Low-Energy Muon (LEM) Experiment
Here you might find some of your questions answered:
A detailed description can be found here: SampleChange
Important note (for internal use only): in case the sample cryo has been changed, also change it for the midas system via ConfigSetup on the main experiment webpage (see also SampleChange).
In order that the whole update procedure works, the 'SampleCryo' frontend needs to be running, furthermore any typo in the name will prevent the procedure to work. For more details see SampleChange.
Each used cryostate for the LEM experiment has slightly different He flow values for given temperature, therefore the will be discussed seperatly here.
For the He flow (BH Flow setpoint) there is a very simple relationship between temperature and good He flow:
In order that this is working properly, the manual needle valve at the transfer line needs to be set properly. If not, you will notice flow and temperature oscillations. For temperature greater or about 10 K an opening of about 0.15-0.3 (turns starting from the closed position, indicated by the scale on the turning nob of the needle valve) should be fine. For lower temperature it has to be found experimentally.
For the He flow (BH Flow setpoint) there is a very simple relationship between temperature and good He flow:
In order that this is working properly, the needle valve at the transfer line needs to be set properly. If not, you will notice flow and temperature oscillations. If you are not running lemAutoRun, you can adjust the needle valve position via the needle valve setting in the sample-cryo frontend.
To be written yet ...
To be written yet ...
To be written yet ...
Yes, there are! The first and upmost important is that you shouldn't use ramping speeds greater than 5K/min, both, for cooling as well as for warming up. Another important rule of thumb is that the StabilityTimeout constant of the TEMP autoRun command should follow this equation
StabilityTimeout > 120 (Tstart[K] - Tend[K]) / ramping[K/min],
otherwise it is likely that the end temperature Tend is not reached within the timeout. A more detailed description can be found in the lemAutoRun manual and/or here.
Have you set the He flow properly? See Cryo Konti-1, if the flow is set properly, most probably the manual needle valve at the LHe transfer line is not. The get rid of these temperature and flow oscillations you need to either slightly open or close it. For the electric needlevalves see How to remotely set the needlevalve of the transferline?
What can happen when increasing the sample temperature too fast is that the pressure in the sample chamber is exceeding a level of 1.0e-6 mbar. At this level the high voltage (HV) interlock will fire switching off the power of the HV power supplies in the sample region (FUG: Sample, Sample_G1, Sample_G2, RA-R, RA-L). What to do? If the pressure condition is OK again, i.e. p < 1.0e-6 mbar, the sample HV interlock needs to be rested manually. The HV interlock for the FUG HV power supply of the sample chamber is found on top of the sample temperature controller (see also SampleChange where there is a picture of the sample HV interlock). By dipping the dip switch, the power of the FUG HV power supplies will come back, and the HV can be ramped back.
Most likely the sample region HV interlock was activated or not reseted after a sample change. This is leading to this puzzling behaviour. Since the FUG HV power supplies (used for the HV's) are analogly actuated, this can feign HV ramping, though the HV power supplies are actually off! This fake ramping is up to seemingly 3.5kV possible. So if you have any doubts: check the sample HV interlock (are any other HV interlock for the FUG's).
The experiment responsable will give you the necessary passwords at the beginning of your beamtime.
Adjustment of Mirror angle: if you want to increase the angle (from 295.5 at the nonius to 296 degree, for example), you can do it without any precaution (except shutting down HV). If you want to go from 295.5 to 295 degree, first go to a smaller angle (290 degree, for example) and then increase to 295 in order to account for the mechanical slip.
The magnet field B (in Gauss) is given by the WEW current I (in A):
B = 0.866 + 5.702 * I,
I = 0.1754 * B - 0.1519.
A few values:
Field (G) | Current (A) |
50.0 | 8.62 |
100.0 | 17.39 |
150.0 | 26.16 |
200.0 | 34.93 |
250.0 | 43.70 |
Remanent field after running degauss_bruker: Bx=By=0.01 G, Bz=-0.08 G.
The magnetic field B (in Gauss) of the B-parallel magnet at the sample position is related to the current I (in A) through the magnet as
B = 1.63 + 32.376 * I,
I = 0.030887 * B - 0.050346.
