11> … fgb+<nN0> lgb-<nN1> ] where N is the number of available run blocks. The idea is inline with the above syntax and the syntax describe for the fit range (fit) of the RUN block.

A typical example could look like:

FIT_RANGE 0.0 0.8


FIT_RANGE fgb+15 lgb-1332 fgb+17 lgb-1330

The command SCALE_N0_BKG TRUE | FALSE is only used in conjunction with single-histogram fits. The default is SCALE_N0_BKG TRUE which will result in a scaling of N(t) such that it is given in ns-1, whereas with SCALE_N0_BKG FALSE no scaling is performed and N(t) will be given in bin-1. If the command is not present at all, it will be interpreted as if SCALE_N0_BKG TRUE was present.

For “debug” purposes it is possible to force MINUIT2 to print out additional information. The COMMAND block command is PRINT_LEVEL <n>, where <n> can have the values 0,1,2, or 3. A typical example could look like:


Here the MINOS command will print out lot of additional information to the standard output. Notice there are 2 SAVE commands here. This will write the result of MIGRAD to the MINUIT2.OUTPUT file and at the end append the MINOS results to this file.

The command SECTOR <list-of-sector-times>, where <list-of-sector-times> is a list of time values (space or comma separated) which have to range between the fit-start-time and the fit-end-time, allows to report \(\chi^2\) and maxLH values for sub-intervals of the given fit-range. Its only purpose is for a statistical analysis of complicated fits. The results will be written to the MINUIT2.OUTPUT file.

An example might look like this (assuming a fit-range from 0.005 to 10 us):

SECTOR 5.0, 7.5, 9.0

Note: If a fit is invoked, the sector command results will only be written to file, if the fit has converged!

DKS extensions of the COMMANDS block enabling GPU and general OpenCL support

In case you are running the musrfit / DKS version, there are a couple commands which allow you to control the way how the fit shall be performed. These commands are:

Command Purpose
OpenMP tries to run multi-threading via OpenMP if available
CUDA tries to run the fit on a NVIDIA card as e.g. the Tesla K40c
OpenCL-CPU tries to run multi-threading via OpenCL on the CPU. This is useful for macOS
OpenCL-GPU tries to run multi-threading via OpenCL on the GPU. This is used for AMD cards, but also works for NVIDIA

OpenMP is the default if none of these tags are found in the COMMANDS block.

In case the defined THEORY is not ready to run on the accelerator, musrfit will fall back to the default behavior. In the THEORY table all the functions which are currently not GPU ready are labeled by “not DKS ready” in the reference column or corresponding footnote.


If a Fourier transform is carried out the results are plotted within musrview. As input data the actual data shown in musrview is used, i.e. the currently time range shown in musrview! In the FOURIER block of the msr file all necessary parameters for calculating and presenting the Fourier transform of the data specified in the PLOT block is given. If the FOURIER block is not present in the msr file, either the parameters set in the XML startup file or the system defaults are taken when the Fourier transform is performed. The block starts with the FOURIER keyword and may contain the following entries on the successive lines:

Here is specified in which domain the Fourier-transformed data is presented. One may choose between the fields (Gauss) or (Tesla), the frequency (MHz), and the angular-frequency domain (Mc/s).
It is possible (but not necessary) to set the number of data points used for the Fourier transform here. As argument the exponent n<21 of a power of 2 is accepted. The number of data points is then 2n. Attention: If the number of points given here is bigger than the actual number of available data points, the input data vector is filled with zeros until the number of requested points is reached (zero padding)!
a flag to remove a potential DC-offset of the signal. Allowed entries are dc-corrected true | 1 | false | 0.

Here is decided if the data should be apodized before the Fourier transform is performed and if yes, which apodization should be used (for further details about apodization of μSR data refer to the PhD thesis of T.M. Riseman (UBC)). The argument to be put after the keyword is therefore one of the following: NONE, WEAK, MEDIUM or STRONG. If the data should be apodized, they are manipulated as follows: each data value is multiplied by the function

\[\sum_{k=0}^4 c_k \left(\frac{i}{n}\right)^{2k},\]

where i is the data-point index and n is the total number of data points. The coefficients cj for the different apodizations are given by:

\(c_0 = 1.0,\, c_1 = -1.319391,\, c_2 = 0.703484,\, c_3=c_4=0.0\)
\(c_0 = 1.0,\, c_1 = -1.831292,\, c_2 = 0.983734,\, c_3=c_4=0.0\)
\(c_0 = 1.0,\, c_1 = -2.708894,\, c_2 = 2.953575,\, c_3=-1.599128,\, c_4=0.399782\)

At this point it is possible to set the part of the Fourier-transformed data which should be plotted by default if the Fourier transform is done by pressing the f-key in musrview. The argument may be one of the following:

The real part of the (complex) Fourier transform is plotted.
The imaginary part of the Fourier transform is plotted.
Both the real and the imaginary parts of the Fourier transform are shown.
The absolute value of the Fourier transform is depicted.
The phase of the Fourier transform is plotted.

