MIDAS Analyzer

The following MultiStage Concept section describes in more details the analyzer concept and specific of the operation of the demo.

MultiStage Concept

In order to make data analysis more flexible, a multi-stage concept has been chosen for the analyzer. A raw event is passed through several stages in the analyzer, where each stage has a specific task. The stages read part of the event, analyze it and can add the results of the analysis back to the event. Therefore each stage in the chain can read all results from previous stages. The first stages in the chain typically deal with data calibration (adccalib.c), while the last stages contain the code which produces "physical" (adcsum.c) results like particle energies etc. The multi stage concept allows collaborations of people to use standard modules for the calibration stages which ensures that all members deal with the identical calibrated data, while the last stages can be modified by individuals to look at different aspects of the data. The stage system makes use of the MIDAS bank system. Each stage can read existing banks from an event and add more banks with calculated data. Following picture gives an example of an analyzer consisting of three stages where the first two stages make an ADC and a MWPC calibration, respectively. They add a "Calibrated ADC" bank and a "MWPC" bank which are used by the third stage which calculates angles between particles:


Since data is contained in MIDAS banks, the system knows how to interpret the data. By declaring new bank name in the analyzer.c as possible production data bank, a simple switch in the ODB gives the option to enable the recording of this bank into the result file. The user code for each stage is contained in a "module". Each module has a begin-of-run, end-of-run and an event routine. The BOR routine is typically used to book histograms, the EOR routine can do peak fitting etc. The event routine is called for each event that is received online or off-line.

Analyzer parameters

Each analyzer has a dedicated directory in the ODB under which all the parameters realitve to this analyzer can be accessed. The path name is given from the "Analyzer name" specified in the analyzer.c under the analyzer_name. In case of concurrent analyzer, make sure that no conflict in name is present. By default the name is "Analyzer".
/* The analyzer name (client name) as seen by other MIDAS clients   */
char *analyzer_name = "Analyzer";

The ODB structure under it has the following fields

[host:expt:S]/Analyzer>ls -l
Key name                        Type    #Val  Size  Last Opn Mode Value
Parameters                      DIR
Output                          DIR
Book N-tuples                   BOOL    1     4     1m   0   RWD  y
Bank switches                   DIR
Module switches                 DIR
ODB Load                        BOOL    1     4     19h  0   RWD  n
Trigger                         DIR
Scaler                          DIR

Analyzer Module parameters

Each analyzer module can contain a set of parameters to either control its behavior, . These parameters are kept in the ODB under /Analyzer/Parameters/<module name> and mapped automatically to C structures in the analyzer modules. Changing these values in the ODB can therefore control the analyzer. In order to keep the ODB variables and the C structure definitions matched, the ODBEdit command make generates the file experim.h which contains C structures for all the analyzer parameters. This file is included in all analyzer source code files and provides access to the parameters from within the module file under the name <module name>_param.

Analyzer Flow chart

The general operation of the analyzer can be summerized as follow:

HBOOK analyzer description (old doc)


This defines a section of 8 megabytes or 2 megawords of share memory for HBOOK/Midas data storage. This definition is found in analyzer.c. In case many histograms are booked in the user code, this value probably has to be increased in order not to crash HBOOK. If the analyzer runs online, the section is kept in shared memory. In case the operating system only supports a smaller amount of shared memory, this value has to be decreased. Next, the file contains the analyzer name

char *analyzer_name = "Analyzer";

under which the analyzer appears in the ODB (via the ODBEdit command scl). This also determines the analyzer root tree name as /Analyzer. In case several analyzers are running simultaneously (in case of distributed analysis on different machines for example), they have to use different names like Analyzer1 and Analyzer2 which then creates two separate ODB trees /Analyzer1 and /Analyzer2 which is necessary to control the analyzers individually. Following structures are then defined in analyzer.c: runinfo, global_param, exp_param and trigger_settings. They correspond to the ODB trees /Runinfo, /Analyzer/Parameters/Global, /Experiment/Run parameters and /Equipment/Trigger/Settings, respectively. The mapping is done in the analyzer_init() routine. Any analyzer module (via an extern statement) can use the contents of these structures. If the experiment parameters contain an flag to indicate the run type for example, the analyzer can analyze calibration and data runs differently. The module declaration section in analyzer.c defines two "chains" of modules, one for trigger events and one for scaler events. The framework calls these according to their order in these lists. The modules of type ANA_MODULE are defined in their source code file. The enabled flag for each module is copied to the ODB under /Analyzer/Module switches. By setting this flag zero in the ODB, modules can be disabled temporarily. Next, all banks have to be defined. This is necessary because the framework automatically books N-tuples for all banks at startup before any event is received. Online banks which come from the frontend are first defined, then banks created by the analyzer:

