Syntax of an Auntorun Sequence

To write an autorun sequence, a set of standard commands are available to:

Modify the Parameters of a Device -- SET command

To modify the parameters of a device, the command SET should be used:

SET  <alias>|<equipment name> [<device specific arguments>]


Perform a Run in an Autorun Sequence -- START or STOP command

To start a run in an autorun sequence, the command START should be used:

START S[CALER]    <number of scaler>|<label> <limit>
START H[ISTOGRAM] <number of histogram>|<label> <limit>

Examples: As a rule, if a run was already active when an autorun sequence is started, it will be stopped. The users can nevertheless keep the running run and incoporate it in the autorunsequence by using the command STOP as the first command in the autorun sequence: :

STOP S[CALER]    <number of scaler>|<label> <limit>
STOP H[ISTOGRAM] <number of histogram>|<label> <limit>


Wait for Special Conditions -- WAIT command

Wait a given Amount of Time

There is the possibility to make the autorun sequence process wait a given amount of time before proceeding with the next command:

WAIT <time in seconds>


Wait for reaching Device Specific Condition

The autorun sequence can wait until a device has reached specific conditions.
(Note: to date this command applies only to the LTC21 Temperature Controller).

WAIT <alias>|<equipment name>|<interval [sec]>  [<device specific arg>] [<max interval>]


Change the Titles of a Run

The titles for a run can be modified from the autorunsequence with the command TITLE:

TITLE    S[AMPLE]=<text> F[IELD]=<text> T[EMP]=<text> O[RIENT]=<text> C[OMMENT]=<text>

Note that normally the field, temperature and orientation entries are automatically changed when they have been modified by the command SET or if they have been changed interactively.

Document the Autorun Sequence

Lines of the autorun sequence file beginning with "#" are considered as comments.
Blank lines will be ignored and can be used for styling the autorun sequence script.
The command SEQUENCE is usually placed at the top of the script and define the title of the autorun sequence. This title is displayed for example in the status window of the autorun sequence (see section Status of the Autorun Sequence).

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