If a real Fourier shall be plotted, it is necessary to adopt the phases of the different detectors. The number of potentially provided phases can be either one, which means that this phase will be applied to all Fourier spectra, or the number of phases have to correspond to the number of runs in the plot block.

Currently there are three options:

  1. The phases for each run/detector are given explicitly, i.e.

    phase val0 sep val1 sep ... sep valN

    where val0, val1, etc. are explicitly given phases (i.e. doubles), and sep is one of the following allowed separators: space, ,, ;, or tab. For example

    phase   -3.2, 175.9
  2. The phases for each run/detector are given as phase parameter from the FITPARAMETER block, e.g. par3, which would take the value of parameter number 3. More explicitly

    phase parX0 sep parX1 sep ... sep parXN

    where the same rules applies as for explicit phase values. An example could look like this

    phase par7, par12, par17, par22, par27, par32, par37, par42, par47, par52, par57, par62, par67, par72, par77, par82

    One might prefer to express the phases in respect to a reference counter, e.g. the forward counter is the reference counter phase (fcp) whereas the backward counter phase (bcp) is expressed as bcp = fcp + relative_bcp. If the fitting is done along these lines, the phases in the Fourier block can be expressed the following way

    phase parRX0 sep parX1 sep ... sep parXN

    which means that X0 is the reference phase, and all the other phases are relative phases in respect to X0, i.e. the absolut phase of Xj would be the summ of the values of parX0 and parXj etc. The reference phase in the list is marked by parR rather than par. Obviously only one reference phase can be defined!

  3. Often the phases in the parameter block follow a clear list structure. This allows to write the Fourier phase parameters in a more compact form

    phase par(X0, offset, #param)

    with X0 the first phase parameter index, offset being the offset to the next phase parameter, and #param being the number of phase parameters to be used. This means that the previous example can be compacted to

    phase par(7, 5, 16)

    As in the phase parameter list examples before, also here a reference phase with relative phases might be wished. Differently to the phase parameter list example, the first parameter number will be the reference phase. The compact notation here is

    phase parR(X0, offest, #param)
An interval in Fourier space given in units as define with the ‘units’ tag, or the tag ‘all’ in which case the range given under ‘range’ will be used. The given interval will be used for an automatic phasing of the real Fourier transform. This will allow to add real Fourier spectra coherently.
The plotting range is set here. The interval is specified through its start and end points given in the units set after the units tag.

Altogether, a possible FOURIER block might look like that:

units Mc/s
fourier_power 12
apodization NONE
plot real_and_imag
phase par5, par8
range 0.0 17.03

The PLOT Block

The PLOT block is intended to collect all the information needed for the graphical presentation of the data and fits using musrview. The PLOT keyword at the beginning of the block is followed by a number which indicates the plot type. The plot types have to match the fit types. Additionally, it is possible to provide information using the following keywords:

Does not accept any arguments. If present, the output in musrview is corrected for the exponential decay of the muon. Only relevant for (type 0).
The numbers of the runs to be plotted have to be put here. The runs are numbered according to their appearance in the RUN block. The numbers is either a space separated list of numbers, an interval e.g. 1-16, or a combination of both.

Here it is possible to define the plotting range explicitly. Depending on the plot type the following settings are allowed where the times are given in micro-seconds and the N in counts (types 0-4) or in counts/nsec (type 0, 1):

fit type 0-4 without lifetimecorrection:
tmin tmax [ Nmin Nmax ]
fit type 0-3 with lifetimecorrection:
tmin tmax [ Amin Amax ]
fit type 8:
xmin xmax [ ymin ymax ]

Here it is possible to define the plotting range for each run individually. For the different plot types the command has the structure:

fit type 0-4 without lifetimecorrection:
t1min t1max t2min t2maxtnmin tnmax [ Nmin N max ] (n = the number of runs to be plotted)
fit type 0-3 with lifetimecorrection:
t1min t1max t2min t2maxtnmin tnmax [ Amin A max ] (n = the number of runs to be plotted)
fit type 8:
not yet implemented
use_fit_ranges [ ymin ymax ]
The fit ranges of the individual runs are used to present the data. Optionally, an ordinate range can be provided.
The data are presented in the packing given here rather than the binning used for the fit. WARNING: This is a global option and applies to all PLOT-blocks.
Will present the time axis in a logarithmic scale. So far no checking of negative and zero-valued data is performed, hence expect interesting output!
Will present the axis of ordinates in a logarithmic scale. So far no checking of negative and zero-valued data is performed, hence expect interesting output!
rrf_packing value
In the rotating-reference-frame (RRF) representation, this will be the value for the packing. WARNING: For the time being, this is a global option and applies to all PLOT blocks.
rrf_freq value unit
This entry provides the RRF “frequency” given by the value and the unit which can be: kHz, MHz, Mc/s, G, or T.
rrf_phase value
A phase of the RRF can be provided, either as a value in degrees, or as a parX, e.g. par4, where ‘X’ is supposed to be the phase parameter number in the FITPARAMETER block.
  • If no plot range is given at all, the fit range of the first run also serves as time window for the plot.
  • In the case no information on the axis of ordinates is available, the plotting range is chosen so that all data can be presented.
  • It is possible to define multiple PLOT blocks. Each PLOT block generates its own ROOT canvas.

A typical PLOT block could look like

PLOT 0   (single histo plot)
runs    1-16
range   0   9.07   -0.5   0.5

A few comments concerning the rotating reference frame (rrf) plot option: the idea of the rrf is to transform a high frequency μSR spectrum into a low frequency spectrum. This is essentially done by multiplying the original asymmetry \(A(t)\) by \(\cos(\omega_{\rm rrf} t + \phi_{\rm rrf})\). This leads to two frequency shifted copies of the original \(A(t)\), one shifted downwards in frequency by \(\omega_{\rm rrf}\) (the wanted one) and one upwards (the unwanted one). In order to get rid of the upward shifted spectrum, the rrf_packing is used, we just over-bin the high frequency copy. The theory, however, is filtered via Kaiser filter. Here a short example:

PLOT 1   (single histo RRF plot)
runs     1
range    0   10   -0.3   0.3
rrf_freq 13900 G
rrf_packing 75


The STATISTIC block is the last block of a msr file. It contains some information on the fit: the date and time as well as the absolute and normalized values of \(\chi^2\) and the number of degrees of freedom in the fit. If enabled in the XML file for \(\chi^2\)-single-histogram fits also Pearson’s \(\chi^2\) will be written to the STATISTIC block.

These information only have a meaning if the fitting procedure has been executed at least once and the fit has converged!

Fit Types

Single Histogram Fit (fit type 0)

The single-histogram fit (fit type 0) is used to fit a function directly to the raw data using

\[N(t) = N_0 e^{-t/\tau_\mu} [ 1 + A(t) ] + N_{\rm bkg}\]
The parameters are given by:
  • \(N(t)\): rebinned decay histograms
  • \(N_0\): normalization constant of the histogram (RUN block: norm)
  • \(\tau_\mu\): lifetime of the muon (RUN block: lifetime)
  • \(N_{\rm bkg}\): constant background (RUN block:, backgr.fix, or background)
  • \(A(t)\): decay asymmetry/depolarization function as given in the THEORY block)

In the plot type 0 without lifetimecorrection the rebinned histogram and the function N(t) written above are presented. If the option lifetimecorrection is set in the PLOT block the asymmetry is plotted:

\[A(t) = \frac{N(t) - N_{\rm bkg}}{N_0} e^{+t/\tau_\mu} - 1\]

Single Histogram RRF Fit (fit type 1)

The single-histogram RRF fit (fit type 1) is used to fit the rotating reference frame asymmetry \(A_{\rm rrf}(t)\) extracted from the raw data. The currently implemented version will fail at low fields/frequencies (for about < 1 Tesla). The same is true, if multiple frequencies with large enough separation are present, e.g. when dealing with muonium. \(A_{\rm rrf}(t)\) is estimated the following way (for more details see the RRF memo (<musrfit>/doc/memos/rrf/rrf-notes.pdf)):

  1. define the background \(N_{\rm bkg}\), and subtract it from the raw histogram.
  2. calculate the property \(M(t) = [N(t)-N_{\rm bkg}] \exp(+t/\tau)\).
  3. estimate \(N_0\). This is the most tricky part. From this calculate \(A(t) = M(t)/N_0 -1\).
  4. now the RRF transformation takes place: \(A_{\rm rrf}(t) = 2 \cos(\omega_{\rm rrf} t + \phi_{\rm rrf}) A(t)\). In Fourier space this is leading to \([A(\omega-\omega_{\rm rrf})+A(\omega+\omega_{\rm rrf})]\).
  5. in order to get rid if the \(A(\omega+\omega_{\rm rrf})\) component, \(A_{\rm rrf}(t)\) is over-binned by the rrf_packing. This results in a signal \(\langle A_{\rm rrf}(t) \rangle_{p}\) which ideally is \(A(t)\) shifted down in frequency by \(\omega_{\rm rrf}\).