A few values:
Field (G) | Current (A) |
50.0 | 1.49 |
100.0 | 3.04 |
150.0 | 4.58 |
200.0 | 6.13 |
250.0 | 7.67 |
Remanent field after running degauss_danfysik: Bx=0.01 G, By=-0.17G, Bz=0.12 G.
The data of the low energy muon experiment are stored in *.root files. The .root file is written every 5 minutes, so that it contains also the data of the active run. The online view programs and the online data analysis (e.g. WKM) are able to read these files.
The *.root files can be converted into
by the program root2many.
The commandline for this program reads:
root2many file_type runnumber [-postpileup] [-y##] [-rebin ##]
is one of the type mentioned above in bold-face runnumber
can be a 1812to1824
, in which the case the files 1812 until and including 1824 will be converted. -postpileup
results in converting the post_pile_up corrected histograms. -y06
. If omitted, the present year will be used. -rebin 10
causing groups of 10 data points being added into a new bin. Note that because of the structure of the PSIBIN and MUD data files there will be always a rebinning such that the histogram length is smaller than 32000.
Acknowledgement The conversion to mud file is done by calling mud_utils from TRIUMF
If the Midas data acquisition system registers an alarm condition an alarm notification can be sent by SMS and/or e-mail. Follow the instruction given in this elog entry to activate alarm notification and to change the SMS and/or e-mail address.
Explanation: the LEM transport setting is protecting itself from too high trigger detector rates (TD rates). If the TD rate is above a given threshold (typically 1e6) it will shutdown the HV's of the LEM transport system (HV FUG). An ongoing run will be paused immediately.
How should one proceed if this is happening? First try to ramp the FUG HV's gradually back to where they were before the trip. Keep an eye on the TD rate, otherwise you will start all over again faster than you think. If the FUG HV's are ramped back and the TD rates are OK, just resume the paused run. If you cannot get the FUG HV's ramped back without causing HV trips something is wrong and you should call your local contact.
Note: It might happen that you get a TD HV trip during an autorun sequence when NO run is active, e.g. when changing the temperature. In this case, lemAutoRun will not go on with its sequence as long as the warning (red bar with a message as in the title of this FAQ) is active. However, as soon as you reset the warning, the system is assuming that you have resolved the problem and will go on. Hence, best practice is first to fix the problem, and only than reset the warning!
The following table is showing you optimal ring anode (RA) steerings for a given field (15kV Transport settings only, sorry):
B (G) (I (A)) | E (keV) | RAL (kV) | RAR (kV) | RAT/RAB (kV) | RAL-RAR (kV) |
95.1 (3.03) | 2.0 | 10.396 | 10.724 | 10.56 | -0.328 |
95.1 (3.03) | 4.0 | 10.405 | 10.715 | 10.56 | -0.310 |
95.1 (3.03) | 6.0 | 10.426 | 10.694 | 10.56 | -0.268 |
95.1 (3.03) | 10.0 | 10.422 | 10.698 | 10.56 | -0.276 |
95.1 (3.03) | 20.0 | 10.435 | 10.685 | 10.56 | -0.250 |
144.6 (4.57) | 2.0 | 10.248 | 10.872 | 10.56 | -0.624 |
144.6 (4.57) | 4.0 | 10.257 | 10.864 | 10.56 | -0.607 |
144.6 (4.57) | 6.0 | 10.2755 | 10.8435 | 10.56 | -0.568 |
144.6 (4.57) | 10.0 | 10.2965 | 10.8235 | 10.56 | -0.527 |
144.6 (4.57) | 20.0 | 10.3035 | 10.8165 | 10.56 | -0.513 |
258.5 (8.08) | 2.0 | 9.822 | 11.298 | 10.56 | -1.476 |
258.5 (8.08) | 4.0 | 9.819 | 11.301 | 10.56 | -1.482 |
258.5 (8.08) | 6.0 | 9.819 | 11.301 | 10.56 | -1.482 |
258.5 (8.08) | 10.0 | 9.839 | 11.281 | 10.56 | -1.442 |
258.5 (8.08) | 20.0 | 9.8705 | 11.2495 | 10.56 | -1.379 |
For fields different from the ones given in the table use the following formula:
and for the implantation energy fine tuning Fig.4 Bottom of the memo Ag 20 x 20 mm2 on a Ni Sample Plate.