 // online banks 

 // calculated banks  
  asum_bank_str },

The first entry is the bank name, the second the bank type. The type has to match the type which is created by the frontend. The type TID_STRUCT is a special bank type. These banks have a fixed length which matches a C structure. This is useful when an analyzer wants to access named variables inside a bank like asum_bank.sum. The third entry is the size of the bank in bytes in case of structured banks or the maximum number of items (not bytes!) in case of variable length banks. The last entry is the ASCII representation of the bank in case of structured banks. This is used to create the bank on startup under /Equipment/Trigger/Variables/<bank name>.

The next section in analyzer.c defines the ANALYZE_REQUEST list. This determines which events are received and which routines are called to analyze these events. A request can either contain an "analyzer routine" which is called to analyze the event or a "module list" which has been defined above. In the latter case all modules are called for each event. The requests are copied to the ODB under /Analyzer/<equipment name>/Common. Statistics like number of analyzed events is written under /Analyzer/<equipment name>/Statistics. This scheme is very similar to the frontend Common and Statistics tree under /Equipment/<equipment name>/. The last entry of the analyzer request determines the HBOOK buffer size for online N-tuples. The analyzer_init() and analyzer_exit() routines are called when the analyzer starts or exits, while the ana_begin_of_run() and ana_end_of_run() are called at the beginning and end of each run. The ana_end_of_run() routine in the example code writes a run log file runlog.txt which contains the current time, run number, run start time and number of received events.

If more parameters are necessary, perform the following procedure:

  1. modify/add new parameters in the current ODB.
    [host:expt:S]ADC calibration>set Pedestal[9] 3
    [host:expt:S]ADC calibration>set "Software Gain[9]" 3
    [host:expt:S]ADC calibration>create double "Upper threshold"
    [host:expt:S]ADC calibration>set "Upper threshold" 400
    [host:expt:S]ADC calibration>ls -lr
    Key name                        Type    #Val  Size  Last Opn Mode Value
    ADC calibration                 DIR
        Pedestal                    INT     10    4     2m   0   RWD
                                            [0]             174
                                            [1]             194
                                            [2]             176
                                            [3]             182
                                            [4]             185
                                            [5]             215
                                            [6]             202
                                            [7]             202
                                            [8]             0
                                            [9]             3
        Software Gain               FLOAT   10    4     2m   0   RWD
                                            [0]             1
                                            [1]             1
                                            [2]             1
                                            [3]             1
                                            [4]             1
                                            [5]             1
                                            [6]             1
                                            [7]             1
                                            [8]             0
                                            [9]             0
        Histo threshold             DOUBLE  1     8     53m  0   RWD  20
        Upper threshold             DOUBLE  1     4     3s   0   RWD  400
  2. Generate experim.h
    [host:expt:S]ADC calibration>make
    "experim.h" has been written to /home/midas/online
  3. Update the module with the new parameters.
    ---> adccalib.c
    fill ADC histos if above threshold 
    for (i=0 ; i<n_adc ; i++)
    if ((cadc[i] > (float) adccalib_param.histo_threshold)
     && (cadc[i] < (float) adccalib_param.upper_threshold))
        HF1(ADCCALIB_ID_BASE+i, cadc[i], 1.f);
  4. Rebuild the analyzer.