The single histogram RRF fit was introduced for online analysis only. It is leading to many uncontrolled effects like ghost lines due to imperfection of the \(N_0\) estimate, line shape distortion due to dispersive filtering originating from the packing, back folding problems if \(\omega_{\rm rrf}\) is not properly chosen, the error estimates on the fitted parameters is substantially worse, etc. In summary: if you not urgently need it: do not use it! There are better ways to deal with the analysis of high frequency data! For more details see the rrf-memo found in the source code under <musrfit>/doc/memo/rrf/rrf-notes.pdf or Musrfit–Real Time Parameter Fitting Using GPUs

Asymmetry Fit (fit type 2)

For an asymmetry fit (fit type 2) two histograms are needed. These are given by the forward and backward keywords in the RUN block. Additionally, the parameters alpha and beta which relate the detector efficiencies, solid angles and initial asymmetries of the two detectors can be supplied. The constant background for the two histograms is either given by background-determined intervals or specified through backgr.fix in the RUN-block.

The experimental asymmetry \(a(k)\) then is inferred from the two histograms:



  • \(N_{\mathrm{f}}(k)\): counts in the forward histogram channel \(k\)
  • \(N_{\mathrm{b}}(k)\): counts in the backward histogram channel \(k\)
  • :math:` B_{mathrm{f}}`: constant background in the forward histogram (RUN block: backgr.fix or background)
  • :math:` B_{mathrm{b}}`: constant background in the backward histogram (RUN block: backgr.fix or background)

This theoretical asymmetry \(a(t)\) is used to fit the function

\[a(t)=\frac{(\alpha\beta +1)A(t)-(\alpha -1)}{(\alpha +1)-(\alpha\beta -1)A(t)},\]


  • \(\alpha\): accounts for the different detector efficiencies and solid angles (RUN block: alpha).
  • \(\beta\): accounts for the different detector asymmetries (RUN block: beta).
  • \(A(t)\): is the depolarization function as given in the THEORY block.

For the graphical representation in plot type 2 the equation above is rearranged to get \(A(t)\):

\[A(t)=\frac{(\alpha -1)+(\alpha +1)a(t)}{(\alpha\beta +1)+(\alpha\beta -1)a(t)}=\frac{\alpha\left[N_{\mathrm{f}}(t)-B_{\mathrm{f}}\right]-\left[N_{\mathrm{b}}(t)-B_{\mathrm{b}}\right]}{\alpha\beta\left[N_{\mathrm{f}}(t)-B_{\mathrm{f}}\right]+\left[N_{\mathrm{b}}(t)-B_{\mathrm{b}}\right]}\]

and plotted together with the function given in the THEORY block.

Asymmetry RRF Fit (fit type 3)

For asymmetry RRF Fit (fit type 3) two histograms are needed. In a first step, the unbinned asymmetry is formed as described for the asymmetry fit. Afterwards the RRF transformation is carried out, i.e. point 4. and 5. as sketched in the single histogramm RRF fit. The same reservations as for the single histogram RRF fit apply: if you not urgently need it: do not use it! There are better ways to deal with the analysis of high frequency data!

Negative Muon μSR Fit (fit type 4)

The negative muon μSR fit (fit type 4) is used for single histogram fits of MuMinus, i.e.

\[N(t) = \sum_i N_i\,\mathrm{e}^{-t/\tau_i} \left[ 1 + A_i(t)\right] + N_{\rm bkg}(t)\]

where \(i\) runs over the different lifetime channels of \(\mu^{-}\), and

  • \(N_i\): counts of lifetime channel \(i\)
  • \(\tau_i\): lifetime of lifetime channel \(i\)
  • \(A_i(t)\): depolarization function of lifetime channel \(i\)
  • \(N_{\rm bkg}(t)\): \(N_{\rm bkg}(t)= N_{\rm bkg,0} + \sum_k N_{\rm bkg,k} \cos(k \omega_{\rm cyclotron} t)\) the background

Since MuMinus is quite generic, the full functional depends has to be written in the THEORY Block.

beta-NMR Asymmetry Fit (fit type 5)

Four histograms are needed for a beta-NMR asymmetry fit (fit type 5), two for positive helecity and two for negative. These are given by the forward and backward keywords in the RUN block. Additionally, the parameters alpha and beta which relate the detector efficiencies, solid angles and initial asymmetries of the two detectors can be supplied. The constant background for the two histograms is either given by background-determined intervals or specified through backgr.fix in the RUN-block.