For details see the memo Ag 20 x 20 mm2 on a Ni Sample Plate.
Unfortunately not for the current setup! The reason is that the positron counter positioning is not very reproducable. If you need proper values for the ring anode steering see For the Bpar/Danfysik setup: what is the best ring anode steering for a given field?.
As precessing background is understood muons precessing at Bext, i.e. they missed the sample but stopped on the Ag coated Al sample plate. This precessing background depends on Bext and the implantation energy E. For proper ring anode steerings some estimates can be found in the memo Ag 20 x 20 mm2 on a Ni Sample Plate, Table 2 and Figure 5.
See the following e-log entry. For the Bpar setup, the maximal transmission is given for -45 degree spin rotation. If working with a spin rotation angle of -10 degree, the spin rotator is operated in separator mode and efficiently suppresses correlated background from the moderator.
Have you set a value for demand temperature ramping (ramping for short)? If yes, this might be the reason. If you are NOT using LEM autorun, just switch ramping off or do not complain!
If you are using LEM autorun, in principle it should work for reasonable rampings (1-2 K/min). For details see LEM Auto Run Sequence : a description of the LEM Auto Run Sequence, section "Implementation of Set Sample Temperature and the Temperature Monitoring during a Run"
Press on the 'Stop AutoRun' botton on the autorun page. If this is done while changing temperature, there is a good chance that on of the valves BPVX/Y is still closed, so better check it!
No events typically means: closed valves! In case of the low energy muon apparatus there are several valves/beam blockers which might be closed. There are two beam blockers KV61, KV62 (the main beam blocker of the muE4 beamline) which could be closed. In the low energy apparatus, there are two gate valves (called BPVX and BPVY) which are separating the vacuum chambers (BPVX is separating the moderator chamber from the trigger chamber, and BPVY the trigger chamber from the sample chamber). To open KV61, KV62, either go down to the entrance door of the muE4 area where you will find two switches for the two beam blockers. They can be opened remotely via the beamline frontend. The BPVX/Y can be opened remotely via the LEMVAC frontend.
On either pc8581 or pc7962, enter beamline in a terminal to start beam line control. Current best settings for LE-uSR are:
In 11/2006 and spring 2007:WSXon_13Oct2006_300kV_scale099.set.
In 09/2006 and 10/2006: WSXon_18Sep2006_300kV_scale099.set.
In 2005 and spring 2006: WSXon_tune_609-612_300kV_scale099.set.
For low-intensity tests:
These files can be loaded by pressing the 'Load' button. '0.99p' corresponds to a beam momentum of 27.72 MeV/c.
This can be done from the web interface by restarting the beamline slow control frontend:
On either pc8581, pc7962, or pc7776:
The implantation energy is automatically calculated by the nemu_analyzer and is also written to the run summary file
where is the energy loss of the muons in the carbon foil of the so-called 'Trigger-Detector' (TD).
The energy loss for different Moderator_HV's in the 2.6ug/cm2 TD foil (2008-...) is given in elog:LEM_Experiment/4047.
The energy loss for different Moderator_HV's in the 2.2ug/cm2 TD foil (2003-2007) is given in elog:LEM_Experiment/1535.
It may happen that due to electric noise an interlock of a power supply becomes active. In this case, you have to go to the power supply gallery and do the following steps:
For 2013, 4-cm target E, muE4_20130518.set settings (new EPICS control),
For 2012, 4-cm target E, WSXon_30Jun2007_300kV_0-99p_piE5-106MeVc.set settings,
For 2011, 4-cm target E, WSXon_30Jun2007_300kV_0-99p_piE5-106MeVc.set settings,
For 2010, 4-cm target E, WSXon_30Jun2007_300kV_0-99p_piE5-106MeVc.set settings,
For 2009, 4-cm target E, WSXon_30Jun2007_300kV_0-99p_piE5-106MeVc.set settings,
For 2008, 4-cm target E, WSXon_30Jun2007_300kV_0-99p_piE5-106MeVc.set settings,
From Sep 2007 on, 4-cm Target E, WSXon_30Jun2007_300kV_0-99p_piE5-106MeVc.set settings (after centering p-beam on target, piE5 momentum set back to 28MeV/c):
For June/July 2007, 4-cm Target E, WSXon_30Jun2007_300kV_0-99p_piE5-106MeVc.set settings (after centering p-beam on target):
For spring 2007, 4-cm Target E, WSXon_13Oct2006_300kV_scale099.set settings (after muE4 repair):
For autumn 2006, 4-cm Target E, WSXon_13Oct2006_300kV_scale099.set settings:
Note: If you recognize a drop of the LE-uSR event rate by about 20% it is most probably caused by a switch of the proton beam from SINQ to beam dump!!! The maximum proton currents for operation on beam dump are
Login to lem00.