In the case global parameter is necessary for several modules, start by doing the step 1 & 2 from the enumeration above and carry on with the following procedure below:

  1. Declare the parameter global in analyzer.c
    // ODB structures 
    GLOBAL_PARAM     global_param;
  2. Update ODB structure and open record for that parameter (hot link).
    ---> analyzer.c
    sprintf(str, "/%s/Parameters/Global", analyzer_name);
    db_create_record(hDB, 0, str, strcomb(global_param_str));
    db_find_key(hDB, 0, str, &hKey);
    if (db_open_record(hDB, hKey, &global_param
        , sizeof(global_param), MODE_READ, NULL, NULL) != DB_SUCCESS) {
      cm_msg(MERROR, "analyzer_init", "Cannot open \"%s\" tree in ODB", str);
      return 0;
  3. Declare the parameter extern in the required module
    ---> adccalib.c
    extern GLOBAL_PARAM  global_param;

Online usage with PAW

Once the analyzer is build, run it by entering: analyzer [-h <host name>] [-e <exp name>]

where <host name> and <exp name> are optional parameters to connect the analyzer to a remote back-end computer. This attaches the analyzer to the ODB, initializes all modules, creates the PAW shared memory and starts receiving events from the system buffer. Then start PAW and connect to the shared memory and display its contents

PAW > global_s onln
PAW > hist/list
    1  Trigger
    2  Scaler
 1000  CADC00
 1001  CADC01
 1002  CADC02
 1003  CADC03
 1004  CADC04
 1005  CADC05
 1006  CADC06
 1007  CADC07
 2000  ADC sum

For each equipment, a N-tuple is created with a N-tuple ID equal to the event ID. The CADC histograms are created from the adc_calib_bor() routine in adccalib.c. The N-tuple contents is derived from the banks of the trigger event. Each bank has a switch under /Analyzer/Bank switches. If the switch is on (1), the bank is contained in the N-tuple. The switches can be modified during runtime causing the N-tuples to be rebooked. The N-tuples can be plotted with the standard PAW commands:

PAW > nt/print 1
PAW > nt/plot 1.sum
PAW > nt/plot 1.sum cadc0>3000


While histograms contain the full statistics of a run, N-tuples are kept in a ring-buffer. The size of this buffer is defined in the ANALYZE_REQUEST structure as the last parameter. A value of 10000 creates a buffer which contains N-tuples for 10000 events. After 10000 events, the first events are overwritten. If the value is increased, it might be that the PAWC size (PAWC_DEFINE in analyzer.c) has to be increased, too. An advantage of keeping the last 10000 events in a buffer is that cuts can be made immediately without having to wait for histograms to be filled. On the other hand care has to be taken in interpreting the data. If modifications in the hardware are made during a run, events which reflect the modifications are mixed with old data. To clear the ring-buffer for a N-tuple or a histogram during a run, the ODBEdit command [local]/>hi analyzer <id>

where <id> is the N-tuple ID or histogram ID. An ID of zero clears all histograms but no N-tuples. The analyzer has two more ODB switches of interest when running online. The /Analyzer/Output/Histo Dump flag and /Analyzer/Output/Histo Dump Filename determine if HBOOK histograms are written after a run. This file contains all histograms and the last ring-buffer of N-tuples. It can be read in with PAW:

PAW >hi/file 1 run00001.rz 8190
PAW > ldir

The /Analyzer/Output/Clear histos flag tells the analyzer to clear all histograms and N-tuples at the beginning of a run. If turned off, histograms can be accumulated over several runs.

Offline usage with PAW

The analyzer can be used for off-line analysis without recompilation. It can read from MIDAS binary files (*.mid), analyze the data the same way as online, and the write the result to an output file in MIDAS binary format, ASCII format or HBOOK RZ format. If written to a RZ file, the output contains all histograms and N-tuples as online, with the difference that the N-tuples contain all events, not only the last 10000. The contents of the N-tuples can be a combination of raw event data and calculated data. Banks can be turned on and off in the output via the /Analyzer/Bank switches flags. Individual modules can be activated/deactivated via the /Analyzer/Module switches flags.

The RZ files can be analyzed and plotted with PAW. Following flags are available when the analyzer is started off-line:

Midas DOC Version 1.9.5 ---- PSI Stefan Ritt ----
Contributions: Pierre-Andre Amaudruz - Sergio Ballestrero - Suzannah Daviel - Doxygen - Peter Green - Qing Gu - Greg Hackman - Gertjan Hofman - Paul Knowles - Rudi Meier - Glenn Moloney - Dave Morris - John M O'Donnell - Konstantin Olchanski - Renee Poutissou - Tamsen Schurman - Andreas Suter - Jan M.Wouters - Piotr Adam Zolnierczuk