The experimental asymmetry \(a(k)\) is then calculated from the four histograms:

\[a(k)=\frac{\left[N_{\mathrm{fp}}(k)-B_{\mathrm{fp}}\right]-\left[N_{\mathrm{bp}}(k)-B_{\mathrm{bp}}\right]}{\left[N_{\mathrm{fp}}(k)-B_{\mathrm{fp}}\right]+\left[N_{\mathrm{bp}}(k)-B_{\mathrm{bp}}\right]} - \frac{\left[N_{\mathrm{fm}}(k)-B_{\mathrm{fm}}\right]-\left[N_{\mathrm{bm}}(k)-B_{\mathrm{bm}}\right]}{\left[N_{\mathrm{fm}}(k)-B_{\mathrm{fm}}\right]+\left[N_{\mathrm{bm}}(k)-B_{\mathrm{bm}}\right]},\]


  • \(N_{\mathrm{fp}}(k)\): counts in the forward histogram channel with positive helicity \(k\)
  • \(N_{\mathrm{bp}}(k)\): counts in the backward histogram channel with positive helicity \(k\)
  • \(B_{\mathrm{fp}}\): constant background in the forward histogram with positive helicity (RUN block: backgr.fix or background)
  • \(B_{\mathrm{bp}}\): constant background in the backward histogram with positive helicity (RUN block: backgr.fix or background)
  • \(N_{\mathrm{fm}}(k)\): counts in the forward histogram channel with negative helicity \(k\)
  • \(N_{\mathrm{bm}}(k)\): counts in the backward histogram channel with negative helicity \(k\)
  • \(B_{\mathrm{fm}}\): constant background in the forward histogram with negative helicity (RUN block: backgr.fix or background)
  • \(B_{\mathrm{bm}}\): constant background in the backward histogram with negative helicity (RUN block: backgr.fix or background)

This theoretical asymmetry \(a(t)\) is used to fit the function

\[a(t)=\frac{(\alpha\beta +1)A(t)-(\alpha -1)}{(\alpha +1)-(\alpha\beta -1)A(t)} - \frac{(\alpha -1)-(\alpha\beta 1)A(t)}{(\alpha +1)+(\alpha\beta -1)Am(t)},\]


  • \(\alpha\): accounts for the different detector efficiencies and solid angles (RUN block: alpha).
  • \(\beta\): accounts for the different detector asymmetries (RUN block: beta).
  • \(A(t)\): is the depolarization function as given in the THEORY block.

For the graphical representation in plot type 5 the equation above is rearranged to get \(A(t)\):

\[\begin{split}A(t) &= \frac{(\alpha -1)+(\alpha +1)a(t)}{(\alpha\beta+1)+(\alpha\beta -1)a(t)}-\frac{(\alpha +1)a(t)-(\alpha-1)}{(\alpha\beta +1)+(1-\alpha\beta)a(t)} \\ &= \frac{\alpha\left[N_{\mathrm{fp}}(t)-B_{\mathrm{fp}}\right]-\left[N_{\mathrm{bp}}(t)-B_{\mathrm{bp}}\right]}{\alpha\beta\left[N_{\mathrm{fp}}(t)-B_{\mathrm{fp}}\right]+\left[N_{\mathrm{bp}}(t)-B_{\mathrm{bp}}\right]} -\frac{\alpha\left[N_{\mathrm{fm}}(t)-B_{\mathrm{fm}}\right]-\left[N_{\mathrm{bm}}(t)-B_{\mathrm{bm}}\right]}{\alpha\beta\left[N_{\mathrm{fm}}(t)-B_{\mathrm{fm}}\right]+\left[N_{\mathrm{bm}}(t)-B_{\mathrm{bm}}\right]}\end{split}\]

and plotted together with the function given in the THEORY block.

Non-μSR Fit (fit type 8)

In the case of a non-μSR fit (fit type 8) the fitting function is

\[y = f(x),\]

where \(x, y\) are given by xy-data in the RUN block, and \(f(x)\) is the function defined in the THEORY block.

The same applies for the plot with plot type 8.

User Functions

musrfit offers the possibility to plug-in user-defined functions implemented in C++ classes to the fitting and plotting routines. In order to do so, basically two things are needed:

  1. a shared library containing the compiled class with the defined function.
  2. a ROOT dictionary that contains information about the functions in the shared library.

There are two possible ways to implement user functions and both will be explained below:

  1. a user function without global user-function-object access
  2. a user function with global user-function-object access

Since the first is simpler this will be explained using an explicit example, before it is discussed why the second option is needed and how it can be used.

User Function without global user-function-object access

In the following it is explained in detail how the implementation of a user function is done using the simple example of \(f_a(x) = \sin(a x)/(a x)\), where the parameter \(a\) should be determined by the fit. Although not necessary for this simple example, the source code is split into two parts, namely a header file TMyFunction.h containing the class declaration and a second file TMyFunction.cpp including the function implementation (the name of these files is your choice!).