All clients can be stopped via the 'Programs' page of the web interface. If stopping fails, goto How to kill a single hanging Midas process?. To restart a client, login to lem00 and enter
[nemu@lem00 nemu]$ nemu_start_midas
(the most, but not all clients can be started as well on the 'Programs' page of the web interface. The use of nemu_start_midas is the safest way to do).
If the process is still running, try to quit it via the 'Programs' page of the web-interface. If it cannot get stopped that way (error message like: Cannot shut down client "HV Detectors", please kill manually and do an ODB cleanup) kill it manually, which works the following: on the DAQ machine enter the linux command ps aux | grep proc_name where proc_name is the hanging process. You will get a list like
nemu 6589 0.7 2.5 25204 22692 ? S Feb13 33:12 mhttpd -p 80 -e nemu -D nemu 6606 0.0 0.5 6276 4576 ? S Feb13 0:00 vme_fe -D nemu 6612 0.0 0.3 4800 2868 ? S Feb13 0:48 lemvac_scfe -D nemu 6620 0.0 0.2 4828 2228 ? S Feb13 2:17 hv_fug_scfe -D nemu 6636 0.0 0.2 4836 2204 ? S Feb13 1:31 sample_scfe -D nemu 6640 0.0 0.2 4828 2248 ? S Feb13 1:28 mod_cryo_scfe -D nemu 6648 0.0 2.9 58012 26880 ? S Feb13 0:00 nemu_analyzer -l -D
the second number is the process id (PID), e.g. 6612 is the PID of the process lemvac_scfe. To kill it enter: kill -9 6612. This should kill the process, yet the process will not have disappeared from the Midas system. Therefore you have to perform a cleanup command in the odbedit.
It may happen, that the Midas history and the Midas message system (with elog) is no longer available at the web interface. The safest way to solve the problem is to execute the recover procedure as described in How to start/recover/stop the Midas system?.
Also, you can do it manually if a run is stopped!!!:
If the process is still running, try to quit it via the 'Programs' page of the web-interface. If it cannot get stopped that way (error message like: Cannot shut down client "HV Detectors", please kill manually and do an ODB cleanup) kill it manually (How to kill a single hanging Midas process? ). If you have stopped the process check the status of the RS232 terminal server. This is done the following way: enter the url of the RS232 terminal server in a web-browser (psts03). There you will see a list of all the services running on the RS232 terminal server. Check the status of your device: the port should be 'available', if it is still connected, the RS232 terminal server is blocking the port. In this case you have to logout this port (see How to logout a blocking port at the RS232 terminal server? )
Open a telnet session on the RS232 terminal server (e.g. telnet psts03). At the prompt Username> enter s another prompt will show: Local_34>. At the new prompt you enter the command su. The RS232 terminal server will ask you for the password (see How to change a Sample? ); enter it and the prompt will change to Local_34>>. Now you can enter the logout command logout port x, where x is the port number. The port number is a number between 1 and 32. To logout and quit the telnet session enter logout.
The program msc -d mscbxxx, where xxx is the number of the MSCB line to be checked, can be used to address, scan, and manipulate MSCB nodes. It is a command line driven tool. Once connected to a MSCB line, entering help gives you the list of the available commands.
