The main manual page of the LEM experiment at PSI.
User operation manuals
- FAQ : LEM frequently asked questions
LEM Manual: A full user manual for running a LEM experiment including the essentail information about the Auto Run. A PDF versions is also available.
- LEM Auto Run Sequence
: A description of the LEM Auto Run Sequence
- Chapters related to the data acquisition (DAQ) system:
- Links to separate LEM documentations:
How to create this documentation:
cd to nemu/midas/experiment/nemu/doc and enter
$ doxygen nemu_dox.cfg
It writes html and Latex output to
/home/nemu/doc/nemu/html and /home/nemu/doc/nemu/latex. The directory /home/nemu/doc must be existing. Then, to copy files to the web server, run
$ ./update_nemu_doc