To plug in the class to musrfit, it is necessary that the class derives from the base class PUserFcnBase defined in the header file PUserFcnBase.h (which is a part of musrfit). In this abstract base class a function operator is defined that takes two arguments: the point where the function should be evaluated and a reference to a vector with all parameters of the function.

Therefore, the user’s header file could look like the following:




#include "PUserFcnBase.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

class TMyFunction : public PUserFcnBase {

  // default constructor and destructor

  // function operator
  Double_t operator()(Double_t, const vector<Double_t>&) const;

  // definition of the class for the ROOT dictionary

In the header file above the constructor (destructor) of the class is empty. This is not necessary, any code that should be executed when the RUN block is read and the class object is created (destroyed) may be implemented in the constructor (destructor). Another peculiarity is the ClassDef statement at the end of the class definition. It is needed for the ROOT dictionary generation and has as arguments the class name and a revision number.

Please also be aware of the const-ness of the operator(). For an introductory discussion on that topic look for example Const_correctness and the links herein.

The actual implementation of the user function is done in the second source file. In this example it only contains the definition of the function operator() declared in the header file and might look like:




#include "TMyFunction.h"

ClassImp(TMyFunction)  // for the ROOT dictionary

Double_t TMyFunction::operator()(Double_t x, const vector<Double_t> &par) const {
  assert(par.size()==1); // make sure the number of parameters handed to the function is correct

  const Double_t eps = 1.0e-5;
  Double_t arg(par[0]*x);

  if(arg < eps)
    return 1.0;
  return sin(arg)/arg;

Also this file contains a special statement for the ROOT dictionary generation (ClassImp), which is placed before the definition of the function. If functions of more than one class are defined in the file, the ClassImp statements for the other classes follow right after the first one.

What is further needed for the ROOT dictionary is a so-called LinkDef file which again contains the class names of all classes that should be accessible through the dictionary and has the following structure, where the “LinkDef.h” (or “linkdef.h” or “Linkdef.h”) at the end of the file name is mandatory:




#ifdef __CINT__

#pragma link off all globals;
#pragma link off all classes;
#pragma link off all functions;

#pragma link C++ class TMyFunction+;

#endif //__CINT__

For compiling and linking it is wise to use a Makefile as for example the attached Makefile.TMyLibrary. It assumes standard ROOT and musrfit installations and defines rules for the generation of the shared library including the class and the ROOT dictionary. In order to get the library built and installed on the standard ROOT path just call:

$ make -f Makefile.TMyLibrary
$ make -f Makefile.TMyLibrary install

In case of a custom installation some paths in the Makefile might have to be adopted. For further information about the ROOT dictionary mechanism please refer to the documentation.

After installing the shared library the defined user function might be used in musrfit as described above.

Finally, please be aware of the remark at the end of this section.

User Function with global user-function-object access

Before explaining how to use global objects within user functions, it will be shortly explained where is the problem and why this might be a sensible approach. In musrfit each RUN block (histogram, asymmetry, …) is owning its own theory-function tree. An example is shown in the figure below. The bluish nodes are default musrfit functions, whereas the red nodes represent user functions (here labeled by uF1 and uF2). Without global user-function object, these nodes are independent entities. This means if the msr file contains n run blocks, the user function uF1 will be called n times for each step in the calculation. If the user function is performing CPU-demanding calculations this is rather inefficient.


Therefore, it is possible to associate to each user function (uFx) a global user-function object (g_uFx). The idea is the following: If uFx needs to perform very time-consuming calculations (e.g. calculate an Abrikosov vortex lattice or the nonlocal response of a superconductor in the Meissner state) this can be transferred to the global user-function object (g_uFx) and hence the time-consuming calculation is only performed once per cycle (compared to n times without g_uFx), thus speeding up the fit.

After explaining the purpose of the global user-function-object approach, some explanations how to interface it follow here. Since the interface is very close to the user function without global objects, only the additionally necessary overhead is explained here.

The user’s header file could look like the following:




#include "PUserFcnBase.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

class TMyGlobalFunction {

  // default constructor and destructor

  Bool_t IsValid() { return fValid; }

  // the following function will check if something needs to be calculated, which
  // is the case if param != fPrevParam
  void CalcSomethingCPUExpensive(const vector<Double_t> &param);

  // this routine will return the calculated values, e.g. B(z,E) for TMyFunction::operator()()
  // (...) here sketches only that some parameters are likley to be fed
  Double_t GetWhatIsNeeded(...);

  Bool_t fValid;
  vector<Double_t> fPrevParam;