Check if you can ping the MSCB submaster (the ping command is stopped by CTRL-C). If the submaster is OK you get something like
[nemu]$ ping mscb007 PING mscb007.psi.ch ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from MSCB007.psi.ch ( icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=1.87 ms 64 bytes from MSCB007.psi.ch ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=2.26 ms 64 bytes from MSCB007.psi.ch ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=1.98 ms 64 bytes from MSCB007.psi.ch ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=1.88 ms
if it is not reachable it will look like this
[nemu]$ ping mscb006 PING mscb006.psi.ch ( 56(84) bytes of data. From lem00.psi.ch ( icmp_seq=0 Destination Host Unreachable From lem00.psi.ch ( icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable From lem00.psi.ch ( icmp_seq=2 Destination Host Unreachable
--- mscb006.psi.ch ping statistics --- 5 packets transmitted, 0 received, +3 errors, 100% packet loss, time 4048ms , pipe 4
If the submaster is pingable, check the particular line with msc (see How to check an MSCB line without Midas? ), if it is OK, restarting the submaster should be working. If you cannot find anything with a msc-scan, the MSCB hardware modules need to be checked!
If the submaster is not pingable it needs to be repowered, this can be done remotely using lemplug (see How to remotely repower some of the slowcontrol equipment using lemplug? ). After repowering the MSCB submaster, wait a few seconds (the submaster needs first to get a new IP address, etc.), than repeat the whole proceedure (ping, msc-scan, ...).
Part of the slowcontrol equipment is the lemplug (for details see Slowcontrol ). The slowcontrol process for the lemplug device (Leunig ePowerSwitch M8) is running on the DAQ PC in a separate experiment 'lemplug' (see lemplug). The lemplug is a remotely switchable power outlet with 8 independent 230V outlets. The corresponding channels in the slowcontrol equipment are self-explanatory.
The transferlines of the Konti-cryostats have equipped with a steppermotor for remote setting. On the status page of the SampleCryo (see Slowcontrol for details) one finds at the end of the input variables the needlevalve readback. The unit is %. If the value is -300 then the front_end for the steppermotor is not running or a wrong read_back_device is in the database. If the value is < -500 then the reading is out of range, probably the lemo-plug (yellow) in the top of the motor has been removed (for sample or dewar change ?) or the SCS900 is not working. Values between 0 - 100 % are OK. At very low temperature a value of 10 - 90 is possible, above about 20 K something like 3-5 % should be the correct value. The needlevalve can be set on the botton part of the status page. The next value is the modus of the transferline steppermotor: 0 means only read_back, 1 means raed_back and setting from this page, while 2 means that autorun can set the needlevalve. The needlevalve can always be moved manually, the software keeps track. If one tries to set the valve while the cables are removed a warning will be issued. Setting of the valve should be such that the Bronkhorst flow regulator can do its job: that is the pressure should be not much higher than 0.9 barr (to maintain a pressure gradient over the transferline) and the valve position of the Bronkhorst should be between 0 and 1, otherwise the Bronkhorst is out off its regulation range. Autorun is using these criteria to update the needelvalve setting if it is allowed to do so.
Some good starting values for the needlevalve are:
Temperature (K) | NeedleValve (%) |
4.0 | 60 |
5.0 | 20 |
8.0 | 10 |
12.0 | 7 |
15.0 | 5 |
20.0 | 4 |
>20.0 | 4 |
On either pc8581 or pc7962, run LEMu (case sensitive) from the bash shell.
The plot canvas is divided to three parts: 1) run title, as taken from the root file. 2) Left (up) detector asymmetry. 3) Raw histograms. For the Asymmetry part:
The errors in A(t) are calculated using the linearly-independent error propagantion formula.
On either pc8581 or pc7962, run in terminal:
On either pc8581 or pc7962, data files are available in
On either pc8581 or pc7962, these files are available in
A printout is in the LEM counting room. Electronically, they are saved in the LEM elog
From May-2007 on they are calculated automatically by the program nemu_analyzer and updated in the Online Data Base (ODB) in /Info/t0_parameter, and written to the histogram run header as well as to the summary files. The following elog entries address the basics of t0 calculation:
WKM can read read *.root files by setting the type to ROOT and the format to NEMU, e.g.
RUN lem07_his_1000 ROOT NEMU
in the *.msr file.
If one want to read the postpileup data then one should use ROOT20 as a type, e.g.
RUN lem07_his_1000 ROOT20 NEMU
in the *.msr file.
A root macro getAlpha.C can be used for checking alpha's and goodness of data at low implantation energies and early times (t-t0 < 100ns). A detailed explanation on howto use and how it works can be found here.
Check this elog entry.