  // definition of the class for the ROOT-dictionary

class TMyFunction : public PUserFcnBase {

  // default constructor and destructor

  // global user-function-access functions, here with some functionality
  Bool_t NeedGlobalPart() const { return true; }
  void SetGlobalPart(vector<void*> &globalPart, UInt_t idx);
  Bool_t GlobalPartIsValid() const;

  // function operator
  Double_t operator()(Double_t, const vector<Double_t>&) const;

  Bool_t fValid;
  Bool_t fInvokedGlobal;
  Int_t  fIdxGlobal;
  TMyGlobalFunction * fGlobalUserFcn;

  // definition of the class for the ROOT dictionary

Compared to the user function without global objects, here the NeedGlobalPart() method returns true meaning that a global user-function object will be needed. Furthermore, the methods SetGlobalPart(vector<void*> &globalPart, UInt_t idx) and GlobalPartIsValid() now need to be implemented. The method SetGlobalPart(vector<void*> &globalPart, UInt_t idx) is used to link the fGlobalUserFcn to the global user object. This routine will look like:

void TMyFunction::SetGlobalPart(vector<void *> &globalPart, UInt_t idx)
  fIdxGlobal = static_cast<Int_t>(idx);

  if ((Int_t)globalPart.size() <= fIdxGlobal) { // global user function not present, invoke it
    fGlobalUserFcn = new TMyGlobalFunction();
    if (fGlobalUserFcn == 0) { // global user function object couldn't be invoked -> error
      fValid = false;
      cerr << endl << ">> TMyFunction::SetGlobalPart(): **ERROR** Couldn't invoke global user function object, sorry ..." << endl;
    } else {  // global user function object could be invoked -> resize to global user function vector and keep the pointer to the corresponding object
      globalPart[fIdxGlobal] = dynamic_cast<TMyGlobalFunction*>(fGlobalUserFcn);
      fValid = true;
      fInvokedGlobal = true;
  } else { // global user function already present hence just retrieve a pointer to it
    fValid = true;
    fGlobalUserFcn = (TMyGlobalFunction*)globalPart[fIdxGlobal];

What it does is the following: it first checks if the object is already present in the global user-function-object vector and if not creates it. If it is already present, the pointer to the global object vector is just kept (see figure above).

A sketch of the method operator()(Double_t, const vector&) const will then look like (pseudo-code snippet):

Double_t TMyFunction::operator()(Double_t t, const vector<Double_t> &param) const
  Double_t result = 0.0;

  // do something, checking, etc.

  // call the global user function object (which will calculate something
  // if param has changed). Hence it will only be done once in a iteration,
  // and therefore only once for all run blocks.

  // extract the needed values from the global object
  value(s) = fGlobalUserFcn->GetWhatIsNeeded(...);

  // use 'value(s)' to do some run block specific calculations (not/less CPU demanding)

  return result;

This way the efficiency of the user function can be increased by almost a factor of n (where n is the number of RUN blocks).


If musrfit has been built with parallelization support (default for GCC > 4.2) it should be taken care of the thread safety of the user-function operator(). During the function optimization of musrfit the operator() is called once for any given set of parameters in order to allow the safe execution of any calculation. Within the single-histogram and asymmetry fits the calculation of \(\chi^2\) or the maximum log-likelihood is parallelized and the operator() is expected to evaluate to reasonable values for a fixed set of parameters (but changing t) beginning with the second function call. In case this cannot be ensured, the parallelization can be disabled by –disable-omp on the configure level of the program installation.

rge-file handler for Low-Energy μSR

In the case of LE-μSR, the muon stopping distribution might have a profound impact on the muon polarization function \(P(t)\). In case of transverse field μSR measurements it can be written as

\[P(t) = \int_0^\infty n(z) \cos(\gamma_\mu B(z) t + \varphi) \, dz\]

where \(n(z)\) is the normaized muon stopping distribution obtained from the Monte-Carlo code TRIM.SP. Normalized means

\[\int_0^\infty n(z) \, dz = 1.\]

\(\gamma_\mu = 2 \pi \times 135.54\) MHz/T is the gyromagnetic ratio of the muon and \(\varphi\) is the initial phase of the muon spins with respect to the positron detector. Typically \(B(z)\) is the function which needs to be dealt with in a specific user function. A simple example would be the Meissner screening of a superconductor, for which

\[B(z) = B_0\, \exp(-z/\lambda),\]

with \(B_0\) being the applied magnetic field, and \(\lambda\) is the magnetic penetration depth.

This means that one needs to deal with the \(n(z)\) objects in all these user functions. \(n(z)\) does not only depend on the depth, but also on the implantation energy \(E_{\rm impl}\). For a real experiment this means that one is calculating a collection (various energies) of muon stopping distribution profiles with TRIM.SP. In the language of TRIM.SP, these files are called rge-files.

Since this is often needed in a detailed analysis of LE-μSR spectra, there is a special rge-file handler class implemented which deals with the loading, normalization and interpolation of these \(n(z, E_{\rm impl})\) objects. The essential user-interface of this class with the name PRgeHandler is given here:

class PRgeHandler : public TObject
    PRgeHandler(std::string fln="");
    virtual ~PRgeHandler() {}

    virtual bool IsValid() { return fValid; }
    virtual PRgeDataList GetRgeData() { return fData; }
    virtual Double_t GetZmax(const Double_t energy);
    virtual Double_t GetZmax(const Int_t idx);
    virtual Double_t Get_n(const Double_t energy, const Double_t z);
    virtual Double_t Get_n(const Int_t idx, const Double_t z);
    virtual Int_t GetEnergyIndex(const Double_t energy);

    bool fValid{false};
    PRgeDataList fData;

    virtual bool ReadRgeFile(const std::string fln, PRgeData &data);

The rge-file objects are loaded internally (see below) and can easily be accessed via this interface. The \(n(z, E_{\rm impl})\) data can either be accessed via Get_n(const Double_t energy, const Double_t z), i.e. via the implantation energy (given in eV), or via Get_n(const Int_t idx, const Double_t z) with the index idx which is the energy index of the collection. Both this routines deliver \(n(z, E_{\rm impl})\) in normalized form. The on via the energy index is slightly more efficient. The routine GetEnergyIndex(const Double_t energy) allows the get the proper energy index of the collection.

In order that class can find the rge-files at runtime, a xml-file is needed when calling the constructor. Very often, specific user-function need some additional input which is not delivered via the msr-files, but via a startup xml-file. In this case the rge-file will be just a part of the startup xml-file. For instance in the case of the Nonlocal Meissner screening user-function class, this looks like this

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<nonlocal xmlns="">
      Fourier and TrimSp information

The relevant portion for the rge-file handler class is starting with the xml tag <trim_sp> and contains four further tags:

  • <data_path>: Here the path where to find the rge-files needs to be given
  • <rge_fln_pre>: Start portion of the rge-file name.
  • <energy_list>: This will embrace all the implantation energies available.
  • <energy>: A single energy (in eV)
  • <energy_vect> : Allows to write an energy list in a more compact form, if the energy spacing between the different rge data sets is equal in distance. The syntax here is attribute driven
<energy_vector start="1000" stop="23000" step="1000"/>

In the given example the files are searched for in the sub-directory call profiles of the current directory. The rge-files have file names like Sn_E1000.rge, Sn_E2000.rge, etc.

In the aforementioned Nonlocal Meissner screening class, in the constructor you will find the following invocation of the rge-handler object:


  // load all the TRIM.SP rge-files
  fRgeHandler = new PRgeHandler("./nonlocal_startup.xml");
  if (!fRgeHandler->IsValid()) {
    std::cout << std::endl << ">> PNL_PippardFitterGlobal::PNL_PippardFitterGlobal **PANIC ERROR**";
    std::cout << std::endl << ">>  rge data handler too unhappy. Will terminate unfriendly, sorry.";
    std::cout << std::endl;
    fValid = false;


And in the operator() function call which calculates the muon spin polarization, it will look like this

Double_t PNL_PippardFitter::operator()(Double_t t, const std::vector<Double_t> &param) const

  // calculate field if parameter have changed
  Int_t energyIndex = fPippardFitterGlobal->GetEnergyIndex(param[0]);
  if (energyIndex == -1) { // energy not found
    std::cerr << std::endl << ">> PNL_PippardFitter::operator() energy " << param[0] << " not found. Will terminate." << std::endl;


  // calcualte polarization
  Bool_t done = false;
  Double_t pol = 0.0, dPol = 0.0;
  Double_t z=0.0;
  Int_t terminate = 0;
  Double_t dz = 1.0;

  do {
    if (z < param[8]) { // z < dead-layer
      dPol = fPippardFitterGlobal->GetMuonStoppingDensity(energyIndex, z) * cos(GAMMA_MU * param[6] * t + param[7] * DEGREE2RAD);
    } else {
      dPol = fPippardFitterGlobal->GetMuonStoppingDensity(energyIndex, z) * cos(GAMMA_MU * param[6] * fPippardFitterGlobal->GetMagneticField(z-param[8]) * t + param[7] * DEGREE2RAD);
    z += dz;
    pol += dPol;

    // change in polarization is very small hence start termination counting
    if (fabs(dPol) < 1.0e-9) {
    } else {
      terminate = 0;

    if (terminate > 10) // polarization died out hence one can stop
      done = true;
  } while (!done);

  return pol*dz;

Technical Description of the musrfit framework

A technical description of the musrfit framework can be found on its own docu.